Family names: Urgeles Esclasans Name:
Roger Birth date:
Curriculum Vitae Last updated September 25, 2008 |
Senior lecturer (professor agregat), “Departament
d’Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociències Marines”, University of Barcelona,
Present work address: GRC Geociències
Marines, Dept. d’Estratigrafia,
Paleontologia i Geociències Marines, University
of Barcelona, c/ Martí i Franquès s/n, 08028
+34 93 4021375 Fax: +34 93 4021340
Postdoctoral fellow at “Département
de géologie et génie géologique”, Université
Laval, Canada.
1996-1999. PhD in Geology, University
of Barcelona (European doctor award).
Thesis title: “Giant landslides in the
1990-1995. Degree in Geology, University
of Barcelona (UB)
2008. Research Intensification Award from the University of Barcelona (Ajuts del
Programa General d’Intensificació de la recerca a les Universitats del
Sistema Universitari de Catalunya)
2005. I3
Award (Incentivación de la Incorporación e Intensificación de
la Actividad Investigadora) of the Spanish Ministry for Education and
2004. Research accreditation in the sciences domain of the Agency for the Quality of the
Universitary System of Catalonia (Acreditació de Recerca de
l’Àmbit de Ciències de l’Agència
per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya - AQU).
1999. Mention of European Doctor. University of Barcelona.
Speak |
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Write |
Catalan |
Fluent | Fluent | Fluent |
English |
Fluent |
Fluent |
Fluent |
French |
Fluent |
Fluent |
Good |
Spanish |
Fluent |
Fluent |
Fluent |
2005-Present. Aggregate lecturer.
2001-2005. “Ramón y Cajal” grant of the Spanish Ministry for Science
and Education.
2000-2001. Assistant lecturer.
2000-2001. “Bourse
d’excellence postdoctorale du ministère de l’Éducation du Québec”.
1999 (November-December). Substitute associate lecturer (professor associat
1996-1999. F.P. Scholarship of the Catalan Government to do a
thesis in the field of marine geosciences in the Department of
Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of the University of
Barcelona, Spain.
1995. 6 month contract of the "Fundació Bosch i Gimpera" to
work in geophysical data from the Canaries.
1993-1994. “Beca de colaboración” of the Spanish Ministry for
Education and Science, Department of Dynamic Geology, Geophysics and
1993. Erasmus (B-1095) Scholarship of the European Union to
complete the second cycle of the degree in Geology in the field of
Marine Geosciences. Christian Albrechts Univerität,
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
29 August - 02 October 2006. Geotechnical analysis on
IODP Expedition 308 sediment samples from the Gulf of Mexico. |
03-07 July 2006. Intensive course: “Introduction to
EarthVision and the WorkFlow Manager' by Dynamic
Graphics, Inc. of |
01-12 November 2004. Geotechnical analyses on a sediment
core from the |
01-04 June 2004. Intensive course “Deep-Sea Sedimentary
Processes and Products: Submarine Slope Instability II” by Prof.
Jacques Locat of Laval University,
08-31 March 2003. Multibeam data processing of the |
10-12 April 2002. Intensive course: “Margins: Source to
Sink Sediment Transport and Stratigraphic Modeling”, by Prof. James
P.M. Syvitski of the INSTAAR,
17 June - |
16-20 March 1998. Intensive course: “Introduction to
Geospatial Modelling and the Geologic Structure Builder' by Dynamic Graphics, Inc. of |
11-13 June 1995. 4th RIDGE Theoretical Institute on
tectonics and magmatism at mid-ocean ridges. |
01 July – |
Submarine slope stability and submarine landslides
and Université Laval (CAN)
Submarine engineering technology
Canyon and continental margin evolution
Glacio-marine depositional systems and climate change
Processes of volcano flank collapse: The Canary Islands
-Peer-reviewed (SCI) journals:
-Non-SCI journals:
-Book chapters:
Cochonat, P., Masson, D., Armigliato, A., Bornhold, B., Camerlenghi, A., Cagatay, N., Favali, P., Kvalstad, T., Kopf, A., Lykousis, V., Miranda, J.M. and Urgeles R. (2007): History, monitoring and prediction of
geohazards. In P. Cochonat, S. Dürr, V. Gunn, P. Herzig, C. Mevel, J. Mienert, R. Schneider, P.P.E. Weaver and A. (Eds,), Winkler, The Deep-Sea
Frontier, Science challenges for a sustainable future, European
Comission, Office for Official Publications of the European
Communities, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pp. 9-15.
