welcome to my home

My name is Attaelmanan Gaffar Attaelmanan ,

I am a physicist working at the Basic Sciences Department, University of Sharjah,

I used to work at the Physics Department, University of Qatar,

and before that I was with the Department of Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology, Göteborg University

Before that I was a member of the X-ray Microanlaysis group at Chalmers University of Technology for almost five years.

Participating in, or watching any sport is my passion, but soccer is my life. In Sweden I play for Olskrokens IF with a great bunch of guys.

...My favourite places on the Web...

News & Intertainment Sports Science Art & History
Daily Arabic newspapers NBA ESRF Sudanese Nubia
CNN SOCCER Periodic Table Black History
MTV OLYMPIC NIST Library of Congress

If you want to catch me

You can send me a letter at: Basic Sciences Department, University of Sharjah, P O Box 27272 Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Or if you have comments or suggestions, email me at aattaelmanan@sharjah.ac.ae

Or email me at attaelmanan@yahoo.com

Why not use the phone: + 971 6 5050363 (office), +971 6 5050352(fax)
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