
Welcome to
The CapeCanaveral Community Pages
brought to you by your CapeCanaveral Community Leaders
Welcome to the CapeCanaveral Community Pages. This site is a
"work-in-progress," so check back frequently for updates and new information.
If you have any suggestions for this site, please feel free to email any of the
leaders in the neighborhood and we will try to incorporate them. Our
goal is to make GeoCities CapeCanaveral a well-running community
where people can feel at home discussing science and technology.
What is the Cape all about?
Well, GeoCities describes
CapeCanaveral as "CapeCanaveral: This neighborhood is a bastion of science and technology. Engineering, mathematics, aviation,
and all the sciences are featured here." What that means in reality
is that there are lots of science and engineering pages, and even
some about the philosophy and history of science and science education.
We enjoy our
diversity with sites in many languages and many themes.
Does your site belong here? Take a look at some of
our previously featured pages and see, but
don't be discouraged if yours doesn't look quite that nice in the
beginning. Some of these people have been here for a couple years
already. What we are really looking for are sites that are relevant
to the theme of the Cape (science and technology) and contain
some original contribution to that theme. If you have any
questions as to whether your site would be appropriate, email one
of the leaders with your concerns. Sites that are solely
personal homepages with no science or technology content are not
appropriate to the Cape and will be asked to move. Pages
which are solely involved with computer technology and science fiction
should really be SiliconValley or Area51, respectively.
Cape Activities
There's a group of community leaders running around the Cape whose job it is to help you have fun and enjoy your time here. They are the Activities Team.
CapeCanaveral Meets
Interact with truly fascinating experts every month on a webpage, a forum and a live chat.
For those of you new to the CapeCanaveral Meets... program, our goal is to bring you a specialist whose work is directly related to the theme of CapeCanaveral. Now, you get the chance to pose that question you have always wanted to ask!
Need some graphics?
Well, check out CapeGraphics for some new GeoLinks with a more CapeCanaveral feel. More graphics are always being added, and you can contribute some of your science, technology, and aviation-themed graphics as well.
Need help?
You have come to the right place! The community leaders
jobs are to help people. For that reason, Debby has compiled
a list of resources that should help you along.
We have also started a list of tips from the CapeCanaveral CLs. Maybe what you are
looking for is in there.
If you can't find what you need, please email your block's CL for help. Don't know who that is?
Well, look at our block assignments and find out.
CapeCanaveral Lab: CapeCanaveral's chat room
meet lots of new people in the CapeCanaveral chats. Feel free to stop by the chat
and say "hello." We have several community leaders who
have been selected as Chat Hosts (formerly known as Chat Monitors),
and they are there to help you learn about GeoCities, meet people, and
have fun. Just remember, play by the rules and no one gets hurt. (Coming soon,
a chat suggestion form.)
Is there something we should know
Survey coming soon.
What if a page violates
GeoCities Content Guidelines?
Sometimes you will find a site that doesn't belong in the Cape,
perhaps it doesn't have the right theme ... or perhaps it
violates the GeoCities Content
Guidelines. You don't want to deal with it, so visit our
Alert Team's Page and let
them do their jobs.
What if a homestead appears to be abandoned?
Sometimes a site just doesn't look like it has ever
been moved into. Or maybe all the graphics are broken, and you feel it's
an eyesore. Well, the CapeCanaveral Urban Renewal Team has been formed
to help those homesteaders fix up their sites and get everything running smoothly.
Often, we find that people really need some help, but they never realized
that the CLs were here to help them. Remember, a neighborhood is
only as vital as its least active participants. If you want to ask about a particular
site, please contact that block's CL.
Who are the leaders
for this neighborhood?
Want to know who the CL for your block is?
Want to know if any of the CLs here have the knowledge you need
to work on your site?
Visit our leader list and see what we know and do.
Want to become a leader here?
We're always on the lookout for new leaders. Right now, for instance,
the opening of CapeCanaveral/Orbit has left us with several
empty block assignments. Sometimes people have to leave the
program for time constraints, so the need is always there.
For information about the Community Leader Program in CapeCanaveral, check out our information and application pages. If you have questions about the CL Program
here at GeoCities, feel free to email our liaison.
You are our th visitor since 11/24/97.
This page last updated 7/29/99 by pcp.
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Photo Acknowledgements: cc_chat image
of the Parkes Radio Telescope from the
Australia Telescope National
Facility; cc_activities (astronaut exercising aboard Mir), cc_alert (Giotto spacecraft),
best of (earthrise from Apollo 8), cometary knots (These
gigantic, tadpole-shaped objects are probably the result
of a dying star's last gasps. Dubbed "cometary knots"
because their glowing heads
and gossamer tails resemble comets, the gaseous objects
probably were formed during a star's final stages
of life.--from a survey of the Helix nebula by the HST),
and help images (earth from Apollo 17) from