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This web site will show you maps of various transportation systems over the world. If you are looking for the map of certain subway - wrong place! Maps of subways or railways are usually omitted unless they are unusual or rare.
On the pages below there is a lot of links directing you to the map you need. Almost all my life since 6 years old I have been collecting various maps and schemes of city transit systems. Please, note that the link is placed in case if a significant area is shown on the map - downtown, at least. From these reasons route maps are not on the list.
Do not forget that my list of maps is the most comprehensive. Enjoy!
To reach the official site of the transit authority try to use one of the following
Transit Systems in the United States Web Sites Index
Transit Systems Outside the United States Web
The CyberPlanner - railways and city transit (Germany)
CUTA - Links to other sites (Canada)

Maps of the systems in

Australia, Asia, Africa 17 AUG 2000
Western Europe  20 JUL 2002
Southern Europe  24 JUN 2002
Central Europe  20 JUL 2002
Eastern Europe 26 MAR 2002
Northern Europe 11 APR 2000
Germany 11 APR 2000
America except USA 20 OCT 2000
Western USA and Guam 12 NOV 2000
Eastern USA and Puerto Rico  19 NOV 2002

Fantasy and future maps (temporarily unavailable).

If any entry are found by you to be incorrect or you know other maps or schemes of various types, please, write to me for your future convenience and as your cortesy to other visitors.

Enjoy fascinatimg images of systems covering cities like a cobweb!

Something special, you hardly find anywhere:

Public transit of Eastern Ukraine on the net (inoficial site) - maps and list of Donetsk (1970, 1997), Makiyivka (1997), Gorlivka (1980s.), Mariupol' (1993), Avdiyivka (1997) and Yasinuvata (1997) (Ukraine) tramways, trolleybuses and buses. Last - 5 FEB 2000.

Public transit of the large Ukrainian city of Kharkiv (more than 1.5 Mio inhabitants). Last - 3 APR 1999.

Nashville (Tennessee) is going to have light rail! Click here.
Serhii Pakhomov
I will try as much as possible to keep the address of this site unchanged. Bookmark it!

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Last change - 19 NOV 2002.

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