Current Moon Phase

Updated every 4 hours, courtesy of the US Naval Observatory.

My� Alma Mater's:

Annunciation - St. John Elementary/Middle School

Our Lady of the Elms�High School

A good link for that FUN Principles of Chemistry I &� II� Homework your freshman year....


This web site� is for every Migraine sufferer who has ever been accused of not being able to deal with a little headache!

A good reference for US Government - related stuff

Welcome to Bekah's Web Page!

"Ad Astra Pur Ardua."

("To the Stars by effort")

Well it has been a while since I updated this page. I've been very busy with school, work and a ton of migraine headaches. I do, however, plan on updating things on this page shortly. My html skills have improved since the last time I worked on this. More to come... ~Bekah�

Page last updated on 08.09.2003

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I finally fixed my counter. It no longer claims that 334773 people visited my page!

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I am double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Physics at The University of Akron.� Below are links to departments and activities� I'm involved in

College of Engineering

Engineering Student Council

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Society of Automotive Engineers

Department of Physics

Society of Women Engineers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Women in Engineering Program

Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honorary The Ambassadors Club of The University of Akron

This is where I hope to work when I finish my degree.� I would especially� love to work at Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX!

Below are some of my favorite NASA links.

The Main NASA Home Page NASA JSC, Houston, TX
NASA Space Science News NASA Glen, Cleveland, OH� (The Center closest to where I live!)
The Latest Human Space Flight Missions Terra the EOS Flagship
The Latest in Space Transportation NASA TV (How cool is that!)

Okay, I admit it, I'm a calculator geek.� The one pictured above is a TI-86.� I also own a TI-85 and a TI-92, but I use the 86 the most.� In fact, I carry it around with me almost all the time. When I'm not using it for homework, I'm often programming or playing video games on it! You can visit some of my favorite TI Calc related links below.�

Texas Instruments Official Web Site
The TI-Files Dimension-TI

This TI-8x Ring site is owned by Bekah's Web Page.�

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