Number | Article | Downloads |
56 | Hellweg CE, Baumstark-Khan C, Spitta LF, Thelen M, Arenz A, Franz M, Schulze-Varnholt D, Berger T, and Reitz G: The Space Experiment CERASP: Definition of a Space-Suited Radiation Source and Growth Conditions for Human Cells. Acta Astronautica (2008) 63: 906-914. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
55 | Baumstark-Khan C, Rabbow E, Rettberg P, and Horneck G: The Combined Bacterial Lux-Fluoro Test for the Detection and Quantification of Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Agents in Surface Water: Results from the "Technical Workshop on Genotoxicity Biosensing". Aquatic Toxicology (2007) 85: 209-218. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
54 | Baumstark-Khan C and Horneck G: Results from the "Technical Workshop on Genotoxicity Biosensing" on the Microscale Fluorometric Assay of DNA-Unwinding. Analytica Chimica Acta (2007) 593: 75-81. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
53 | Grotheer HH, Pokorny H, Happold J, Gonzales Baquet T, Thierley M, Aigner M, Baumstark-Khan C, Hellweg CE, and Arenz A: On Combustion Generated Nanoparticles and their Biological Effects. Part I: Measurement of Nanoparticles and their Detection in and Behind Flames. Current Nanoscience (2007) 3: 199-205. |
(Abstract) Article) |
52 | Baumstark-Khan C, Rosendahl IM, and Rink H: On the Quality of Mutations in Mammalian Cells Induced by High LET Radiations. Advances in Space Research (2007) 40: 474-482. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
51 | Hellweg CE, Spitta L, Arenz A, Bogner S, Ruscher R, Baumstark-Khan C, Greif KD, and Giesen U: Transcriptional Response of Human Cells to Microbeam Irradiation with 2.1 MeV Alpha Particles. Advances in Space Research (2007) 39: 1056-1065. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
50 | Arenz A, Hellweg CE, Bogner S, Lau P, and Baumstark-Khan C: Suitability of Commonly Used Housekeeping Genes in Gene Expression Studies for Space Radiation Research. Advances in Space Research (2007) 39: 1050-1055. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
49 | Hellweg CE, Thelen M, Arenz A, and Baumstark-Khan C: The German ISS-Experiment Cellular Responses to Radiation in Space (CERASP): The Effects of Single and Combined Space Flight Conditions on Mammalian Cells. Advances in Space Research (2007) 39: 1011-1018. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
48 | Hellweg CE, Arenz A, and Baumstark-Khan C: Assessment of Space Environmental Factors by Cytotoxicity Bioassays. Acta Astronautica (2007) 60: 525-533. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
47 | Hellweg CE and Baumstark-Khan C: Detection of UV-induced Activation of NF-kB in a Recombinant Human Cell Line by Means of Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP). Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (2007) 46: 269-279. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
46 | Hellweg CE and Baumstark-Khan C. Getting Ready for the Manned Mission to Mars: The Astronauts' Risk from Space Radiation. Naturwissenschaften (2007) 94: 517-526. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
45 | Hellweg CE, Arenz A, Bogner S, Schmitz C, and Baumstark-Khan C: Activation of NF-kappaB by different agents - Influence of culture conditions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2006) 1091: 191-204. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
44 | Arenz A, Hellweg CE, Stojicic N, Baumstark-Khan C, and Grotheer HH: Gene Expression Modulation in A549 Human Lung Cells in Response to Combustion Generated Nano-Sized Particles. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2006) 1091: 170-183. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
43 | Horneck G, Facius R, Reichert M, Rettberg P, Seboldt W, Manzey D, Comet B, Maillet A, Preiss H, Schauer L, Dussap CG, Belyavin A, Reitz G, Baumstark-Khan C, and Gerzer R: HUMEX, a Study on the Survivability and Adaptation of Humans to Long-Duration Exploratory Missions, Part II: Missions to Mars. Advances in Space Research (2006) 38: 752-759. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
42 | Rabbow E, Stojicic N, Walrafen D, Baumstark-Khan C, Rettberg P, Schulze-Varnholt D, Franz M, and Reitz G: SOS-Lux toxicity test on the International Space Station. Research in Microbiology (2006), 157: 30-36. |
