JCP's Software Page
Camera Control
Camera Shutter and Mode
Filters and Masks
Cooling - Defrost
Write to Disk

Camera Shutter and Mode

Predetermined or manual exposure durations
OPEN: Always open
AUTO: Open during integration time
CLOSED: Always closed (BIAS and DARK frames)
Beep at Open: Beep time in 1/10 sec before opening
Beep at Close: Beep time in 1/10 sec before closing
EXT Sync: Start after external signal
GPS Sync: Start after GPS pulse
If EXT Sync and GPS Sync are both checked, then exposure start at the first GPS pulse
following the external signal.
One Shoot: Take a picture and stop
Manual: Operator start exposure
Auto: Take # pictures and stop
Continuous: Take continuously pictures
Drift Scan: Drift scan mode
FastPhoto: Read partial frame for Fast photometry
# Number of pictures to be taken
Pause: Pause between pictures

Filters and Masks

Two wheels with each 8 filters. User can modify filters name.
Wheel Prop: Wheel properties Dialog (see later)
Filter Prop: Filter properties Dialog (see later)
NONE: No mask inserted in front of entrance pupil
Focus: Inserting a mask with two or for holes for focusing
Hartman: Inserting an Hartmann mask for fine tuning optics
Secondary: On Cassegrainian telescopes hides the secondary mirror, allowing measure of
straight light reaching focus plane
Wheel Properties Dialog

Filter Properties Dialog

Cooling - Defrost

ON: Normal operation (Powered and cooling)
OFF: Off
INV: Inverted (CCD Defrost or Backing)
Window: External window electricaly heated (Defrost)
Internal: Internal Peltier powered (Create a cold point inside camera head)
AirCondtd: Observatory air control system
Vacuum: Camera head vacuum pump command
Fluid: Circulate cooling fluid pump
Fluid Temper: Fluid assigned temperature
High: Camea Fan high speed
Medium: Medium speed
Low: Low speed
Off: Fan OFF
NoReadOut: Fan stopped during CCD readout


Permanent: Normal tracking at siederal rate
Stop and Catch: Tracking halted during exposure then quicken and reacquire
Stop and Track: Tracking halted during exposure then track at new position
Track ans Stop: Tracking during exposure then stop until next exposure
Stopped: No tracking, but drift allowed (see later)
X: Correction in arcsec / h to AD drive
Y: Correction in arcsec / h to declinaison drive
Z: Correction in arcsec / h to rotator angle
Apply corrections to sideral rate to allow tracking of moving objects using ephemerids. In
conjunction with rotaror, allows also wide field drift scans far from celestial equator.
Dome - Cover:
Cover: Scope cover remotely controlled
Dome Azimuth: Dome azimuth command
Top Shutter: Dome top shutter position command
Bottom Shutter: Dome bottom shutter position command
Selected instrument to be automatically positionned at scope focus
Rotator: Field rotator available
Focuser: Electrical focuser


Range AUTO: Min and Max value are computed, then offset by MIN+ and MAX+ respectively
Range FIXED: Min and Max are set by user
Buttons -16384 .. +16384 increment/decrement selected Edit Control without keyboard
LUT: lookup table while displaying
Zoom: self explanatory

Write to Disk

Write Disk:
Always: A file for each picture
Manual: At operator choice
Mini Maxi: If max level > minimum value
Contrast: If contrast > value
Never: No write; display only mode
Mini: Minimum value for writing
Contrast: Minimum value for writing


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Revision date: 31 Mar 1997
For any problem or comment please mail to J-Cl