My home town is Padova, a very nice city with one of the Italy's oldest
University and lots of interesting things
to see. And the legend has just begun...I started (and finished) my study
in Padova where I graduated in Electronic Engineering with a thesis
carried out at Philips
Natlab research center in Eindhoven.
I was involved in a European Project named SMASH
concerning multimedia database management and video browsing. During my
study I spent one year in Brighton
(England) for the ERASMUS exchange project. Truly amazing experience,
has to be done! After my graduation party (a few cool photos will be available
soon), I came back to Holland to finish what I'd started and sadly realized
I wasn't a student anymore! Then I joined the University of Padova
in the multimedia lab for a few
months, having fun with video and image coding. Then I was offered
the opportunity to join the Advanced
Multimedia Group at CSELT. Of course
I took it, and now here I am in Turin,
working with one-year contract in the Leonardo
Chiariglione's group on the Face&Body Anymation module of Mpeg-4.
Click on the map if you are interested in the history of Padova. You
will find useful historical information and a few nice pictures.