Hi there. Welcome to my homepage. My name is Gaya and I'm a Sri Lankan studying in America. At the moment I'm a student in Mississippi State University, majoring in Chemical Engineering (if all this bores you just move on). I've just started my Junior year after transfering in from Sri Lanka.
Though I was born in Sri Lanka, I was raised in Qatar, a tiny spot in the Middle East. My parents moved there when I was young because the job opportunities were better than in Sri Lanka. My father's a Chemical Engineer there. In case you're wondering his occupation had nothing to do with my choice of a major. I like chemistry. Where eles can you make cool explosions and claim to be doing experiments.....
I'm also heavily into computer games, perhaps a little too much.... That and books are enough to keep me happy. The books I read are mainly fantasy , action and adventure. Unfortunatly, if the book is one I really like, I have a habit of forgeting everything in the world and concentrating on the book. Needless to say my school work suffers during that period of time. Still I survive. I'm also a mud fanatic. At the moment I'm in Deathwish and Viking. All this stuff helps to relax me and remove the worries of this world. (Thats as good an excuse as any.)
Making a homepage was a totally new experience for me and I loved it. Hope you guys enjoy this.
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Aircraft have always been a fasination with me. They represent the advancements possible throught imagination and ingenuity. It shows whats possible when we dare to imagine....dare to dream. More than that they are our wings. Some day I'd like to get a pilot's license and take to the sky. That, for me, is the ultimate goal in life, to touch the sky. |
As I said at the moment I'm studying chemical engineering in Mississippi State University. I transfered here from Sri Lanka back in August `96. It's a good campus and relatively rural. I don't mind, I have a dislike for big cities anyway. The people here are frieldly (most anyway, a few deviants exist everywhere). The MSU mascot is Bully the Bulldog. So all of us here are .....Bulldogs.... | ![]() |
Take a monent to vist some of my friends.
Chris Roberts | Ngiap Teen Tan | Susan Barron | Ranil Wijeratne | Heishan Peiris |
DirtyMac | Lukmini De Silva | Diyath Ariyaratne | Sriyantha Perera |
If you got any ideas or comments for this page send me some email or sign my guest book.
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