My Photo Album

You can find a lot of my more recent photographs on my Flickr page. On this page there are my earlier photographs.
Matthias Barth
Most Interesting

Finally, I started to scan my old photographs. The first two pictures are old photos of my old friend Achim and his cat. The next photo shows the good old days in Göttingen. On the fourth picture you can see the castle in Heidelberg. The fifth photo was taken on Cape Cod, MA.

Achim Cat party Heidelberg Charlie
On the next picture you can see Boston in April. Just imagine Boston in the winter! The 7th and 8th pictures are somewhere in Arizona. The 9th picture was taken in the Grand Canyon. After coming back from Arizona, I went birdwatching in Maine.

Winter Conference Cactus Grand Canyon Puffins
The next three pictures were taken during my New England trip in 1997. The 14th picture depicts me standing on a summit somewhere in the White Mountains.
Fort Ticonderoga Niagara Falls Newport, RI

Mount Monadnock

I took the next five photos in Cape Town, South Africa, during the Kimberlite Conference (April 1998).



Table Mountain

Botanical Garden


Black Bear

Wilhelmshaven Cape Cod Chamonix New York
Beer in Würzburg        

O.K., buddy, these pictures are just thumbnails. Click on them to get a larger picture. You can see even more pictures on the following pages:

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last updated July 17, 2008