Recently My trusty HP 200LX developed the dreaded 'hinge crack' and required a hip replacement surgery.
There are several excellent web sites with step by step instructions and pictures for various LX repairs. Two of them are:
Thank you very much. You have done us great service.
I took the following pictures during my repair. I put them here to provide additional views and also record
some of my experiences. You are welcome to copy these pictures and information to HP LX related web sites
for the benefit of the LX user community at large. I do reserve the copyright.
My crack happened right at point where the top case touches the right end cap. Once the end cap is removed, it
is obvious that on glue in the world will be able to glue it back. I had to cannibalize another 200LX for the top case
with a hinge that is in a better shape.
This got to be the best picture available showing all the details of the right hinge.
Plenty of warnings against dismentling the right hinge are given. This is the reason. See how much compression
is required to fit the spring in the available space. When properly installed, the semi circular green plastic
on the left (whcih has broken off) touches the black ring on the right.

It seems to be a little easier to remove the two halves of the display case if you first insert one plastic
credit card. Add another one after the first has been iserted. Keep adding more credit card until the whole
case comes apart. Note: I am simplifying a great deal here. Actual steps are quite involved but you can figure
out as you go. Warning: I broke several pins with my technique any way so your milage may vary.
Since few have dismentled the right hinge, I sure these pictures are a rare view.
Not wanting to find out a problem with the LCD assembly after the fact, I tested the display in a dismentle
After seeing the inner design of the hinge area, it is easy to believe that this is a design flaw. I have
decided to change my handling habit to discourage the development of further cracks. I have in the past
use my left hand to push the left hand side of the display (fingers touching the gold 200LX logo) to close
the case. This actually creates the greater amount of stress in the right hinge area. I will from now on
use my left hand to hold the base and use my right hand to push (bend) as close to the right hinge base
as possible to close the display. I have also oil the hinge to further reduce tension. I don't know but hope
that this will extend its life.