Hi! Thanks for dropping by. Enjoy these articles I've written.

The SA Air Force Website! The latest news, aircraft, squadrons, bases, history, insignia ... and more!
The SAAF in the Next Century An article about the reorganisation of the SAAF and its new equipment.
AIR - Aviation Industry Recruitment Positions available in the aviation industry, mostly by South African recruitment agencies.
Aviation Places of Interest in South Africa A list of places in South Africa that may be of interest to the aviation enthusiast or general visitor.
Aviation Museums of the World All the museums and their aircraft, with comments, listed per country.

Last updated: 31 May 2002

Read about my visit to the Heyl Ha'Avir
(Israel Defence Force/Airforce) bases
A tour of airports and the airbases used by the best airforce in the world ... ever!

Understanding how the airband works 

The how and why of listening to pilots and ATC and the frequency spectrum.
Converting your AM/FM radio Convert your old pocket AM/FM receiver to listen to aircraft.
DIY: Build your own airliner
(Just follow the easy instructions provided)
Don't just wish you owned one ... build one yourself and save!
The US Military Designation System Explained Now you'll know just what those letters mean for aircraft, missiles and electronic systems.
History and development of Civil Flight Simulators How to train pilots on the ground so that flying in the air is made even safer.

Last updated on 26 April  2004


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All articles copyright D Wingrin 2004