(Abstract) (Article) |
41 | Rosendahl IM, Baumstark-Khan C, and Rink H: Mutation Induction in Mammalian Cells by Accelerated Heavy Ions. Advances in Space Research (2005) 36:1701-1709 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
40 | Hellweg CE, Arenz A, Meier MM, and Baumstark-Khan C: Cellular monitoring systems for the assessment of space environmental factors. Advances in Space Research (2005) 36:1673-1679 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
39 | Lau P, Hellweg CE, Kirchner S, Arenz A, Baumstark-Khan C, and Horneck G: Induction of DNA-strand breaks after X-irradiation in murine bone cells of various differentiation capacities. Advances in Space Research (2005) 36:1689-1695 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
38 | Arenz A, Hellweg CE, and Baumstark-Khan C: Gene expression in mammalian cells after exposure to 95 MeV/amu argon ions. Advances in Space Research (2005) 36:1680-1688 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
37 | Baumstark-Khan C, Hellweg CE, Arenz A, and Meier M M: Cellular Monitoring of the Nuclear Factor kappaB Pathway for the Assessment of Space Environmental Radiation. Radiation Research (2005) 164: 527-530 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
36 | Stojcic N, Walrafen D, Baumstark-Khan C, Rabbow E, Rettberg P, Weisshaar M-P, and Horneck G:
Genotoxicity testing on the International Space Station: Preparatory work on the SOS-Lux-Test as part of the space experiment TRIPLE-LUX. Advances in Space Research (2005) 36:1710-1717 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
36 | Baumstark-Khan C, Cioara K, Rettberg P, and Horneck G: Determination of Geno- and Cyto-Toxicity of Groundwater and Sediments Using the Recombinant SWITCH-Test. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: &Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering (2005) 40:245-263 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
35 | Park KS, Baumstark-Khan C, Rettberg P, Horneck G, Rabbow E, and Gu MB: Immobilization as a technical possibility for long-term storage of bacterial biosensors. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (2005) 44:69-71 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
34 | Hellweg CE, Baumstark-Khan C, and Horneck G: Generation of stably transfected mammalian cell lines as fluorescent screening assay for NF-kB activation-dependent gene expression. Journal of Biomolecular Screening (2003) 8: 511-521 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
33 | Baumstark-Khan C: Induction and repair of DNA strand breaks in bovine lens epithelial cells after high LET irradiation. Advances in Space Research (2003) 31:1583-1591 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
32 | Rabbow E, Rettberg P, Baumstark-Khan C, and Horneck G,: The SOS-Lux-LAC-Fluoro-Toxicity-Test on the International Space Station. Advances in Space Research,(2003) 31:1513-1524 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
31 | Baumstark-Khan C, Khan R, Rettberg P, and Horneck G: The bacterial Lux-Fluoro Test for biological assessment of pollutants in water samples from urban and rural origin. Anal Chimica Acta (2003) 487: 51-60 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
30 | Horneck G, Facius R, Reichert M, Rettberg P, Seboldt W, Manzey D, Comet B, Maillet A, Preiss H, Schauer L, Dussap CG, Poughon L, Belyavin A, Reitz G, Baumstark-Khan C, Gerzer R: HUMEX, a study on the survivability and adaptation of humans to long-duration exploratory missions. I: Lunar missions. Advances in Space Research (2003) 31: 2389-2401 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
29 | Horneck G, Facius R, Reitz G, Rettberg P, Baumstark-Khan C, and Gerzer R: Critical issues in connection with human missions to Mars: Protection of and from the martian environment. Advances in Space Research (2003) 31: 87-95 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
28 | Rabbow E, Rettberg R, Baumstark-Khan C, Horneck G: SOS-LUX- and LAC-FLUORO-TEST for the quantification of genotoxic and/or cytotoxic effects of heavy metal salts. Anal Chimica Acta (2002) 456: 31-39 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
