(keywords = orgon, orgone, orgonomy, wr, cloudbusting)
(Deja news search
we thank you)
(Editor note: The messages and items found in this search include negative and positive statements towards orgonomy. Some negative statements demonstrate the one sided and mechanistic view by individuals. Some other statements are broadcasted one liners by those who have never investigated what they have chosen to judge negatively. These negative and unsubstantiated statements are part of what Wilhelm Reich would consider as "the emotional plague of mankind". Some however are just orgonomy information or exchange. We post what we find in the searches. We leave it up to the reader to form their own opinions concerning what we found on the news groups.)
"If one wishes to combat the plague one must expose oneself
to it."
Wilhelm Reich, People In Trouble, pg. 187
Most recent item is listed last. Long items
occasionally edited to show only text related to - orgone.
From love-hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU Mon Aug 7 18:27:38 1989 Received: by GAFFA.MIT.EDU (5.54/DA1.0.2) id AA00878; Mon, 7 Aug 89 18:26:59 EDT Received: by GAFFA.MIT.EDU (5.54/DA1.0.2) id AA00871; Mon, 7 Aug 89 18:26:53 EDT Received: by EDDIE.MIT.EDU with sendmail-5.45/4.7 id ; Mon, 7 Aug 89 17:29:47 EDT Received: by (5.57/Ultrix2.0-B) id AA10759; Mon, 7 Aug 89 14:31:31 PDT Date: Mon, 7 Aug 89 14:31:31 PDT Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Wilhelm Reich (long) From: Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU Sender: Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU Reply-To: Love-Hounds@GAFFA.MIT.EDU Status: R
Really-From: (Edward Suranyi) With all the talk lately about "Cloudbusting" and Wilhelm and Peter Reich, I thought it would be instructive to see how someone with a completely different perspective looks at his work. The following piece is by Martin Gardner, a well known mathematician and critic of the paranormal. From "Hermit Scientists" by Martin Gardner (1951) Reprinted in Gardner's _Science: Good, Bad and Bogus_ (1981) Reprinted here without permission Let us turn to a more colorful scientist whose work has recently become a lively cult among the more Bohemian intellectuals of New York and elsewhere -- the psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich. Like Hubbard's dianetics, Reich's "orgone therapy" has no connection with religious dogma but is presented simply as a revolutionary discovery in biology and psychology. Reich began his curious career in Austria as an orthodox Freudian but later broke with the psychoanalysts, founding his own publishing house in Germany in 1931. He also severed his ties with the Austrian Communist Party, having served in the same cell with the writer Arthur Koestler. Five years later, Reich opened an institute at Oslo, where he met with furious attack by Scandinavian biologists who insisted his knowledge was less than that of an undergraduate. Expelled from Norway, he came to New York in 1939 at the invitation of Dr. Theodore P. Wolfe, an associate professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, and lectured for a brief term at New York's New School for Social Research. [Later, he maintained] a press in Greenwich Village, and research laboratories in Forest Hills, New York, and Organon, Maine. In Reich's best-known work, _The Function of the Orgasm_, he compares himself to Peer Gynt, i.e., the unconventional genius, out of step with society, misunderstood, ridiculed. Society has the last laugh, he writes, until the Peer Gynts are proved right. In [another] publication, _Listen, Little Man_, 1949, Reich likens himself to such persecuted figures as Jesus and Karl Marx. "Whatever you have done to me or will do to me in the future," he declares, "whether you glorify me as a genius or put me in a mental institution, whether you adore me as your savior or hang me as a spy, sooner or later necessity will force you to comprehend that *I have discovered the laws of the living*. . ." A pamphlet by Dr. Wolfe, published by Reich's Orgone Institute in 1948, is called _Emotional Plague Versus Orgone Biophysics_. The purpose of the booklet is stated on the cover: A vicious campaign of slander and distortion against Wilhelm Reich and his work was begun early in 1947. There is no telling where it will lead. This campaign has not been confined to magazine and newspaper articles, but an agency of