the_teach 's Home Page

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Where learning and fun come together

Hi, I'm the teach and my goal is to make learning fun for you. I am just begining to work on this page so please check back often to see the improvements.

Homework got you down? Follow the advice of Douglas Adams,

"Don't Panic"

The Hitchhikers guide to homework help!

Dr. Math

If you don't see your question in the FAQ, just ask him! He's got answers from the history of math to why 0.999999=1

Just For Middle School Kids!

This site not only has help for math homework and all your other classes, but it also has a link to other 7th graders on line,Zarph's Interactive Games on the Net and The History of the Band Aid plus much more!

Cornell Center Math and Science Gateway

Dissect a frog or a tick. Mate male and female fruit flies, or just cook up a yummy insect recipe! These are just some of the things found here!

Links to other sites on the Web:

Class notes

Did the dog eat your notebook again? Are your notes written in some odd language that you can't read anymore? Did you miss class because you were abducted by aliens? Get a copy of your notes here. If you have any questions you can email me below.

Updated daily


NASA reported that the Discovery crew deployed a small, student-built satellite called The Student Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite for Heuristic International Networking Equipment or STARSHINE for short. STARSHINE was deployed at 2:10 a.m. June 5, 1999. It is a 19-inch hollow sphere covered by about 800 aluminum mirrors polished to a high shine by students around the world. STARSHINE,a 19-inch hollow sphere, is covered by about 800 aluminum mirrors that were polished to a high shine by students around the world. International student observers will visually track the reflective spacecraft during the early morning and twilight hours for several months, measuring the atmosphere's density based on the rate at which STARSHINE's orbit decays.

Amphibians Disappearing Worldwide! Is mosquito control part of the problem?

Amphibian Malformation Resources

David Sullivans Article

ABC News

Evidence that retinoids can make limbs grow

Professional Interests

Favorite Magazines

If you have any suggestions for my homepage or questions please E-mail them to me or my son (who is a big help in setting up this page).

E-mail me

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