H. , Flemings, P.B., Germaine, J., Dugan, B., Sawyer, D. and Shipboard
Scientific Party IODP Expedition 308 (incl Urgeles, R.) (2007): In
Situ Pore Pressure at IODP Site U1324, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico. In:
Proceedings Offshore Technology
Conference 2007, Offshore
Technology Conference, Richardson, TX (USA), Paper OTC18772.
Dugan, B., Felmings, P.B., Urgeles, R., Sawyer, D., Iturrino, G.J., Moore, J.C. and Schneider, J. (2007): Physical Properties of Mass Transport Complexes in the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico (IODP Expedition 308) determined from log, core and seismic data.In: Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference 2007, Offshore Technology Conference, Richardson, TX (USA), Paper OTC18704.
R., Locat, J. and Dugan, B. (2007): Recursive
failure of the Gulf of
Mexico continental slope: timing and causes. In Lykoussis, V.;
Sakellariou, D.; Locat, J. (Eds.), Submarine
Mass Movemens and their
Consequences - II, Springer Dordrecht (The Netherlands),pp. 209-219.
P.B., Behrmann, J.H., John, C.M. and Expedition 308 Scientists (incl.
Urgeles, R.) (2006).
Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling
Program 308. In: Proceedings of the
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program,
308, College Station TX (USA).
308 Scientists (incl. Urgeles, R.)
(2005). Gulf of Mexico
hydrogeology—overpressure and fluid flow processes in the deepwater
Gulf of Mexico: slope stability, seeps, and shallow-water flow. In IODP
Preliminary Reports, 308, College Station TX (USA), pp. 1 - 109.
Lastras. G., Canals, M. and Urgeles, R. (2003): Lessons
from sea-floor and subsea-floor imagery of the BIG'95 debris flow scar
and deposit, In: J. Locat and J. Mienert Eds., Submarine Mass
Movements and their Consequences, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht (The Netherlands), pp. 425-431.
Levesque, C., Locat, J., Leroueil, S., Urgeles, R.,
(2004): Preliminary overview of the morphology in the Saguenay Fjord
with a particular look at mass movements, In: Proceedings of the
55th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Canadian
Urgeles, R., Lastras. G., Canals, M., Willmott, V., Moreno, A.,
Casas, D., Baraza, J. and Berné, S. (2003): The BIG'95 debris flow and
adjacent unfailed sediments in the NW Mediterranean Sea:
geotechnical-sedimentological properties and dating, In: J. Locat and
J. Mienert Eds., Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (The Netherlands), pp. 479-487.
Locat, J., Martin, F., Levesque, C., Locat, P., Leroueil,
S., Konrad, J.-M., Urgeles, R., Canals, M. and Duchesne, M.J.
(2003): Submarine mass movements in the Upper Saguenay Fjord, (Québec,
Canada), triggered by the 1663 earthquake, In: J. Locat and J. Mienert
Eds., Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (The Netherlands), pp. 509-519.
Urgeles, R. and Locat, J. (2003): Results from Multibeam,
Sedimentological and Geotechnical Data of the '
Urgeles, R., Canals, M., Masson, D.G. and Gee, M.J.R. (2003): El
Hierro: shaping of an oceanic island by mass wasting, In: J. Mienert y
P.P.E. Weaver Eds., Atlas of Side-Scan Sonar and Seismic Images of
European Margin Sediment Dynamics, Springer-Verlag (Germany), pp.
Urgeles, R., Masson, D.G., Canals, M.,
H., Locat, J., Urgeles, R. (2001): Géodynamique littorale de la couche
diluvienne de 1996, Baie des Ha! Ha!, fjord du Saguenay, Québec, Canada, In: Long, B. Ed.,
Proceedings of the Canadian Coastal Conference, Canadian Coastal
Science and Engineering Association, Quebec (Canada), pp. 507-522
Duchesne, M. J., Urgeles, R., Long, B. F. and
Locat, J. (2001): Geomorphology and slope instability features in the
Outardes delta area, Quebec, Canada, In: Proceedings of the 54th
Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Canadian Geotechnical Society,
Calgary (Canada), pp. 371-378.
