Ok, call me wierd if you want to, but I've always been fascinated by the awsome power and beauty of nuclear explosions.
So I began collecting as much information on the subject I could, and here it is:
The ever-growing Damnation Valley!
Before you begin checking out the images and video clips, please take a minute to read the
Nuclear Explosion Facts
where you will discover the incredible destructive force hidden inside a nuclear warhead!
Hiroshima and Nagasaki - The only times nuclear weapons have been used in real war.
Mushroom cloud images.
Movie clips in QuickTime format.
The Nuclear Explosion Facts - Did you know you have to be atleast 120 kilometers from a 150 megaton warhead detonating at 600 meters to avoid severe injury?
Want to contribute with images, clips, information or comments? Send them to
and I will put you on the list of Really Nice People Who Has Contributed Stuff For This Page :)
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