Original Software for HP200LX and DOS

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Information Descriptions
Introduction What is here and why
My TerraServer An alternative interface to Microsoft's TerraServer which display satallite image of the earth
Inside of HP200LX Pictures taken during the repair of my HP200LX


Softwares available on this site:

Software Platform Hardware Description
View Battlog logs HP200LX, DOS, DOS under Windows   This simple C program reads the battery voltage log file recorded by Seiji Ieiri's excellent BATTLOG program and generates an ASCII report. C source code included.
DLG Viewer HP200LX, DOS, DOS under Windows Optional:
GPS with NMEA, Amateur radio with Baycom radio modem
DLG Viewer is a GPS moving map display program. It can also decode and generate some Amateur Radio APRS digital packet radio signals. APRS is a registered trademark of Bob Bruninga.
EZscope HP200LX, DOS, DOS under Windows Required:
ADSP2181 EZ-Kit Lite by Analog Devices
EZscope is a digital oscilloscope, spectroscope, and tone generator for the HP200LX using Analog Devices' EZKit Lite.
World Traveler HP200LX only   World Traveler accesses the HP200LX's built-in world city database and graphically displays the great circle route and distance. It also predicts the sunrise and sunset times.
CameDOS HP200LX, DOS, DOS mode under Windows Required:
Olympus and other compatible digital cameras
CameDOS allows you to control several makes and models of digital cameras.
Exif HP200LX, DOS, DOS under Windows   Exif allows you to create pictures to be uploaded back to Olympus cameras.
Time Keeper HP200LX, DOS, DOS under Windows   Time Keeper is a time tracking tool for office meetings.
TripPlan HP200LX, DOS, DOS under Windows   TripPlan is a simple cross time zone time management tool for DOS.
PCXViewer HP200LX, DOS, DOS under Windows   PCXViewer is a bi-level PCX graphics file viewer with a fast scrolling and wide display.

Revision history:


I do programming for a living and I love to program. In my spare times I created a few programs that seem somewhat useful to me. I thought someone else might also be interested in them. I have considered releasing them as Shareware but I don't think I have the time to responsibly support them as Shareware. So, here they are. You are welcome to use them for your own private personal use. If you are using them for financial gain in any way, please, obtain my written permission.

DLG Viewer 3.00

Download DLG Viewer

Pictures of my APRS station setup using an alpha version of this software (not yet available).

Revision History:


  1. This program receives realtime GPS coordinates from a GPS receiver and display the position on USGS DLG maps, Tiger sinusoidal projection maps, or rectangular projection maps.
  2. Why do you want this program:
  3. Notes on getting DLG maps:

DLG Viewer displaying a DLG map:


Download EZScope

This program interfaces to Analog Devices' ADSP-2181 EZ-KIT and turn it into a realtime digital oscilloscope and spectroscope.

EZScope in digital scope mode displaying a sinusoidal wave:

EZScope in digital spectrogram mode displaying the spectrum of a sinusoidal wave:

EZScope in system response mode displaying the system response of the on board CODEC:

World Travel 2.0

Download World Travel 2.0

This is an update to Jim Gasbarro's excellent and popular World Travel 1.0. Jim was kind enough to release his source code to me (thanks Jim.) I have added sunrise and sunset prediction.

World Travel plotting a great circle route from Anchorage, Alaska to Cape Town, South Africa:

World Travel predicting the sunrise/sunset time for Anchorage, Alaska:

View Battlog 0.1

Download View Battlog 0.1

This simple C program reads the battery voltage log file recorded by Seiji Ieiri's excellent BATTLOG program and generates an ASCII report. C source code included. Sample output:

battlog is assumed to contain 20-byte records recorded every 5 min.
status serial reserved
2001/10/18 20:42:41 2786 mV 00f8 00 00         0  
2001/10/18 20:48:33 2778 mV 00c0 00 00       352  
2001/10/18 21:06:23 2766 mV 00c0 00 00      1422  
2001/10/19  4:00:24 2748 mV 00c0 00 00     26263  
2001/10/19  8:13:42 2704 mV 00c0 00 00     41461  
2001/10/19  9:34:12 2695 mV 00c0 00 00     46291  

CameDOS 0.4

Download CameDOS 0.4

This is an update to TsuruZoh Tachibanaya's excellent and popular CameDOS 0.3. He is was very kind to release his source code. I have added:

The English manual in PDF format.

Exif Utility 1.0

Download Exif Utility 1.0

The OlyExif Utility is a collection of utilities for preparing JPEG pictures for uploading back into the digital camera. You still need Camedia that came with the camera or CameDOS for upload.

Time Keeper 1.0

Download Time Keeper 1.0

TIMKEEPR is a time control tool for office meetings. It runs best on the HP200LX but may also runs on any standard XT compatible computers. It is basically a count down timer. Length of time and interval are given on the command line. At every interval, it displays the remaining time in large font, beeps, waits for five seconds, and shuts off. When the count down stops, it displays a message and beeps.

TripPlan 1.0

Download TripPlan 1.0

TripPlan is a simple tool for visualizing local times for long distance (8 or more time zone differences) flights. It simply creates two time lines corresponding to the two time zones. With the time lines, one can quickly visualize the local times at both locations for time planning, e.g. sleep planning to minimize jet lag.

Sample Output Screen:

------------------------- Begin Screen Caapture -------------------------------

01:Diff =  16; Mon Nov 27 21:30:34 2000
04:LAX   Fri Dec 01 2000         Sat Dec 02 2000         Sun Dec 03 2000
05:0     6    12    18     0     6    12    18     0     6    12    18     0     6
07:                        xxxxxxxxxx20xxxxxxxx
09: 18     0     6    12    18     0     6    12    18     0     6    12    18
10:SIN           Sat Dec 02 2000         Sun Dec 03 2000         Mon Dec 04 2000
16:LAX   Sat Dec 09 2000         Sun Dec 10 2000         Mon Dec 11 2000
17:0     6    12    18     0     6    12    18     0     6    12    18     0     6
19:>                         xxxxxxxxx19xxxxxxxx
21: 18     0     6    12    18     0     6    12    18     0     6    12    18
22:SIN           Sun Dec 10 2000         Mon Dec 11 2000         Tue Dec 12 2000

--------------------------- End Screen Capture --------------------------------


Line 01: Time difference between cities; current time.
Line 04: Date line for the first city (Los Angeles)
Line 05: Time line for the first city (Los Angeles)
Line 06: '-' is day '=' is night (12 hours each)
Line 07: The 20 hours flight duration in local time of both
Line 08: '-' is day '=' is night (12 hours each)
Line 09: Time line for the second city (Los Angeles)
Line 10: Date line for the second city (Los Angeles)

Line 16-22: Time lines for the return trip

PCXViewer 1.0

Download PCXViewer 1.0

PV is a bi-level PCX graphics file viewer. It runs on the HP200LX as well as any standard XT compatible computers. Two unique features make it especially useful on the HP200LX:

  1. The entire image is loaded into the RAM for fast scrolling and panning.
  2. The entire 640 x 200 CGA screen may be divided into up to 8 horizontal stripes for displaying a thin stripes of an image wider than the horizontal screen resolution of 640 pixels. This allows a thin but complete horizontal stripe of an image up to 5120 pixels wide to be visible at once. This is particularly useful for reading the text of a faxed document whose paragraph that is as wide as the page.

PCXViewer viewing a 1727 pixel wide by 2199 pixel high image:

Works In Progress

(email me if you are interested):

Email me at alfred1520@yahoo.com.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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