27 | Hellweg CE, Baumstark-Khan C, Horneck G: Enhanced green fluorescent protein as reporter protein for biomonitoring of cytotoxic effects in mammalian cells. Anal Chimica Acta (2001) 427: 191-199 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
26 | Hellweg CE, Baumstark-Khan C, Rettberg P, Horneck G: The suitability of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as reporter component for bioassays. Anal Chimica Acta (2001) 426: 175-184 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
25 | Baumstark-Khan C, Rode A, Rettberg P, Horneck G: Application of the Lux-Fluoro test as bioassay for combined genotoxicity and cytotoxicity measurements by means of recombinant Salmonella typhimurium TA1535 cells. Anal Chimica Acta (2001) 437: 23-30 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
24 | Rettberg P, Bandel K, Baumstark-Khan C, Horneck G: Increased sensitivity of the SOS-LUX-Test for the detection of hydrophobic genotoxic substances with Salmonella typhimurium TA1535 as host strain. Anal Chimica Acta (2001) 426: 167-173 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
23 | Baumstark-Khan C, Hellweg CE, Palm M, Horneck G: Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) for space radiation research using mammalian cells in the International Space Station. Physica Medica (2001) 17: 210-214 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
22 | Horneck G, Rettberg P, Reitz G, Wehner J, Eschweiler U, Strauch K, Panitz C, Starke V, Baumstark-Khan C: Protection of bacterial spores in space, A contribution to the discussion on panspermia. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere (2001) 31: 527–547 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
21 | Horneck G, Facius R, Reitz G, Rettberg P, Baumstark-Khan C, Gerzer R: Critical issues in connection with human planetary missions: Protection of and from the Environment. Acta Astronautica (2001) 49 (3-10): 279-288 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
20 | Baumstark-Khan C, Hellweg CE: Die UV-Antwort in menschlichen Zellen. DLR Nachrichten (2000) 99: 46-51 |
(No abstract available) (Article) |
19 | Baumstark-Khan C, Hentschel U, Nikandrova Y, Krug J, Horneck G: Fluorometric analysis of DNA unwinding (FADU) as a method for detecting repair-induced DNA strand breaks in UV-irradiated mammalian cells. Photochem & Photobiol (2000) 72: 477-484 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
18 | Baumstark-Khan C, Palm M, Wehner J, Okabe M, Ikawa M, Horneck G: Green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker for cell viability after UV-irradiation. J Fluoresc (1999) 9: 37-43 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
17 | Rettberg P, Baumstark-Khan C, Bandel K, Ptitsyn LR, Horneck G: Microscale application of the SOS-LUX-TEST as biosensor for genotoxic agents. Anal Chimica Acta (1999) 387: 289-296 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
16 | Baumstark-Khan C, Hellweg CE, Scherer K, Horneck G: Mammalian cells as biomonitors of UV-exposure. Anal Chimica Acta (1999) 387: 281-287 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
15 | Horneck G, Rettberg P, Kozubek S, Baumstark-Khan C, Rink H, Schafer M, Schmitz C: The influence of microgravity on repair of radiation-induced DNA damage in bacteria and human fibroblasts. Radiat Res (1997) 147:376-84 |
(Abstract |
14 | Horneck G, Rettberg P, Baumstark-Khan C, Rink H, Kozubek S, Schafer M,
Schmitz C: DNA repair in microgravity: studies on bacteria and mammalian cells in the experiments REPAIR and KINETICS. J Biotechnol (1996) 47:99-112 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
13 | Baumstark-Khan C: Alkaline elution versus fluorescence analysis of DNA unwinding. Methods Enzymol (1994) 234:88-102 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
12 | Baumstark-Khan C: X-ray-induced DNA double-strand breaks as lethal lesions in diploid human fibroblasts compared to Chinese hamster ovary cells. Int J Radiat Biol (1993) 63:305-11 ) |
(Abstract) |
11 | Baumstark-Khan C: Effect of aphidicolin on DNA synthesis, PLD-recovery and DNA repair of human diploid fibroblasts. Int J Radiat Biol (1992) 61:191-7 |
(Abstract) |
