About Me

My name is Robert. I'm an 18 year old medical student living in London England.

Most of this place is science related or stuff that I just like. Anyway I hope you enjoy your stay, feel free to visit the chat room (if there is anyone there, there probably isn't because I'm the only one here and the chat room is usually dead. In fact I'm not even sure if it is still in existence, it may have completely shriveled up with no thought provoking words for it to digest) and send me an E-mail if you have any ideas or problems.

When I'm not climbing trees, rock walls of anything else (I like adventurous sports) I enjoy reading, surfing the net watching films, playing MS Flight Simulator occasionally blowing things up, if I'm in the mood.

I am a lifeguard at Hampton Heated Open Air Pool, swim there please.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Millenium!!!


Science (My main interest)







My Life at the moment (Not that any one cares!)

Chat Room

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Any problems or ideas:


E-mail me!!! I don't bite ;-)