Collection of strange Magic Squares
- The Templar Magic Square
you can find more information)
- Alphamagic Square: A Magic Square for which the number of letters in the
word for each number generates another Magic Square. This definition depends, of
course, on the language being used. In English, for example,
Alphamagic Square
Magic Square generated
- Border Square: a Magic Square that remains magic when its border is removed.
Border Square 7x7
Magic Square generated 5x5
Magic Square generated 3x3
- Panmagic Square: If all diagonals (diagonals an broken diagonals) of a Magic
Square sum to the Magic Constant, the square is said to be a Panmagic Square
(also called Diabolical Square, Nasik Square, or Pandiagonal Square)
Panmagic Square
- Bimagic Square: If replacing each number by its square in a Magic Square
produces another Magic Square, the square is said to be a bimagic square.
Bimagic Square
- Magic Line: In a normal Magic Square (1,2,...N), Magic Line is the
line that it is obtained connectig every number from 1 to N.
Magic Square and its
Magic Line
- Magic Cube:
Magic Cube first section
Magic Cube second section
Magic Cube third section
Magic Cube fourth section
Magic Cube fifth section
- Harry Nelson 3x3
magic square, whose nine entries are consecutive primes
Magic Square and Numerology:
Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535) joined the seven known planets with these
seven Magic Square:
- Saturn Magic Square: the magic costant is 15
and the sum of all the numbers of the square is 45. 15 and 45 are triangular
numbers. The colours are: white for the numbers and black for the
background. The metal of Saturn is lead
- Jupiter Magic Square: the magic costant is 34
the product of 2, the first female number (even are female, odd, without 1
are male) and 17 a male prime number. The sum of all the numbers of the
square 136. 136 is strangely bound to 244.
13+33+63=244 and
The colours are: orange-bronze for the numbers and blue for the background.
The metal of Jupiter is tin.
- Mars Magic Square: the magic costant is 65, the
second number equal to the sum of 2 squares 1 + 82 and
42 + 72 and product of 5 and 13, two important numbers.
The sum of all the numbers of the square is 325, the smallest number sum of
2 squares in three different mode: 1 + 182,
62 + 172, 102 + 152.
The colours are: green for the numbers and red for the background.
The metal of Mars is iron
- Sun Magic Square: the magic costant is 111, three
one. The sum of all the numbers of the square is 666, the number of the
Beast of th Apocalypse. The colours are: purple or magenta for the
numbers and yellow for the background. The metal of the Sun is gold
- Venus Magic Square: the magic costant is 175
equal 1 + 72 + 52. The sum of all the numbers of the
square is 1225 = 352 is also triangular.
The colours are: lemon yellow for the numbers and dark green for the
background. The metal of Venus is bronze.
- Mercury Magic Square: the magic costant is 260,
the sum of all the numbers of the square is 2080. The colours are: clear
blue for the numbers and orange-bronze for the background.
The metal of Mercury is mercury.
- Moon Magic Square: the magic costant is 369,
formed by 3x1, 3x2, 3x3. The sum of all the numbers of the square is 3321.
The colours are opposite Sun colours: yellow for numbers and purple or
magenta for the background. The metal of Moon is silver.
Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1536)
deduced the imperfection of the 4 elements (air, ground, fire, water) with the
impossibility to make a Magic Square of 4 elements. This Magic Square was also
a simbol of the original sin.i
Magic Square in Eric's
Treasure Trove of Mathematics
John King, The Modern Numerology - A Pratical Guide to the Meaning
and Influence of Numbers, Blandford
Italo Ghersi, Matematica Dilettevole e Curiosa, Hoepli.