Ursa's Home Page
The World of Archaeology
A glimpse of the past from the present. Enter the world of the American Southwest, and discover what the past holds for those inquisitive minded out there in Cyber Space.
On this home page you will find links to various sites on the internet that will show you what archaeology is, and what its purpose is. Also you will find my resume, which I hope impresses those who are interrested.
Below you will find links to the archaeology takinging place in Colorado, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico.

One of the many sites in Colorado is Crow Canyon, this site that is trying to piece together the lives of the Anasazi.Colorado
If you are more interested in sites located in Arizona click hereArizona
Sites in Utah are also interesting, so if yo would like to see what they have to offer click hereUtah
New Mexico is the last of the four geographic areas in the American Southwest, and it contains a lot of sites that are extremely interesting, one in particular is The Jemez Mountains Research CenterNew Mexico

Below you will find my resume.
Michelle Rose Dixon
405 Crest Street
Fountain, Colorado 80817-2010
OBJECTIVEA full time position in archaeology which will utilize my skills and education.
Lab Assistant and Data Entry 1994-1995 Colorado Springs, Colorado
University of Coloraado at Colorado at Colorado Springs For Richard F. Carillo, Historical Archaeologist
Experience: assisted in accessioning artifacts from the field school in Las Animas, Colorado on an historical site named Boggsville. Once the artifacts were given the accession numbers, they were entered into the computer using the Paradox program.
Field School Student 1994-1995 Colorado Springs, Colorado
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Experience: participated in the field school in Las Animas, Colorado on Boggsville, which was offered during two three-week summer sessions at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. the professor in charge of the field school was Dr. Thomas Wynn. the activities done at the field school included excavation, using an alidade and a transect, using a compass to construct a map of a given area, and periodic lab work.
Excavation Crew 1995 Pinion Canyon, Colorado
University of Pennsylvania for Minette Church, Dissertaion Research Project
Experience: excavation of a historical site in Pinion Canyon, Colorado. My job was to excavate an area believed to be the site of a dug out.
Archaeological Data Analysis 1995 La Junta, Colorado
San Juan Art Center for Richard F. Carillo, Historical Archaeologist
Experience: entered artifact data into the Paradox program from a site of an old churc in San Luis Valley, Colorado, for Richard F. Carillo.
Survey Crew Member 1995 Colorado Springs, Colorado
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
During the spring of 1995, I was on a survey crew that surveyed areas of the United States Air Force Academy. Duties included, pedestrian survey and preparation of the state prescribed cultural resource forms using a GPS to obtain the UTM and then preparing field sketch maps.
Archaeological technician 1995-1996 Colorado Springs, Colorado
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Responsibilities: entered information onto forms about isolated finds found during a pedestrian survey of the United States Air Force Academy grounds. The information included legal location, UTM, finding the nearest temporary and permanent water sources in relation to the isolated finds, and elevation of both the finds and the water.
Excavation Crew 1995-1996 Las Amimas, Colorado
Boggsville Revitalization Committee Project Archaeologist Richard F. Carillo
Experience: did excavation on an historical site, Boggsville, during a 10-day session, after the field school was completed. Duties included excavation and responsibility of the laboratory for five days. Laboratory duties included, checking in the artifacts from the field, cleanig the artifacts, identifying and accessionig the artifats and storing them until they were ready to be rechecked before being entered on the Paradox program in the fall of 1995. Extended work was done on this site in the fall of 1996. Duties included the excavation of a privy behind the Prowers House, and a cistern also located behind the Prowers House.
Excavation Crew 1996 Colorado Springs, Colorado
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs For Thomas Wynn, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Experience: did excavation on a prehistoric site located in the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Duties included excavation of a unit under the rock shelter, and excavation of a hearth located on a plateau acroos from the rock shelter. Other duties included teaching field students the techniques of excavation and of recording information onto forms provided by Dr. Thomas Wynn and the Anthropology Department at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
Excavation Crew 1996 Colorado Springs, Colorado
Air Force Academy Salvage Excavation William Arbogast, Project Archaeologist
Experience: excavation was done on a hearth which was located when a road cut was made for a trail on the grounds of the Air Force Academy, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Duties included excavation of the hearth and recrding information on to the forms provided by William Arbogast and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
Lab Assistant 1996 Colorado Springs, Colorado
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs for Thomas Wynn, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Experience: Assisted in the extraction of macro-botanical samples by floatation.
Lab Assistant and Data Entry 1996-1997 Colorado Springs, Colorado
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs for Thomas Wynn, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Experience: assisted in accessioning artifacts from the field school in Colorado Springs, Colorado on a prehistoric site located in the Garden of the Gods. The Paradox program was used as the database for the artifacts collected from the hearths and a rock shelter.

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My e-mail address is mrdixon@mail.uccs.edu
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