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The Circle of Precession
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"STAR SCROLL" Prologue 

The Circle of Precession
I would like to explain in more detail one aspect of the "Burden of Time" which is called the "Circle of Precession" in relation to my first novel, "Star Scroll."
The Earth's axis is an imaginary line which stretches from the North Pole through the middle of the planet to the South Pole. The axis is in alignment with the magnetic fields of the planet as it presently orbits the sun at 23 degrees inclination.
The gravitational effects of both the Sun and the Moon cause the Earth's axis to wobble during the course of time like a spinning top. As a result, the Earth's axis "precesses" in a complete circle every 26,000 years.
Because of all this, the North Celestial Pole also precesses--which is that imaginary point on the Celestial Sphere directly above the North Pole around which all the stars appear to be revolving.

Today, the North Star is Alpha Ursa Minor, or Polaris, the bright star at the end of the handle of the familiar asterism better known as the "Little Dipper." Because of Polaris' seemingly fixed position, it has been a navigational "light house" for many centuries.

But 5000 years ago during the time and events which led to the construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Pole Star was Alpha Draco, or Thubin, the brightest star of the constellation of Draco, "The Dragon."
Likewise, 5000 years from now the Pole Star will be Alpha Cepheus, or Aldermin, the brightest star of the constellation of Cepheus, "The King."
The Constellation Cepheus Go and play with the Java Applet for Cepheus!!
And in AD 14,000, the Pole Star will be Alpha Lyra, or Vega, the brightest star of the constellation of Lyra, "The Harp."

All in all, eight prominent stars from six different constellations take their turn as the North Celestial Pole star in the Circle of Precession's 26,000 year time cycle.
Precession's "circle" can be celestially traced through the right knee and left foot of the constellation of Hercules--on through the tail of Draco--then the handle of the Little Dipper--and then the left knee and shoulder of Cepheus--the left wing of the asterism of the Northern Cross from the constellation of Cygnus--and then Vega in the constellation of Lyra--and finally back to Hercules.
An understanding of the Circle of Precession's sequence is a key factor in the comprehension of the star prophecies referred to in my fictional novel, "Star Scroll."
Case in point, I have attempted to apply key Biblical prophecies in a fictional historical sense to the constellations involved in the Circle of Precession which I will try to explain in the following paragraphs.
As the author of the "Star Scroll," I am sure that I will, at the very least, "astonish" those who stubbornly hold to extremely conservative views concerning the immensity of the passage of time--past, present and future.
Because of this fact, I have carefully weighed the reasons behind disclosing this astronomical information, since I will receive absolutely no approval whatsoever from either astronomers or my fellow Christians--but rather rejection. Therefore, I must be totally reliant upon God's unmerited Grace.
The Most High God, the Ancient of Days, who is the God of both Creation and Salvation, and is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, has seen fit to use common ordinary people like you and I to bring about His good, acceptible and perfect will.
The Father of Lights sent down to Earth the good and perfect gift of His Son to redeem His children from the dominion of death held over all mankind by the Red Dragon, that "serpent of old."
The very first Bible prophecy depicts the future dominance of the Seed of the Woman over the seed of the serpent in Gen.3:15. The picture drawn for us in this prophecy is one of the Son of Man stepping upon the head of the Dragon.
This picture can indeed be seen in the corrupted image of mythology handed down to us of Hercules stepping upon the head of Draco. Indeed, the scriptures of "Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool," is a future picture of the fulfillment of prophetic time when God will defeat the "father of all lies" under the heel of His Son, Jesus.
In fulfillment of prophecy, God cast down the pharaohs of Egypt who saw the pole star as Thubin of the constellation of Draco. The pharaohs wore the symbol of the cobra, as the "seed of the serpent" upon their haughty crowns. In freeing the Children of Israel from slavery through the final plague of the Passover, God ensured the continued lineage of the "Seed of the woman" who would one day free mankind from the serpent of old's bondage of Death and Hell.
In the North Star of the asterism of the Little Dipper we can see the Shepherd of Israel now saying, "I Am the door of the sheep." The shape of the Little Dipper must be correctly interpretted as a sheep corral with the door open. Jesus, the King of the Jews, stands at that door on the pole star of Polaris in this closing Age of the Dispensation of Grace saying, "Knock, and the door shall be opened."
In the constellation of Cepheus, The King, every eye will behold the Son of the Most High as He returns in Glory and Power among the clouds of the starry heavens to gather His elect from the four corners of heaven and to judge the living and the dead.
"The Constellation Cygnus" Here is a Java Applet for Cygnus!!
In Cygnus, The Swan, or the Northern Cross--which the ancients referred to as the "Chicken"--we can see depicted
the Son of God who said, "How I have longed to gather you under My wings as a hen does her chicks, but you would not." (Recall that our sun is orbiting in the direction of this constellation.) Jesus will gather His resurrected elect and establish His heavenly kingdom in New Jerusalem forever.
In the constellation of Lyra, The Harp, we finally see "The New Song" which will be sung by the Bride of Christ in the culmination of God's prophetic Word. So, I hope you will now be able to comprehend the Circle of Precession's importance to the "Song of Mazzaroth," which is a key element to the plot of my novel, "Star Scroll."

Here is the entire view of the Northern Hemisphere Constellations. Notice how the constellation "Draco" is the prominent image in the center of the drawing. I believe that the prophetic struggle between the Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Woman in the Bible are portrayed in the pictures of the ancient constellations. (Take a look at Gen.3:15 in your Bible to see the struggle I am referring to here.)
The First Coming of the Messiah was recognized by Babylonian Astronomers who followed the astronomical sign known as the "Star of Bethlehem." Jesus told us that His Second Coming would be accompanied by another astronomical sign; The "Sign of the Son of Man" (Mat.24:30) coming in great power and glory among the clouds of the heavens.
I suspect that mythology and astrology have corrupted the true original story applied to the Northern Hemisphere constellations which were originally designated to shed the "Light of Truth" upon the dark world. The original story applied to the percieved constellations in ancient pre-Israel times, starting with the lineage of "Seth," may well have been in relation to the "Promised Seed" who would battle the Seed of the Serpent for dominion of Earth.
Please note that constellations are only percieved images in the heavens by Earthly observers. The percieved images from Earth have nothing at all to do with the actual stars themselves, or their distances from Earth. Rather, the stars on the Celestial Sphere were "borrowed" by ancient star gazers who applied them to stories, myths, and perhaps even prophecies. I speculate that the original myths and prophecies, and their percieved constellations and asterisms, became man's first "written language." The night sky, in effect then, became a huge blackboard for everyone to observe and read.
In the absence of written language at the dawn of humanity, the constellations served an important purpose for advancing agricultural societies, for both secular and religious purposes, especially in Central America, Europe and the Mid-East. As time passed, the astronomers of the Egyptian, Greek and Islam empires devoted much time and energy to the naming of stars and their associated constellations.
To wrap this up for the time being in relation to the Circle of Precession, the "Heel of Hercules stepping upon the Head of Draco" should set off alarm bells for anyone with any grasp of Biblical prophecies.
Perhaps the Twelve Labors of Hercules could be astronomically interpretted in this present Age of Dispensation to the Twelve Disciples of Christ, which are the foundations of both His Church and the coming New Jerusalem. I think all twelve labors of Hercules have astronomical associations within the ancient percieved constellations.
I am compelled to research this further, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, your comments (be honest but polite please) would be appreciated.

Hercules, Greece's Greatest Hero (All Image Rights Reserved by "The Perseus Project")
Read about Hercules and his Twelve Labors here!!

Thank you for reading the "Circle of Precession"!!

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