Hello!, Welcome to Ticià Sala Web
This Web deals with Suzuki GS500E and Sant Fruitós de Bages.
My name is Ticià Sala i Mellado. I was born at 08/23/1967 in Sant Fruitós de Bages, near Barcelona, in Catalonia.
I am an Industrial Electronic Engineer by the Catalonian Politechnical University (UPC).
At present, I work in a secondary school as a teacher of technology.
I like very much the motorcycles. Since 1993 I have a black Suzuki GS500E.
I also love playing chess, but now I don't play as much as I would like.
My last hobby is maths, actualy I am studying third year of the university degree of maths at the Distant University (UNED). This hobby demands an special attention, consequently I can't play very much chess!!.