Club Officers
President Clyde Goforth
Vice President Doug Owens
Sec/Treasurer John Ashe
Safety Officer Bill Lones
Field Marshal Dennis Tabler
Aeromodelers Club Information
Swap Shop & ads
Some planes now flying
Family Activities
Members in Action
Links to some interesting model airplane sites
Academy of Model Aeronautics
Giant Scale Page
Sig Hobbies and Manfacturing
Knoxville Area Information
Knoxville Chamber of Commerce
Today's News Sentinel
Real estate information
Directions: Take I-640 East to East Town Mall exit. Go East on Washington Pike about 3.5 Mi. Go left on Luttrell Rd, field is on right, across street from Cemetery.
We will help you get started.
Some one is present most nice afternoons and week ends.
No charge for instruction and plenty of free advice whether you want it or not.
 e-mail any request for information.
this page created and maintained by Paul Varner