10 | Baumstark-Khan C, Aufderheide E, Rink H: X-ray induced DNA strand break induction and rejoining in cultured bovine lens epithelial cells. Ophthalmic Res (1992) 24:220-7 |
(Abstract) |
9 | Baumstark-Khan C, Griesenbach U, Rink H: Comparison of DNA strand break induction in CHO cells measured by alkaline elution and by fluorometric analysis of DNA unwinding (FADU). Free Radic Res Commun (1992) 16:381-9 |
(Abstract) |
8 | Baumstark-Khan C: Effects of aphidicolin on cell recovery and repair of DNA damage in irradiated human fibroblasts Strahlenther Onkol (1991) 167:726-32 |
(Abstract) |
7 | Baumstark-Khan C, Schneider J, Rink H:
Radiation sensitivity of cultured bovine lens epithelial cells. Ophthalmic Res (1991) 23:235-9 |
(Abstract) |
6 | Baumstark-Khan C, Rink H: SCE-measurements as tool for evaluation of drug-induced chromosomal disorders. Lens Eye Toxic Res (1990) 7:251-62 |
(Abstract) |
5 | Rink H, Baumstark-Khan C, Partke HJ: Radiation induced formation of giant cells in Saccharomyces uvarum. IV. Macromolecular synthesis and protein patterns. Radiat Environ Biophys (1986) 25:81-91 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
4 | Baumstark-Khan C, Rink H, Zimmermann HP: Radiation induced formation of giant cells in Saccharomyces uvarum. III: Effect of X-rays on nuclear division. Radiat Environ Biophys (1986) 25:23-30 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
3 | Baumstark-Khan C, Rink H, Wegener A: Radiation induced formation of giant cells in Saccharomyces uvarum. II. Effect of X-rays on septum formation. Radiat Environ Biophys (1985) 24:9-16 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
2 | Baumstark-Khan C, Schnitzler L, Rink H: Radiation induced formation of giant cells (Saccharomyces uvarum). I. Budding process and chitin ring formation. Radiat Environ Biophys (1984) 23:19-30 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
1 | Baumstark-Khan C, Rink H, Zimmermann HP: Monitoring yeast spindles in the fluorescence microscope. Eur J Cell Biol (1984) 33:19-23 |
(Abstract) |
Number | Article | Downloads |
25 | Baumstark-Khan C and Hellweg CE: From Earth to Space: Biosensing at the International Space Station. in: Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips. Volume 2. Hrsg: Marks RS, Cullen D, Lowe C, Weetall HH, and Karube I, John Wiley & Sons. (2007) pp 1213-1236 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
24 | Hellweg CE and Baumstark-Khan C: Mechanisms of Toxicity of Ultrafine Particles. in: Nanotoxicology: Interactions of Nanomaterials with Biological Systems. Hrsg: Zhao Y and Nalwa HS, American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA, USA, (2007) pp 61-74. |
(No abstract avaliable) |
23 | Baumstark-Khan C, Hellweg CE, Testard I, and Reitz G: HighGenotoxicity of heavy ions in recombinant bacteria. in: Ion Beams in Biology and Medicine. Hrsg: Debus J, Henrichs K, and Kraft G, Fachverband für Strahlenschutz e.V.: Fortschritte im Strahlenschutz Series 23, TÜV Media GmbH, Köln, (2007) pp 85-90. |
(No abstract avaliable) |
22 | Hellweg CE, Baumstark-Khan C, Spitta L, Ruscher R, Arenz A, Lau P, Meier M M, Testard I, and Reitz G: High-LET ion beams activate NF-kB in human cells. in: Ion Beams in Biology and Medicine. Hrsg: Debus J, Henrichs K, and Kraft G, Fachverband für Strahlenschutz e.V.: Fortschritte im Strahlenschutz Series 23, TÜV Media GmbH, Köln, (2007) pp 171-172. |
(No abstract avaliable) |
21 | Horneck G, Baumstark-Khan C, and Facius R: Radiation Biology. in: Fundamentals of Space Biology.Research on Cells, Animals, and Plants in Space. Hrsg: Clément G and Slenska K, Springer, Space Technology Library Series, (2006) pp 291-336. | (No abstract avaliable) |
20 | Rettberg P, Baumstark-Khan C, Rabbow E, and Horneck G: The LUX-FLUORO test as a rapid bioassay for environmental pollutants. in: Environmental Chemistry: Green Chemistry and Pollutants in Ecosystems, Hrsg: Savitsky Lichtfouse E, Schwarzbauer J, and Robert D, Springer, Berlin, Germany (2005) pp. 645-658 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
19 | Hellweg CE, Baumstark-Khan C, and Horneck G: Stably transfected human cell lines as fluorescent screening assay for Nuclear Factor kappaB activation dependent gene expression. in: Genetically Engineered and Optical Probes for Biomedical Applications II, Hrsg: Savitsky AP, Brovko LY, Bornhop DJ, Raghavachari R, and Achilefu SI, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA (2004), pp. 107-117 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