the United States Government has been dragged into it. Chief signs of this "emotional plague" (Reich's term for the slander campaign) are two articles by Mildred Brady, one in _Harper's_ (April, 1947), the other in _The New Republic_ (May 26, 1947). The government agency is the Food and Drug Administration, at that time investigating Reich's "orgone accumulators." These are large boxes of wood on the outside and metal inside. Patients rent them from the Institute, then sit inside them to build up their orgone potential by absorbing the box's abnormally high concentration of orgone energy (a nonelectromagnetic radiant energy coming from outer space which Reich discovered in Norway in 1939). "The Orgone Accumulator is the most important single discovery in the history of medicine, bar none," Wolfe writes. The following paragraph from a letter of Reich's published in the pamphlet, is revealing: It is an old story. It is older than the ancient Greeks whom we consider the bearers of a flourishing culture. . . . It was no different two thousand years later. Giordano Bruno, who fought for scientific knowledge and against astrological superstition, was condemned to death by the Inquisition. It is the same psychic pestilence which delivered Galileo to the Inquisition, let Copernicus die in misery, made Leeuwenhoek a recluse, drove Nietzsche into insanity, Pasteur and Freud into exile. It is the indecent, vile attitude of contemporaries of all times. This has to be said clearly once and for all. One cannot give in to such manifestations of the pestilence. A word about orgone energy. Reich regards his discovery of it as comparable to the Copernican Revolution. A failure to accept it on the part of other psychiatrists is, of course, "resistance to a new concept." In _Character Analysis_ he interprets Freud's "Id" as the action of orgone energy in the body. The energy provides a biological and physical base for psychiatry, and to operate with the old Freudian drives is, Reich asserts, like trying to drink from a mirror image of a glass of water. In _The Function of the Orgasm_ he describes orgone energy as blue in color (it has been photographed on Kodachrome film, Wolfe tells us), and adds that it is responsible for the Northern Lights, St. Elmo's Fire, lightning, the blue of the sky, electric disturbances during sunspot activity, and the blue coloration of sexually excited frogs. "Cloud formations and thunder storms," he writes -- "phenemena which to date have remained unexplained -- depend on changes in the concentration of atmospheric orgone." In 1947 Reich measured the energy with a Geiger counter. It is interesting to note in passing that Reich also attributes the flickering of stars to orgone energy. Reich's most astounding discovery is reported in the article "The Natural Organization of Protozoa from Orgone Energy Vesicles," in the November, 1942, issue of his _International Journal of Sex Economy and Orgone Research_. In this paper, accompanied by microphotographs, Reich describes his observations of protozoa being formed spontaneously from aggregates of bions. The bion is another Reich discovery. It is the unit of living matter, consisting of a membrane surrounding a liquid and pulsating with orgone energy. Bions are constantly being formed in nature by the disintegration of both organic and inorganic matter. Under his microscope Reich observed bions grouping together to form various types of protozoa, and he has the photographs to prove it. Cancer cells, incidentally, are protozoa which develop from tissue bions. To charges of critics that protozoa get into his cultures from the air, or were already on the disintegrating material in the form of dormant cysts, Reich simply answers that it isn't so, though he gives no evidence of taking adequate precautions against either possibility. Disciples of Reich frequently defend him by saying, "Granted that his biological work is highly suspect, you'll have to admit he's made great contributions to the field of mental therapy." This may be true. But it has somewhat the same plausibility as a statement like the following: "Granted that Professor Ludwig von Hoofenmeister errs in his theory that stars are holes in an opaque sphere surrounding the earth, you'll have to admit has has made magnificent discoveries in his study of cosmic rays." The reader may wonder why a competent scientist does not publish a