How I solved an Erdös problem. A true story this time. The version given above is the edited, gentle version. If you want the original hard-core (maths!) article, click here.
Antreas Hatzipolakis has plenty of good stuff, including detailed info on pi-mnemonics and John Conway.
Ivars Petersen's MathLand column has probably the best stuff on the web at the moment (something we hope to redress!)
Devlin's angle. This is just to his June 1997 column - if you want to be able to see his other articles, you better go to the bottom of the main MAA page.
MAA students page. Some interesting links for undergrads, though most of the stuff there is American-related.
Escher is the best known artist with a mathematical connection - This site is very good, though it is slightly over-graphical.
Tangents was one of the sites that inspired yours truly to put this page up. It hasn't been updated since 1996, but the articles are nice and meaty.
Harvard Mathematics Club. Good links. As this is a Harvard site, I probably don't need to encourage you to go there!
The Australian Maths Trust. Many consider Australia to have the best maths popularization program in the world. This is also an essential spot to hit if you're into national maths competitions.
Math Mania. Some good stuff that kids can get their hands dirty with!
If these links don't satisfy you, try those of
Steve's Dump.
Zimaths Magazine Maths Department University of Zimbabwe P.O.Box MP167 Mt Pleasant Harare, Zimbabwe email...
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