Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby
Tech Day
January 22, 2005
10 AM - 2 PM
January 29, 2005
10 AM - 2 PM
January 30, 2005
1 PM - 3 PM

Race Rules
Race Divisions:
Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Junior Webelos, Senior Webelos and
Family. Each car will race three times, once on each lane of the track. The
finish times for the three races will be added together and cars with the
lowest overall times will be the winners.
1st, 2nd, 3rd place finishers in each age group and
overall will receive awards. Judges will also determine awards for special
categories, such as Coolest Car, Funniest Car, or Best Scouting Theme.
Tech Day:
Come to Barton Creek Elementary cafeteria where you'll
find the official race track fully assembled and ready to receive your car
for a test run or two. Don't worry about your car's degree-of-readiness,
that's irrelevant. If your vehicle veers to the left or to the right, learn
how to correct it. If the car's weight surpasses the official upper limit,
find out how to trim just the right amount of wood or weights to bring it
into compliance. By talking to the "old timers", you can pick up
on all sorts of nuances that can make your Pinewood Derby car a real winner!
Car Specifications:
Body- The body in the
official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit must be used. It may be shaped, hollowed out, or
built up from the original block, as long as it meets all other specifications.
Any additions to the original body (driver, weights, etc.) must be firmly
Front Design - The forward most part of the car must contact
the starting pin, which is centered in each lane near the highest point of the
track. The starting pin extends 1 inch up from the track's surface. Cars may not
extend over or beyond the starting pin.
Dimensions - The car width at the wheels may not be modified;
it must be the same as the original kit. Overall length may not exceed 7 inches.
Overall height may not exceed 8 inches.
Wheels - Wheels and axles must be as furnished in the official
BSA Pinewood Derby kit. No washers, bushings, bearings, rubber tubing, or
springs are allowed. Wheels may be sanded to remove the flashing only. No
reductions in their width or diameter, or in their shape are allowed.
Weight - The weight of each car, which must not exceed 143
grams (approx. 5 oz.), will be measured using the official scales at time of
Lubricant - Graphite is the only approved lubricant! Final
applications of graphite are permitted up to the time of the car's impounding at
Car Numbers - A car number will be assigned during registration
and a label with this number will be affixed to the top of each car.
Other - Cars must freewheel with no stored energy or moveable
Registration will also take place at Barton Creek
Elementary cafeteria or gymnasium. The race track will be assembled and
ready to test your car one last time or two. Cars will be officially
weighed, measured and inspected for their compliance with official rules.
Should there be the need for any last minute adjustments, a work table will
be provided. If you are adding a final touch of graphite to your wheels just
prior to registration, please remember to apply it while holding the vehicle
over the garbage can provided or take it outside on the grass. School
officials have emphasized how difficult it is to remove graphite from the
cafeteria/gymnasium floor. Thanks for taking the time to remember this! Once
your car has been registered and assigned a number and your registration fee
paid, your vehicle will be impounded by the Pinewood Derby officials.
Scouting encourages good sportsmanship. Cars will be
disqualified if the Scout or if parents display unsportsman-like conduct on
the race site.
If you have questions please contact Eric Seaberg at
402-0433, e-mail eseaberg@austin.rr.com,
or Steve Sullivan at 263-9847, e-mail theprofessor@austin.rr.com