Welcome! My name is Gene Ducote and I live in Charleston, South Carolina. Charleston is located on the southeastern coastal plain of the USA. We have a subtropical climate: average annual rainfall is 40", wintertime average temperature is 48dF and the summertime average is 80dF. Extremes in temperature have been recorded at 111dF in September and -13dF in January. We really appreciate the cold fronts our Canadian neighbors occasionally send our way. At those special times, the seeing and transparency are excellent--CCD imaging is a joy at those magical times. Of course, urban light pollution is ever increasing which makes the introduction of CCD imaging a godsend in terms of "seeing" some DSOs(DeepSpaceObjects).
<<<<<<<<<<<<<---Click on the Image line (below)
to view--->>>>>>>>>>>>>
M1 Crab Nebula (Adaptive Optics)
M57 Ring Nebula
NGC7331 Galaxy
NGC7023 Nebula
Siamese Twins
Wild Duck Star Cluster
NGC4565 Edge-on Galaxy
M51-- Whirlpool Galaxy
M33 Pinwheel Galaxy (Mono--large-AO)
Crater Clavius (Very good detail of Moon crater)
NGC2903 Galaxy(slight false color added to accent detail)
NGC891 Edge-on Galaxy
NGC2392 Eskimo Nebula (False color)
NGC2683 Galaxy in Lynx (Peanut-bulge)
M101 (Optec f/3.3-cropped)
M101 (Full image w/Optec f/3.3--not cropped)
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Last updated: May 25, 1999