Here's another view of the Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 apochromatic refractor on the AP600E GoTo mount (now sold).
HSP 2009 is September 16 - 20). Program details will be uploaded here later in the spring of 2009...
This is Jupiter showing planetary rotation and the Great Red Spot taken October 11, 1998 with my Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 refractor barlowed to f/70!
This is Jupiter showing the Great Red Spot taken September 24, 1998 with my Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 refractor barlowed to f/70!
This is a shot of Saturn taken September 10, 1998 with my Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 refractor barlowed to f/70!
This is Jupiter and Ganymede (just after transit) taken September 1, 1998 with my Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 refractor barlowed to f/70!
This is Jupiter taken September 4, 1998 with my Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 refractor barlowed to f/70!
This is Jupiter taken September 10, 1998 over an 80 minute period at infrared wavelengths with my Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 refractor barlowed to f/70!
This is a mosaic of M31 taken July 25, 1998 with my Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 refractor focal reduced to f/5.2. Each segment is a "track & stack" of ten 90 second exposures!
This is a new image of M51 taken June 29, 1998 with my Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 refractor barlowed to about f/10.5. It is a "track & stack" of fifty-one 60 second exposures!
This is a false colour image of a sunspot taken July 15, 1998 with my Astro-Physics 5.6" f/7 refractor barlowed to f/14!
*** Image Navigator ***
2000 NB GLX 1.8T! I want to see the Cybergreen machine!
Weather! Let me check out the weather first!
Galaxies! Show me some distant island universes!
Planets! Show me some rocks circling the sun!
Nebulae! Show me some glowing gas!
The Moon! Show me our nearest neighbour!
Comets! Show me a dirty snowball!
Mother Earth! Show me the home planet!)
View the current Toronto area traffic from the MTO Compass Camera network!
Don't forget to visit the SSAA
For fabulous planetary & solar CCD images check out Brian Colville's home page!
For aurora info link to University Of Lethbridge solar site!
For Cookbook 245 info link to Richard Berry's CCD
Cookbook Camera page!
Check out our co-operative book effort The Art And Science Of CCD Astronomy!
Visit the surface of Mars by surfing the Mars Rovers site!
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polar orbiting Iridium satellite glint predictions for your location (you must know your latitude & longitude fairly accurately (to the nearest minute - aviation maps are good for this - Check article in May 1998 Sky & Telescope)
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