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Welcome! This page serves as a Bulletin Board for all upcoming events.
Check out the Wall of Fame for May, 2000
See pictures of Mrs Edward's Honors Physics teamed with Mrs. B's 2nd Period Physical Science Classes
For those of you who requested sites for science fair ideas
This year, we will again be implementing
TI-83 calculators and
in our classrooms.
Click on the pictures for more info!!!
More exciting news is that we are again part of NCSU's Science House's
Satellite Program. During the summer of 1997, I (and 2 other Hickory High teachers) had the wonderful opportunity of attending a two week workshop
fo technology in the classroom. We used the computers and CBL's extensively, as well as developed our own labs for use in this area.
In addition, 2-3 weeks each semester, we will have the use of seven Power Macintosh
computers for use in lab.
here for more information.
Last summer I was invited to participate in WebAssign, a pilot project for NC public school teachers.
Through this program, students can receive and submit homework assignments via the internet. Multiple submissions are allowed, which means that my students will have the opportunity
to improve their homework grade by correcting errors and resubmitting their work.
Check it out !!
Now, for news about myself!!
I'm in my twelfth year of teaching science and feel that I couldn't have chosen a better profession. My high school science teachers inspired me, hopefully I do the same for my students!!
I recently received National Board Certification in AYA/Science (November 1999), so if any present or potential Nationally Certified teachers are viewing this, please contact me.
I'm looking forward to a super school year working for Hickory Public Schools
and hope that this site can serve as another form of communication between me and my students.
Please feel free to e-mail me with your questions
or comments.