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Entropy is sometimes characterized in terms of probability. In the above 8x8 grid, when the 16 squares are grouped into a 4x4 grid, there is only way to align the squares. In the next frame, when the 16 squares occupy a 5x5 grid, there are many possible ways to place the 16 squares in the 25 places. In moving on to the 6x6 grid, there are now 64 places to put the 16 squares, and thus even more possible arrangements.

When water is ice, the molecules are held in place by the crystal lattice. When the ice melts to water, the molecules can move into a variety of configurations. When the water evaporates, the water molecules in the vapor phase can achieve even more configurations.

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Last Revised 02/03/98.
Copyright ©1998 by William L. Dechent. All rights reserved.