I've been involved with computers since the early '80s when I was forced into learning BASIC in order to teach it to my students.
As the years went on I became more and more addicted to the glow of the CRT and when I finally
found online activity.... IRC and WWW... well, I think I'm a candidate for a 12 step program.
Perhaps someone knows where Silicon Anonymous meets?
I've been teaching science for over twenty years now. For many years at the high school level at Good Counsel High School in Chicago, and since 1991 at Thurgood Marshall Middle School, also in Chicago.
I have a son, Paul ,who is 26 years old. He is a graduate of SIU in Carbondale with a degree in Theatre Technology. His areas of concentration are Sound and Light Design. He is currently free-lancing in the Chicago area theaters.
I finished my graduate program and was awarded a Masters of Education in Instructional Technology in May of 2000. I was fortunate enought to be selected for the NECA Lights program which involved a free trip to Atlanta in June of 2000 to attend the National Educational Computing Conference. In June of 2001, my fellow NECA Lights and I presented at the conference held in Chicago
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