Desde La Tierra Hacia La Luna
¡Bandera de mi pais, HONDURAS!



Hello there!! I'm Rigoberto Nova Matute.That's a long name, just call me Rigo!
As you can see I am hispanic and originally from Honduras. You want to know more about me? Then just click to my Main Page. Surprises will await!!

Here are some of my interests:
-->Space Exploration, Science
-->In the future.
-->How to talk to people.
-->The list keeps going.

The description of my page is:
-->About my dream to become an astronaut
-->To be an aerospace Engineer
-->Personal and country information
-->And some cool links plus some of my friends!

Here are some not interesting things about me:
-->I am a boring person to be around with.
-->I am very shy. =o( So watch out!!

You can email me at or you are welcome to sign my guestbook. You better sign my guestbook.
Check out some cool links to my page too. I dare you to enter and have fun!

Oh, by the way, I love blue.

Tengo mucho sueño.

Go straight to Rigo's main page!

Yo tengo hambre y sueño

Just go to my Main Page (Entra a mi página principal)

¡Entra a la página de Rigo porque está bonita!
Entra sin miedo, muchas sorpresas te esperan y cosas increíbles. Todo lo que quieres saber de mi, se espera por ser descubierto. ¡Disfruta!

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