Left to right: Paulo (Xavier), Andrea (Poquita) :), Mónica's mother (Blanca/Lucile), Jeff, Mónica, Mónica's father (Manuel), Juan Manuel
Just standing afterwards :)
Another of us sitting at home
At the airport on Baltra in the Galápagos
The most well known church in Cuenca (with the three blue domes), and no, it is NOT the one where went went for the blessing of the compromiso rings. It is, however, right beside where Mónica's father works at ETAPA. We were on top of the building when we took this picture. :)
Here is one of many farms near Cuenca
Some are some campesinos that work on the farms. (Actually they were going to the church that we were parked beside when Mónica took this picture.)
A view of things along the way when we were going to Ingapirca
These are some Blue Footed Boobies on Caamaño
And this is an iguanita soaking its "tail end" in a pool of water :)
This is what Caamaño looks like from ECChD (Estación Científica Charles Darwin)
Caamaño in January-March 1997
Caamaño in May-June 1997
Caamaño in January-February 1998 (all the same general area - southern portion of the islet)
Branding of a hatchling
Counting neck spines on a hatchling
Weighing a hatchling
Sea lions in great supply
A GOOD cook
A tired cook
A hard working sea lion
Iguanas in great supply
The old swimming hole
Yes there are even hunchbacks!
Iguana pride is prevalent
. . . as is sea lion pride and ownership
Other (land) iguanas are in lower numbers (here with Jose)
During egg laying there is a mass inward migration
Many iguanas on the rocks
More OWEES! (Sandra's wrists)
Jose and Sandra (who were the assistants for the trip of January-March)
VERY interesting tourist activities observed . . . by sea lions (Rated R)