Hello everybody and welcome to my home page. My name is Adam and I am a 16 year old who's in the 10th grade. I live on a farm in southern Louisiana where my family raises Paint Horses. See my Dad and our stallion Skippy by clicking here. I have a large variety of animals of my own, including my show horse, Buffy. I am the president of my FFA Chapter, greenhouse club and an officer in the Industrial Arts Club as well as being in the 4-H. I am the one who has created my high schools web site. I'm really into "Space" and "Sports" also.

I was nomanated in to Whos Who Among American High School Students as a freshmen in the 33rd eddition (1998-1999). Only 5%of the high school enrolment gets this honnor.

Click for Paulina, Louisiana Forecast

Buffy is my Overo Paint filly. She was foaled (born) on February 27, 1997. Her Dame (her mom) was a champion show horse named Triple Grand. Both of Triple Grands' parents were World Champions. Their names are Triples Titan and One Hundred Grand. Buffys sire (her dad), Dee Link, is also a World Champion. Buffy is beautiful and I am showing her, in the LPHC and 4-H shows. Hopefully she'll win a world championship one day, too. I know that's an incredibly hard thing to do. I have to work with her a lot, but that's okay because I enjoy it. It does take dedication and time to raise a baby. I've been working with Buffy since she was born. Please take a look at Buffy's webpage. You can see how great she is doing in the showring there!

Would you like to see some pictures from the 4-H Southern Regional Horse show?

My brother, Ross, and I raise rabbits together. We show them in the 4-H shows. Most of our rabbits are Californians. That's a specific breed. They have a white body color with black "points". That is, the black is on their noses, feet, ears, and tails. We have six does (females) and two bucks (males). We also have a bunch of which we sell. You can go to RRF (Rouillier Rabbit Farm) to see more about our rabbits and see the champion buck at our Parish 4-H show in 1997.

We had great results at the 1998 4-H rabbit show this year! I showed the Reserve Grand Champion Buck, and the Reserve Grand Champion Doe. Ross showed the Reserve Grand Champion Meat pen and the Grand Champion Doe. The doe that Ross showed also won the top honor of "Best of Show"!

My family has three, very spoiled barn cats. Rocky, Rascal and Tum-Tum. We sometimes call Tum-Tum "Big-um-belly-cat". The name fits him.

On October 3, 1999 I bought a crossbreed Hamp piglet to exhibit in the 4-H/FFA shows in January and February 2000. This is my third time showing a hog. I will have a good time and hope I win my class this year.

I've been interested in astronomy for as long as I can remember. I saved my money for a long time so that I could buy a telescope. I wanted a really powerful one. The one I bought is a Polaris 4.5 inch Equatorial Reflecting Telescope with a 3X Barlow lens and a motor. It's mounted on its own tripod. It's really cool, but it's difficult to use. Once I do get an object in view and in focus, it's awesome! My family used it to see Comet Hale-Bopp! We also got to see our moon.

Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Logo

I am a member of the Baton Rouge Astronomical Society. Mr. Walt Cooney has been more than nice to me. He offered to show my family the night sky through the big 11.5 inch telescope at LSU. One day in September I went to the LSU Observatory where I got to see Jupiter, Saturn, and a star named Vega. Jupiter was interesting to look at, but Saturn was so awesome that you can call it indescribable. I got to see the Cassini Divide which is the gap between Saturn's two belts. Thank you Mr. Walt. We really enjoyed ourselves.

Louisiana State University, in conjunction with B.R.A.S. and the Baton Rouge Recreation and Park Commision (BREC), has a new observatory at BREC's Highland Road Park. The new observatory is very impressive. The telescope there has computerized tracking. Cool! The observatory is also air conditioned. That's a major improvement over the old observatory at LSU.

I've been compiling a list of astronomy links for quite some time. You can use my astronomy links page if you'd like. It's a very long list that has links to a lot of photographs.

You can send a virtual holiday greeting to the crew of the MIR Space Station. It's pretty cool to be able to do this. It's amazing that it's even possible.

It's rather sad to think that the Russians will be delibertly sending the MIR falling towards the Earth where it will burn up in the atmosphere above Africa. It's a pity they couldn't bring it home and put it into a museum some place. One day it will be viewed as such an amazing feat...the first space station.

My Mom, my brother and I are aquarium enthusiast. I have a traditional 20 gallon tank in which I raise Guppies. You can see male and female Guppies. My brother Ross has a 20 gallon upright tank. My Mom has a marine aquarium in the living room. Mom's tank has Domino, Electric Blue, and some Three Stripe Damsels in it. She also has a Tomato Clown fish. She had two Urchins, but they recently died.

I'm a Baltimore Orioles fan. I've always admired Will Clark. He plays 1st base for the Orioles.

I also follow the New Orleans Saints. My Grandfather has had season tickets for as long as my Mom can remember. It's fun to go to the Saints games even though they don't win very often. They are looking much better lately, though, with Ricky Williams.

Hockey is my my other favorite sport. I also enjoyed playing Badminton. The Gravity Racing I saw on the Discovery Channel looks interesting, too.

I live in a beautiful area. The land is really flat here and everything is green for most of the year. You can see what it looks like by looking at out scenery page. These photographs were taken from a local bridge that spans the Mississippi River. You can see nice views of sugarcane fields and the huge ocean-going vessels in the river.

Please visit my famlies home page. Make sure you check out our links for kids page. It's a really cool page with 166 links that you'll just love! I also have my Astronomy Links Page up. If you like astronomy, this is the page for you!

I'd really appreciate it if you would sign my guestbook. You can also email me. I'd like to hear your opinions and answer your questions. I look forward to hearing from you!

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My friend Marcel's Home Page
My friend Shaggy's Home Page
My Astronomy Links Page
Baseballs' Texas Rangers' Home Page
Bill Nye the Science Guys' U-Nye-Verse
Our List of Safe Links for Kids
The World Of Rabbits
Fish, Fish and more Fish
The American Paint Horse Associations Web Page
The Smithsonian Institute
My Little Brother's Home Page

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