The Land of the Ampersand

Welcome to the Land of the Ampersand. I am & <- an ampersand. This is the home of strange, special, never-ending numbers and a few other intriguing things too.

3e^(1/3) is an intriguing number I discovered. It resembles the conversion of Calories to Joules = 4.1868...(32,766 decimals.) Pi may be interesting, but 2Pi is much more interesting and much more usefull, at least for calculating diameters and bell curves. 6.28319...(32,767 decimals.)
Pi, typical and boring. 3.14159...(50,000 decimals.) These people like to memorize it. I know 80 decimals. e, just eulers number. Much more useful than Pi. 2.71828...(100,000 decimals.)
The music of Pi. Visit the creator
The music of Pi: Pentatonic Scale

Play my Star Wars Slot Machine The Land of the Ampersand Chat
My Geek Code: 
 GCS/E d s: a--- C++++ LS++ P+ L++ E W++ N+ o w O--- M++ V PS+++ PE++ Y+ PGP+ t+++ 5+ X R tv++ b++ DI++ D G++ e- h !r !z--(*)
    The Ampersand is a member of 
The Corby Ring 
The Corby Ring Randomizer. 

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