detailed refutation of Reich's absurd biological speculations. The answer is that the informed scientist doesn't care, and would, in fact, damage his reputation by taking the time to undertake such a thankless task. For the same reasons, scarcely a single classic in the field of modern scientific curiosa has prompted an adequate reply. [In the book Gardner adds a postscript, written in 1981:] Reich's orgonomy cult *seems* to be waning (I could be wrong!), though most of his books are back in print, and his followers are still to be found among writers, artists, and show people like Orson Bean. Numerous books about him, favorable and otherwise, have been written in recent years. His daughter Eva Reich, a pediatrician in Hancock, Maine, is active as a lecturer in orgonomy. Her father's rain-making device -- huge tubes that squirt orgone energy into the clouds -- is in her front yard. [Any Love-Hounds want to make a pilgrimmage?] For a while she was using orgone energy accumulators to treat infants at a hospital for premature babies in Harlem; but, after the director asked her to cease or resign, she chose the latter. Eva is firmly persuaded that human auras are orgone energy. See Lynn Franklin's long, sad interview, "Like Father, Like Daughter," in the _Maine Sunday Telegram_, June 22, 1980. According to _Newsweek_ (December 13, 1976): "For twenty years, Eva Reich has been hiding microfilms of portions of Reich's papers in a mushroom cave in the Catskill Mountains. Unless the courts intervene, she says, she may make these secrets available to the world." A silly book has just crossed my desk: _The Quest for Wilhelm Reich_, by Colin Wilson (Doubleday, 1981). Poor Colin. He had great promise as a young writer in Britain before he went crackers over the paranormal. Wilson sees Reich as crazy, but nevertheless a genius whose discovery of orgone energy puts him in the company of Semmelweis, Mendel, and all those other great scientists who were unappreciated in their day. No book on Reich is less worth reading. Note from Ed: This in *no way* takes anything away from the greatness of "Cloudbusting" which is one of my favorites even among Kate's songs. It's just that I always have to laugh whenever Kate mentions in an interview that Reich was "very respected." Sometimes her philosophical ideas have to be taken with a grain of salt, I think. Ed
From love-hounds-request@gaffa.MIT.EDU Thu Apr 12 02:45:18 1990 Received: by gaffa.MIT.EDU (5.61/DA1.0.2) id AA02948; Thu, 12 Apr 90 02:45:16 -0400 Received: from wpi.WPI.EDU by gaffa.MIT.EDU (5.61/DA1.0.2) id AA02936; Thu, 12 Apr 90 02:45:11 -0400 Received: by (5.61/4.7) id AA23197; Thu, 12 Apr 90 02:44:15 EST Date: Thu, 12 Apr 90 02:44:15 EST Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Wilhelm Reich Newsgroups: Keywords: Cloudbusting, Orgone Energy From: Love-Hounds-request@gaffa.MIT.EDU Sender: Love-Hounds-request@gaffa.MIT.EDU Reply-To: Love-Hounds@gaffa.MIT.EDU Status: R
Really-From: (Kenneth G Descoteaux)
I've had this since before I became a Kate-fan and I finally remembered
bring this to my terminal so I could get it right...
If anyone is interested in reading about Wilhelm Reich, the Doctor
Who Made it Rain, the September 1989 issue of _Yankee_ (Vol 53, No 9) was
a special issue on "New England's Most Famous Imposters, Hoaxes &
Unforgettable Tales of Mad Scientists, Patent Medicine Miracles, Flagrant
Fakers, and Foods That Aren't What They Taste (and that's no hoax)"
'The Doctor Who Made it Rain' by Tim Clark (pp. 72-79,130-134)
(there's a good BW of a real cloud-buster, the nozzle end was just made
of steel pipes, 10 tubes made of three pipes screwed end-to-end)
Some tidbits:
Wilhelm Reich was an Austrian pschiatrist born in 1897.
By 1953 he was living at Orgonon in Rangeley, Maine.
One of the uses for orgone enery was similar to 'pyramid power' in that
or cones were used to accumulate energy for using to heal minor injuries.
He noticed the effects of acid rain in 1952, a decade before _A Silent
and 24 years before "acid rain" was a phrase. He attributed the
effect to a
nuclear testing at first, but later decided it was caused by a bad form
orgone energy called 'deadly orgone' originating from the exhaust of flying
saucers. It was in an attempt to eliminate DOR that the cloud-buster was
invented. One of his employees accidently made it pour for over 24 hours
accident once by over use of a cloud-buster.
