Welcome To Glimpses Of The Universe
I created these pages for folks to enjoy themselves and maybe learn something new at the same time. I hope I am getting closer to that point. I know I learned a lot creating these pages. So please feel free to browse these pages and let me know what you think. Because even though I created these pages for my own satisfaction, I really created them for yours.
If you are using an I.E. Browser please go to the font options and change it to "smaller" to get the true design of the site. One other note, the pages are best viewed with a display setting of 800 x 600 and 16 high color. The graphics especially on the new planets page just look a little cleaner.
The New Planets Page is an exposition on the new 'exo-bodies' that have been discovered. The links to some artist's creations of what these planets might look like really make this worth seeing.

What Will We Do When Our Sun Dies? A discussion about the life cycle of stars and about our sun. Find out when we might have to move our planet. It may be sooner then you think. Glimpses Travel Page contains some great pictorial archives and informational links that will transport you to almost anywhere in space. The Featured Scientist page is featuring Carl Sagan. This page has what the name implies plus a little of my own humble commentary.
What's New
The What Will We Do When Our Sun Dies site is completed. This three page presentation deals with the life cycles of stars and our own star, the sun. It also contains some of the my thoughts about what we will do when our sun will drift from it's main sequence burning. I hope you can take the time to look at these pages, I think they have some good content. The timeline of our sun may surprise you.
The Featured Scientist Page will be updated shortly with a new in depth look at a scientist from the seventeenth century who changed how we viewed ourselves within the universe. Lastly, there is also a Featured Scientist archives. I just don't have the heart to delete these pages.
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It is my hope that you have found some things of interest here. I would like to thank everyone who visited this year. You have made my page a worthwhile endeavor for me. Thanks again..
Your comments and suggestions are always welcome...
[Travel Page][Extra Solar Planets] [Featured Scientist] [What Will We Do?][Scientist Archives]