Sssssscuse me...
I just have to round up the Snake Men and peel my fake arms off and I'll be right with you.
What is it you need? Oh yesss, a quick guide to the many wonders of Insssanity Csssentral. Believe you me, you don't want to get lost here, or you'll be here for hours!
Well, let'ssss ssssee. Here's a rundown of what each section of the IC Ring of Fun contains, along with some interesting facts about the HISStory of thisss sssite:
Oh yeah, and don't make fun of the lisp or I'll have to poison you.
Click the index to search for that particular insane item you're looking for.
- The House o' Insanity
- Part of the Insanity Central landscape since the beginning
- The main reason for this website at first...
- Insanity Central Brand Humor - all deemed safe for human consumption by the IMP (Insanity Monitoring Police)
- Brian's Friends' Webpages - venture at your own risk!
- Bri's Web o' Deceit - an Internet Maze! Beat it and get your name in the Hall of Fame!
- Commercial Insanity - the best in insane products and/or music
- Science Links
- Recently changed from Weather Links to include more Science-related sites.
- Go here for Meteorology and Astronomy data and information
- Brian's Storm Chasing pictures and stories are here too
- Yooper Links
- A part of IC since the early days.
- Pictures of the UP
- Interesting facts about the UP
- Read about pasties you eat!!!
- IC Outdoors
- Most recent addition to the IC family
- Info about great places to hike, camp, canoe, bike, anything outdoors!
- Great Links to other huge sites
- IC Outdoors Picture Galleries (sample 'em)
- Miscellaneous Links
- All the oddball stuff - just recently stockpiled and organized in Misc. Links
- Sports, Music, School, News
- Family and Friends pictures - a must see
- About the Madman
- You've seen those 'About me' pages on other sites - well it was taking up 1/2 the front page, so I moved it to it's own separate section this summer.
- More than you wanted to know about Brian
- Brian's writings - just poetry for now, but just wait...
- Guestbook
- Another longstanding tradition at IC. Visit the guestbook and see who's been here. Then leave your mark on the hallowed ground of the Cape Canaveral Lab #3175
- Up Next
- Just a tentative schedule to keep those 'Insanites' - regular IC visitors - abreast of what's coming up in Insane Browsing
Oh yeah, if you see any of the following 'round IC, here's what they mean:
New Stuff! |
Updated Stuff! |
Just a Regular Old Arrow |
Thank you for talking with me, King Hiss. Check out my new In-Song on the 1st floor of the House of Insssanity!
To quickly zip to each letter, click on it here:
IC Index
- About Brian - About the Madman
- Arizona Pictures - IC Outdoors
- Astronomy Info - Science Links
- Awareness Week Overload - 2nd Floor of the HOI
- B Movie Mayhem - 1st Floor of the HOI
- The Beastmaster Guy - he's everywhere - 2nd floor of the HOI
- Best Movies of 1999 List - 2nd Floor of the HOI
- Boundary Waters trip and pictures - IC outdoors
- Chewie Pillow - Follow the adventures - 2nd floor of the HOI
- Demented Emails - 1st floor of the HOI
- Demon Couch - Succubus - 1st floor of the HOI
- Dictionary of Dementia - 1st floor of the HOI
- Friends' webpages - check 'em out - 3rd Floor of the HOI
- Godzilla Wrestling - 1st Floor of the HOI
- Grand Canyon Pictures - IC Outdoors
- He-Man webpage - 4th floor of the HOI
- Hypelines - 2nd floor of the HOI
- In-songs - IC's song parodies - 1st Floor of the HOI
- Insane News - 5th Floor of the HOI
- Kiddie Ditty - 2nd Floor of the HOI
- MACABRE Page (ducks stalking Brian) - 1st Floor of the HOI
- Mallo Central - page devoted to Mallo Cups - 1st Floor of the HOI
- Morsel Central - Learn about Nestle Morsels - 4th Floor of the HOI
- Music Links - Bri's Favorite bands, online radio, etc. - Miscellaneous Links
- News Links - Miscellaneous Links
- Original Writings - About the Madman
- Outdoors Links - IC Outdoors
- Photobooth - Random Picture from around IC - Lobby of the HOI
- P.L.H.O.M.W.L. - 1st Floor of the HOI
- Plastic Lizards ... League - see PLHOMWL
- QOWTACO - new quotes page - 1st Floor of the HOI
- Quote of the Week (classic) - 2nd Floor of the HOI
- School Links - Bri's Alma Maters - Miscellaneous Links
- Shrimp Dance - 1st Floor of the HOI
- Sound Files - 1st floor of the HOI
- Space Ghost - 4th Floor of the HOI
- Sports Links - Local Teams, Bri's Favorites, and Sports info sites - Miscellaneous Links
- Storm Chasing Pictures - Science Links
- Succubus - Brian's Demon Couch - 1st floor of the HOI
- Tacoboy Online - 2nd floor of the HOI
- They Might Be Giants - great band - link to their site - 4th floor
- Top/Bottom 10 Movies of All-time - 2nd floor of the HOI
- Top Shooter Pro Wrestling (TSPW) Report - 1st floor of the HOI
- Torturing Marshmallow Animals - yeah, you read right - 5th Floor
- U.P. Pictures - Yooper Links
- Weather Info. - Science Links
- Web o' Deceit - Web Maze - Roof of the House of Insanity
- Webpage Construction Guide - still working on it... - Miscellaneous Links
- Weird Al Yankovic - link to his site - Floor 4 of the HOI
- Yooper Links - Yep, go to Yooper Links