Hmm... A Reason, Eh?

I have always been a pyro. Like most people I was fascinated by fire,
its power, and its beauty. Unlike most people this fascination never "died down"
instead it has always been there and continues to grow. When I was introduced to the art of pyrotechnics I was ecstatic. I had always loved the Fourth of July
and the thought that I could actually make fireworks was amazing to me. Just
you could design you own creations to do anything that you made them to do.
I was determined to find out more about this. The internet greatly helped my
exploring of pyrotechnics and I have learned many things through it.
That is also why I created this page. As a place to "store" and collect all the
information and to hopefully introduce others to this wonderful world and help
them to understand and love it. As my collection grows, I too, am learning. I
call myself an "amateur" pyro because that is excatly what I am. I have just
scratched the surface of pyrotechnics, but I hope to continue learning and
maybe help others while I am. :-)
Note- When I first created this page, I did the stereotypical thing of
including the Anarchist Cookbook, Terrorist Handbook, and all those types of
fringe literature. However, I soon took them off for liability reasons and the
fact that I could probably get booted or looked at suspiciously for simply
having them on my page. I will not say that they are totally useless though, I
still think they are good reading and if you know how to tell the crap from the
useful information (which most people unfortunately don't) then they can be
interesting reading.