Hi, this is Joe, and welcome to The Weather Pit. This is a place where people interested in weather (as you obviously
are, if you're here), can find links to the information they seek, as well as find out about this forecaster and some of the things I find interesting. Click on one of the highlighted icons below to go to the appropriate section.
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Now, all work and no fun makes Joe an unhappy camper. If you want to see some of the things that interest me, just follow the link to my Outside Interests page.
If you have any suggestions or cool links to tell me about, email me.
The worst flooding in the history of North Carolina has occured in the wake of Hurricane Floyd. Over 100 residents of North Carolina are either dead or missing, and the floodwaters continue to keep many areas under water weeks after the storms passage. Above is a before & after picture of Eastern North Carolina, showing the dramatic effect Floyd has had on the region's rivers. Click on the image for a full-sized image with table of contents.