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Please be sure to do a "Refresh" each time you visit. Here are the Space Jumps to the Main Topics on this page!!
Here is the link that will take you to a number of Interesting Colonization_Sites. Click on the link below and please take your time looking through the wealth of knowledge and ideas represented in these sites. See what is being done NOW in preperation for Space Colonization!!
Here is a link that will take you to a number of interesting Space_Science_Links. To get the full impact of what these sites have to offer, please take time to access other topics and links from their pages. Please click on the link below.
Here are a collection of Space_Science_and_Astronomy_Links. I have grouped Space Science, Astronomy and Technology under this heading.
The Moon Residual comet ice still exists at the moon's north & south poles!! This will be important for establishing an outpost on the Moon.
Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazards Watch out for falling boulders!! What are the dangers from "Asteroids," and where are they now?
Asteroid Shapes with some great 3D graphics!!
Space Telescope Science Institute Go where no one has gone before.
Cybertown Campus Astronomy and Space Science School Go to school on Space Science.
Nanotechnology This site explains what this new technology is, and how it will be used. Access the "other nano links" to learn more.
The New Frontier: Space Science & Technology in the Next Millenium What is being planned for the next 1000 years.
Mullard Space Science Lab--Online Papers In-depth research site.
Space Science Department- Projects Current projects in the works.
The "Virtual"- Astrophysics & Space Science Center A huge data base of Space Science information.
Comet Central--Make a Constellation A cool site to tinker with.
Northstar to Southern Cross A nice book to order.
Here are a collection of Magnetism_Sites. Space is full of Magnetism. Understanding how to tap that limitless power may be the key to future Interplanetary, as well as Interstellar Travel.
On The Source Of The Ancient Lunar Magnetic Field The Moon used to have a Magnetic Field!!
The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere How will Magnetospheres affect Spacecraft?
How to Control Gravity "Controlling Gravity" may be the secret to future space propulsion!!
The Laboratory of Solid State Physics and Magnetism An in-depth site on Magnetism.
Magnetism/Compasses/Navigation Check out the Xerox/PARC Map Viewer on this site.
Quantum Design-Magnetism Monogram (NONS) Another great site on magnetism.
History of Magnetism Trace the history of Magnetism.
Here are some great Science_Fiction_Art_and_Literature links.
The Space Art of Joe Tucciarone Joe's site has fantastic Space Art!!
Don Dixon's SPACESCAPES has terrific Space Art!!
IMPERIAL EARTH Space Art gallery!!
THE ART OF JOHN PLATT!! Another fantastic Space Art gallery.
Novagraphics!! The world's first and largest gallery devoted to space art.