18 | Baumstark-Khan C, Hellweg CE, Arenz A, Meier MM, and Horneck G: Getting Ready for the Manned Mission to Mars: Bioassays for Space Research. in: Genetically Engineered and Optical Probes for Biomedical Applications II, Hrsg: Savitsky AP, Brovko LY, Bornhop DJ, Raghavachari R, and Achilefu SI, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA, (2004), 118-131 |
(Abstract) (Article) |
17 | Horneck G, Facius R, Reichert M, Rettberg P, Seboldt W, Manzey D, Comet B, Maillet A, Preiss H, Schauer L, Dussap CG, Poughon L, Belyavin A, Heer M, Reitz G, Baumstark-Khan C, Gerzer R: HUMEX, A Study on the Survivability and Adaptation of Humans to Long-duration Exploratory Missions. (2003) Noordwijk, ESA Publication Division |
(No abstract avaliable) |
16 | Baumstark-Khan C, Hellweg CE, and Horneck G: On the Suitability of Red and Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (DsRed/EGFP) as Reporter Combination. in: Coupling of Biological and Electronical Systems, Hrsg: Hoffmann K-H, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong London Milan Paris Tokyo (2002) pp. 1-13 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
15 | Horneck G, Baumstark-Khan C, and Reitz G: Space microbiology: Effects of ionizing radiation on microorganisms in space. in: Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology, Hrsg: Horneck G and Baumstark-Khan C, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York (2002), pp. 261-284 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
14 | Baumstark-Khan C, and Facius R: Life under conditions of ionizing radiation. in: Astrobiology. The Quest for the Conditions of Life, Hrsg: Britton G, Wiley & Sons (2002), pp. 260-283 |
(Article) |
13 | Palm M, Baumstark-Khan C, Horneck G: Green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression in mammalian cells after UV-irradiation. in: Fundamentals for the Assessment of Risks from Environmental Radiation, Hrsg: Baumstark-Khan C., Kozubek S., Horneck G., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Boston London (1999), pp. 311-316 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
12 | Baumstark-Khan C, Heilmann J, and Rink H: DNA repair: Basic functions for cellular survival and recovery. in: Fundamentals for the Assessment of Risks from Environmental radiation. Hrsg: Baumstark-Khan C, Kozubek S, Horneck G, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Boston London (1999), pp. 103-114 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
11 | Nikandrova Y, Baumstark-Khan C, Horneck G: Repair-induced DNA strand breaks in UV-irradiated mammalian cells. in: Fundamentals for the Assessment of Risks from Environmental Radiation, Hrsg: Baumstark-Khan C, Kozubek S, Horneck G, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Boston London (1999), pp. 155-160 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
10 | Michael BD, Ronto G, Baumstark-Khan C, Cadet J, Frankenberg-Schwager M,
Komova OV, Müller W-U, Quastel MR, Sage E: DNA Injuries, damage induction and removal: Recommendations for research needed. in: Fundamentals for the Assessment of Risks from Environmental Radiation, Hrsg: Baumstark-Khan C., Kozubek S., Horneck G., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Boston London (1999), pp. 173-178 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
9 | Baumstark-Khan C, Heilmann J, Aufderheide E, Rink H: Induction and repair of DNA strand breaks in bovine lens epithelial cells after high LET irradiation. in: Junk AK, Kundiev Y, Vitte P, and Worgul BV (Eds.): Ocular Radiation Risk Assessment in Populations Exposed to Environmental Radiation Contamination (1999), NATO Science Series. Partnership Sub-Series 2, Environmental Security, Volume 50, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht |
(No abstract avaliable) |
8 | Baumstark-Khan C, Halbe E, Rink H: X-Ray sensitivity and DNA damage in bovine lens epithelial cells in vitro. in: Junk AK, Kundiev Y, Vitte P, and Worgul BV (Eds.): Ocular Radiation Risk Assessment in Populations Exposed to Environmental Radiation Contamination (1999), NATO Science Series. Partnership Sub-Series 2, Environmental Security, Volume 50, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht |
