Worldwide Submarine Insignia

US Officer Submarine Insignia (Dolphins)

This page is dedicated to the men around the world who operate submarines. It is intended for use by collectors of submarine insignia. There has been a significant amount of research done by many collectors; this is by no means the ultimate in knowledge, but it is an attempt at putting much of the accumulated knowledge together. You can access the information on all the various countries in the Submarine Insignia Information section below. If you have information to add or a correction to the data provided, please submit it to:

What are All These Badges Really Worth?
I see many people spending grotesque amounts of money on submarine badges. I felt bad enough that I wrote a note to let you know what I have paid for things and what experienced collectors think the value of some of these "rarities" really is.
October 25, 2002 letter on submarine badge value.
Submarine Insignia Information
If this is your first time here or if you are doing research, the first place you will want to refer to is this page. You will find a list of all current, former and potential future submarine operating countries and a link to pages for each country, with data in alphabetical order by country.
Submarine Insignia Information by Country

Updated 12/21/00! I have photographed my collection for your review. You can see it via this link.
My Collection.
Recent Submarine Insignia News and Information
I moved all the recent information and submarine badge "news bulletins" to their own pages. I have not been religious in keeping up the country pages with the recent news, but between the country pages and my news pages you can find all the information that I currently have access to.
October 2004 News (Torkil Nilsen's translation of A. A. Dimitriev’s fine book on Russian submarine badges)
Italian collection and translation of submarine badge articles created June 2004 (from Massimo Agati)
May 2004 News (old Soviet diesel boat badges, USN Psychological prototype)
April 2004 News
May 2003 News
March 2003 News
February 2003 News
January 2003 News
December 2002 News
November 2002 News
News Through October 2002
Older Additions to Submarine Insignia News Last update was 5/22/04.
Photo Page
This link will get you to photo pages of collections and other submarine related items of interest. Added a page for Hans Ellerstrom's collection on 3/24/02.
Photo Pages
Reference Books
Information on three great submarine insignia reference books available from Don Palen at ICBM and the US Naval Institute!
Link to Reference Books
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Ron Martini's Submarine Base

Ron Martini's Submarine Base is a source for thousands of links to submarine related items.
Link to Ron Martini's Navy Submarine Base

Credits and Thanks
Some notes of thanks must go out to several people. First and foremost, LCDR Al Phillips, USN (Ret) deserves the most credit. If it wasn't for Al and his pioneering work in publishing "A Guide to Submarine Insignia" (and its predecessor, "Steel Boats, Iron Men, Metal Badges"), not many of us would have as much of an understanding as to what is going on in the world of submarine insignia as we do. Much of Al's book is used here. Thanks also to Bill Crosby, who has probably amassed the largest collection of these insignia in the world due to his diligence, perserverance, and an innate desire to find out just a little more. He was a big part of the impetus to getting Al's book published and hooking many of us up with the latest in "sweet deals" in submarine pins and patches. You can email Bill at Lastly, thanks to everyone who has sent me photos and information. Rather than list them all here, I have included some of them on the page of links to other sites. I'm sure I missed someone and apologize if I have. I greatly appreciate everyone's help!

Thanks again for visiting!
Steve Jones
Commander, United States Navy (Retired)


SINCE 2/20/97.

Soviet Commanding Officer Submarine Insignia

Kursk Memorial and Information

Click on the Kursk badge to go to my Kursk Memorial

On September 11, 2001, we all felt shock, outrage and remorse. In dealing with what I felt I went to my PC and began to type. What came out was a short paper on what the new American strategy for foreign policy should be. I regret typos and grammar errors- I still need a good yeoman to keep me honest. God bless those who died in the New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. God bless their families, loved ones and friends in their time of need. God bless the emergency personnel who still boldly work day and night. God bless the law enforcement people who are investigating the attack. And God bless our service men and women who place liberty and America ahead of themselves as they defend our freedom. Please read this:The New American Strategy

My thoughts on the eve of September 11, 2002, one year after the attacks on America: September 10, 2002