In September 1972 I was born in Avesta. A town in the province Dalarna of Sweden.
When I was 18 years old I moved to Linköping, Sweden, and started to study Mechanical Engineering at The Linköping Institute of Technology.
In November 1996 I graduated as a Master of Science in Engineering (Civilingenjör i Maskinteknik).
After my graduation I worked 3,5 years as an Engineer on the aircraft JAS 39 Gripen at SAAB in Linköping, Sweden.
I enjoyed my job. I really love aircrafts, so even a Monday morning could be nice when they rolled out the aircrafts from the hangar outside my window.
The Cl 160 was supposed to be 270 meters long with a maximum diameter of 65 meters and able to carry a payload of 160 ton and transport it at a speed of 80-100 km/h at a hight of 2000 meters.
Unfortunatley CargoLifter ran out of money before CL 160 was ready. Now CargoLifter has closed.
Since August 2002 I work at Airbus in Bristol (Filton), England. There I work as a Fuel System Engineer on the A380.
The A380 superjumbo is the largest commercial aircraft, which is able to carry typically 555 passangers with a Maximum Take-Off Weight of 569 000 kg (276 800 kg empty weight; up to 290 000 kg fuel; up to 80 000 kg of payload and passangers) operating a range of 14 800 km. It has a length of 73 meters, a wing span of 79,8 meters and a height of 24.1 meters.
When I was younger I spent a lot of time singing in choirs.
In Linköping I sang in a mixed church choir, S:t Lars Vocalensemble. Here you can download an mp3-file from my time there:
I was also active in the male voice choir at the University of Linköping, Lihkören.
When we lived in Germany I was active in Eichwalde Evangelischen Kirchenchor. This was a very social choir, which was indeed a good way for me to meet local people in the village where we lived and to improve my skills in the German language.
Now those days are gone. When we moved to England I never started to look for a choir to join. My spare time is now more prioritised to be spent with my family.
However there are still a few things that I do with my spare time. Most weeks I am out jogging. The hills around where we live makes the jogging a really good exercise, especially since I normally am pushing one of my children in front of me in a pram.
Previously I have ran the Stockholm Marathon, Lidingöloppet, the Berlin Marathon and lately the Snowdonia Marathon 4 times. It is a race around the Snowdon mountain (1085 m) in the north of Wales. The views are fabulous and the hills are tough, to say the least.
I am not fast, but I always make it.
Every second Friday night I am playing icehockey with the Swindon Nationwide Knights. It is a team at my level that is playing for fun. In the team I am called "Sven", since they considered my name too complicated to pronounce.
My favourite music is Kenneth and the Knutters.
I live together with my wife Sara, my daughter Matilda, my son Jonathan and my son Efraim. We have a nice house at the outskirts of the village of Thornbury, 16 km north of Filton
Sara is a graduated nurse. She has worked 1 year as a at the University Hospital in Linköping. Then she worked 9 month as a nurse in the home care in Zeuten, a village just south of Eichwalde in Germany. Now she is at home taking care of our family part-time and work as a Nurse at the Nursing Home "Beech House" in Thornbury.
We became married in Kusmark, Skellefteå, Sweden, on New Years Eve 2000.
Becoming a father is really one of the best things that have happened to me. Seeing the smile in my childrens faces, the joy in their eyes and hearing them laugh when I play with them is making me feel the happiest person on earth.
Here is a photo when Matilda "the explorer" one day decides to figure out how the mirror really works...