Welcome to the Unofficial Web Site
of the Confederate Air Force's

"Gulf Coast Wing"

The Confederate Air Force's Gulf Coast Wing is located at Ellington Field, Houston, Texas. We meet at
6:30PM on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the American Legion Hall on Highway 3, across from
Ellington Field's main gate.

If you would like to become a crew member on our B-17G, "Texas Raiders", you may contact us by one
of the following methods for an application/information packet.

1. Contact our Adjutant by Snail Mail
2. Contact Col. Gene Sharp via Email or through our Virtual Office's "In Basket".
3. Download an application from the "Out Basket" in our Virtual Office.
4. Sign our "Guest Book"(below) and in the "Comments" section, ask for an Application. Be certain to
give your address, City, State & Zip along with your Phone Number.

Col. Frank Wheeler, Adjutant
P.O. Box 440214
Houston, Texas 77244

This Site is Under Continuous Construction

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Links to other sites on the Web

Gulf Coast Wing Virtual Office
Email Col. Sharp

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