LZ1KSN - Burgas,
                The Amateur Radio Club
                                      This page is the first edition, so expect some rough spots.

                                                            About LZ1KSN
  LZ1KSN is a club station of amateur club "NEFTOHIMIC", which is sponsored by  Refinery & Petrochemical Complex "NEFTOCHIM" near Burgas. The first QSO of LZ1KSN was made on  18.02.1961 with a self-made transmitter. We made more than 300 000 QSOs from 1961 by now. Until 1980 the club station used self-made transceivers,later on two transceivers KENWOOD TS-530S and one KENWOOD TS-780 were purchased. The major object of amateur radio club "NEFTOHIMIC" is to train young radio amateurs. In 1992 amateur radio club "NEFTOHIMIC" became an associated member of United Sport Club "NEFTOHIMIC".  LZ1KSN created radio amateurs like:LZ1BB, LZ1FS, LZ1OE, LZ1QD, LZ1QN, LZ1QV, LZ1QZ, LZ1XS, LZ1ZU, LZ3BB, LZ3OE, LZ3QI, LZ3QX, LZ5QZ, LZ5XQ and LZ1CKD. The radio club has 5BDXCC award and many others.

                                                                        More info

Club address:               P.O. Box 675, Burgas 8001, BULGARIA
Phone:                         (056) 62-21-69 - only Tuesday

                                                 Board of Directors

President:  Detchko Delchev LZ1CKD 
Treasurer:  Kolyo Kolev LZ1QZ 
Editor:  Todor Kolev LZ5QZ 
Secretary:  Nick Andonov LZ1OE 

                                                                Club Repeater
145.425(RX) - 144.825(TX)
The repeater is located in 40km North of Burgas, at 500 meters above sea level. It covers all parts of the Eastern Bulgaria.

                                                                   Contest Info
 Amateur Radio Club LZ1KSN organizes a contest. It's only for bulgarian amateur radio stations, in the future we will change the rules and it will be possible for everyone to participate in the contests.

                                     Some Ham Related links
  F   Contest Calendars:   ARRL Contest Calendar
                                                  by LA9HW
                                                  by SM3CER
                                                  by IK4LZH
 F Call books:               BUCK MASTER Call sign server
                                                 QRZ Call sign server
                                                 QSL Info

F Clubs:                       Bavarian Contest Club
                                                 PI4CC Contest Club
                                                 Russian Robinson Club
                                                 Slovenia Contest Club

F DX Bulletins            425 DX News
                                                 59(9) DXReport
                                                 OPDX Bulletin
F Software                   LOG Plus! - Logging Software
                                                 TRLog by N6TR
                                                 WJ2O - DOS  Logging Software

F Other links pages      Links to Amateur Radio web sites
                                         Lots of Amateur Radio links

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Last Updated - 28.Jan.98

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