A nine-year old Peter gets mentioned in connection with a $1000 fee for
rain over a blueberry farm during a drought in 1953.
The FDA was all over Reich for his claims about the healing capability
orgone energy and brought an injunction against him in 1954.
In retaliation, he threatened to "flood the East" and apparently
caused rain
and snow up and down the coast.
While fighting the FDA in court, he was sentenced to two years in prison
contempt of court. Appeals went all the way to the US Supreme court, but
went to jail in March 1957. He died of heart failure on November 3, 1957
while in a federal prison.
A cloud buster is supposed to be rusting at Orgonon, not far from his tomb.
Apparently believers in Orgone energy are around who publish something
the "Journal of Orgonomy", and who used cloudbusters during
the nation-wide drought 'last summer'
Ken Descoteaux
date: 90-12-29
(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2)
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December 29, 1990
The Orgone Energy of Dr. Wilhelm Reich
The concept of Orgone Energy evolved from a simple question. Reich noted
that living organisms were able to release MORE energy than they take up
in their food. The essence of the problem was almost solved towards the
late 1930's.
The Orgone Box which Reich devised and constructed consisted of a small
box covered on all sides by an electrically conductive material, in this
case aluminum foil. Under that foil were successive layers of organic and
inorganic materials. (metal, then cotton/moss/wool/wood (anything organic)
followed again by metal foil in as many layers as you wish)
The number of layers in addition to the size of the box determines the
amount of orgone energy which will be accumulated.
Although the container could be placed in any location and be in a light
or dark area, the air was found to become about 4 degrees Centigrade warmer
than the surrounding room temperature. (this
translates to about 12 degrees Fahrenheit)
Reich based the design of his Orgone Box on the cell of a human organism.
It was represented by a housing covered on all sides by an electrically
charged membrane with double contortions.
It is interesting to note that the phenomenon of "malignant hyperthermia"
(spontaneous combustion in its worst form) can also result in a temperature
increase to as high as 43 degrees Centigrade. It can further lead to cramps
and contractions which can threaten life. Attempts at cooling the person
by ingestion of large volumes of iced water only result in heating the
water from the excess body temperature.
The parallel of the increase in temperature of the Orgone Box and the heating
of the body through this hyperthermia is quite fascinating. Persons suffering
from this symptom have been found to have VERY HIGH CALCIUM CONCENTRATIONS
in the cell membranes.
This indicates a possible means of IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY of the Orgone
Box by using a calcium coated layer.
In an attempt to gain the support of fellow scientists for his research,
Dr. Reich wrote a letter to Albert Einstein in December of 1940. Einstein
agreed to consult with Reich which ended up lasting
almost five hours. As Reich discussed the temperature differential surrounding
his Orgone Box, Einstein told him that if the effect could be reproduced,
it would represent "a bomb in physics."
Later, Reich left an Orgone Accumlator with Einstein for study. It was
set up in the basement and two thermometers clearly showed thetemperature
differential. One thermometer was located in a tube directly ABOVE the
Orgone Box, the other one was freely suspended about one meter away. Einstein
had to agree to the correctness of Reich's observations. He then exchanged
the two thermometers and the OBSERVED DIFFERENTIAL remained the same (about
4 degrees Centigrade).
Reich later developed an Orgone Motor based on the principle of coupling
a small excitor dynamo having 0.5 voltage power, with an orgone energy
accumulator of a special design. This prototype
supplied a 25 volt motor with a PERMANENT ENERGY SUPPLY.
In March 1954, Reich was officially requested to stop any additional research
in the area of Orgone Energy and to suspend all his publications on the
subject. Three years later, Reich died in an American prison. His books
and writings were confiscated and burned on order of the U.S. government.
From what we know of thermodynamics today, the Reich temperature differential
would provide more than sufficient power to operate devices which could
easily lead to generation of electricity or as a motive power.
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Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
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