(No abstract avaliable) |
7 | Baumstark-Khan C: Estimation of environmental burdens by radiation. Radiologic Units: From Gray to Sievert. in: Junk AK, Kundiev Y, Vitte P, and Worgul BV (Eds.): Ocular Radiation Risk Assessment in Populations Exposed to Environmental Radiation Contamination (1999), NATO Science Series. Partnership Sub-Series 2, Environmental Security, Volume 50, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht |
No abstract avaliable) |
6 | Baumstark-Khan C, Rein D, Hentschel U, Rink H: Prädiktive Tests zur Bestimmung der Strahlenempfindlichkeit: Messung von DNA Gesamtbrüchen und DNA Doppelstrangbrüchen. in: Strahlenbiologie und Strahlenschutz: Moderne Entwicklungen und Tendenzen in der Strahlenbiologie (1996), Hrsg: Heinemann G., Pfrob H., TÜV Rheinland GmbH, Köln, pp. 227-231 |
(No abstract avaliable) | 5 | Baumstark-Khan C, Rettberg P, Schäfer M, Kozubek S, Rink H, Horneck
G:< Reparatur von DNA-Schäden unter Schwerelosigkeit. Untersuchungen mit Bakterien und Säugerzellen. in: Strahlenbiologie und Strahlenschutz: Moderne Entwicklungen und Tendenzen in der Strahlenbiologie, Hrsg: Heinemann G, Pfrob H, TÜV Rheinland GmbH, Köln (1996), pp. 232-236 | (No abstract avaliable) |
4 | Horneck G, Rettberg P, Schäfer M, Zimmermann H, Rink H, Baumstark-Khan
C, Kozubek S: Enzymatic repair of radiation-induced DNA damage under microgravity. in: Radiation Research 1895-1995: Congress Proceedings, Volume 2: Congress Lectures, Hrsg: Hagen U, Jung H, Streffer C, 10th ICRR Society, Würzburg (1995), 1195-1198 | (No abstract avaliable) |
3 | Rink H, Baumstark-Khan C:
Cell culture methods. in: Manuals of Oculotoxicity Testing of Drugs, Hrsg: Hockwin O, Green K, Rubin L, Fischer, Stuttgart Jena New York (1992), pp 389-401 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
2 | Baumstark-Khan C: A calculation method of PLD recovery based on saturation kinetics. in: Frontiers in Radiation Biology, Hrsg: Riklis E., VCH & Balaban Publishers, Weinheim New York Rehovot (1990) pp 513-520 | (No abstract avaliable) |
1 |
Rink H, Zblewski R, Baumstark-Khan C: Repair capacity and ageing of lens epithelial cells in vitro. in: Modern Trends in Ageing Research, Hrsg: Courtois Y., Faucheux B., Forette B., Knook D.L., Tréton J.A., John Libbey Eurotext Ltd., Colloque INSERM-EURAGE (1986) 147: 303-309 | (No abstract avaliable) |
Number | Article | Downloads |
2 | Rettberg P, Baumstark-Khan C, Horneck G, Seboldt W, Hauber W, Schmidt T, Möhlmann D, Richter L, Tokano T, Kochan H: Wegbereitung zur Erschließung des Mars. in: Wettbewerb der Visionen. 2001-2004. Hrsg: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. in der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft, Köln-Porz, Germany, (2004) 38-39 |
(No abstract avaliable) |
1 |
Chumak V, Anspaugh L, Bakhanova H, Baumstark-Khan C, Chang W, Charles M,
Krujchkov V, Shevchenko V, Shore R, Worgul BV: Concluding Report and Recommendations Of the Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Report of the dosimetry discussion group of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on «Ocular Radiation Risk Assessment in Populations Exposed to Environmental Radiation Contamination» Medical Ecology N 4 (November 1997) |
(Report) |
Number | Article | Year |
3 | Horneck G, Baumstark-Khan C, (Eds.): Astrobiology, The Quest for the Conditions of Life, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Sold out by Springer. Click here to download single chapters |
2002 |
2 | Baumstark-Khan C, Kozubek S, Horneck G, (Eds.): Fundamentals for the Assessment of Risks from Environmental Radiation, NATO Science Series. Partnership Sub-Series 2, Environmental Security, Volume 55, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Click here to order the volume from the publisher | 1999 |
1 | Rettberg P, Horneck G, Baumstark-Khan C, Amanatidis GT, (Eds.) Biological UV dosimetry, a tool for accessing the impact of UV radiation an health and ecosystems, Air Pollution Research Report 71, EUR 19098, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg) |
1999 |