Locat, P., Locat, J., Leroueil, S., Urgeles, R.,
Hart, B. and Long, B. (2001): Caractérisation préliminaire du
glissement sous-marin de la Pointe-du-Fort, Fjord du Saguenay,
Martin, F., Konrad, J.-M., Locat, J., Locat, P., Urgeles
R. and Lee, H. J. (2001): Caracteristiques geotechniques et analyse
du potentiel de liquefaction des sediments recents et post-glaciaires
du fjord du Saguenay, Québec (Canada), In: Proceedings of
the 54th Canadian Geotechnical Conference,
Canadian Geotechnical Society, Calgary (Canada), pp. 776-783.
Urgeles, R., Locat, J., Lee, H. J., Martin, F. and Konrad J.-M. (2001): The Saguenay Fjord: Integrating marine
geotechnical and geophysical data for spatial slope stability hazard
analysis, In: Proceedings of the 54th Canadian
Geotechnical Conference, Canadian Geotechnical Society,
Canals, M., Casamor, J.L., Urgeles, R., Lastras,
G., Calafat, A.M., De Batist, M., Masson, D.G., Berné, S., Alonso B.
and Hughes Clarke, J.E. (2000): The Ebro continental margin,
Locat, J., Urgeles, R., Schmitt, T., Houareau,
L., Martin, F., Hill, P., Long, B., Simpkin, P., Kammerer, E. and
Sanfaçon, R. (2000): The morphological signature of natural disasters
in the Upper Saguenay Fjord area,
Schmitt, T., Locat, J., Kammerer, E., Hill, P., Long, B.,
Clarke J.H. and Urgeles R. (2000): Analysis of the evolution of
the reflectivity of sediments settled during the 1996 flood in the
Saguenay Fjord, using the SIMRAD EM1000 multibeam sonar, Proceedings
of the Canadian Hydrographic Conference 2000, Canadian Hydrographic
Service, Montreal (Canada), CD-ROM 8 pp.
Canals, M., Casamor, J.L., Urgeles, R., Farrán,
M., Estrada, F., Amblàs, D., Arnau, P., Calafat, A.M., Colàs, S.,
Lastras, G., Sànchez, A. and Willmott, V. (2004): Mapa
Project name and acronym: Multidisciplinary Research Consortium on Gradual and
Abrupt Climate Changes and their Impacts on the Environment (GRACCIE).
€ |
Project name and acronym: TSUMOSLIDE—submarine landSLIDEs and TSUnami MOdeling on
the margins of the Mediterranean Sea Marie Curie Actions—Intra-European
Fellowships (IEF)
150.235,05 € | |
Project name and acronym: Evolución de la DINámica SEDimentaria en márgenes
continentales durante cambios de régimen climático. (EDINSED3D).
€ |
Project name and acronym: Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European Region
€. |
Project name and acronym: Registro Sedimentario de la Evolución del Casquete
Antártico Oriental y del Cambio Paleoceanográfico Durante el Cenozoico:
Estudio del Cambio Climático en la Antártida Mediante un Esfuerzo
Integrado Nacional e Internacional en el Contexto del Año Internacional
Polar (SEDCLIM).
40.000,00 € | |
Project name and acronym: Desarrollo de un Sistema Sedimentario Dominado por
Corrientes de Hielo: El Margen Continental Meridional de las Islas
Svalbard (Oceano Ártico) (SVAIS).
225.000,00 € | |
Project name and acronym: Estudio integrado de cañones y taludes profundos del
Mediterráneo Occidental: Un hábitat esencial - GEO.
€ |
Project name and acronym: 2006 - 2007. Assessorament i investigació aplicada
en el camp de la geologia.
€ |
Project name and acronym: Perforación científica oceánica aplicada al riesgo de
deslizamientos submarinos.
€ |
Project name and acronym: Mass-wasting processes along the Ebro margin: Integration
of academic and industrial data. |
€ |
Project name and acronym: EOLICAT |
111.736,61 € | |
Project name and acronym: Participación en el Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Leg
308: Procesos de sobrepresión, flujo de fluidos e inestabilidad del
talud continental en el Golfo de Méjico.
€ |
Project name and acronym: Participacion en Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Leg
307: Perforacion del Monticulos Carbonate de Porcupine Seabight. |
€ |
Project name and acronym: Submarine Mass Movements
and Their Consequences |
€ |
name and acronym: Hot Spot
Ecosystem Research on the Margins of the European Seas (HERMES) |
€ |
name and acronym: Management
of the Italian participation in the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
(IODP). |
€ |
name and acronym: Localización
de depósitos arenosos en el fondo marino de la plataforma continental
de Barcelona y zonas próximas. |
€ |
name and acronym: 2005 -
2005. Asesoramiento para el reconocimiento estratégico
complementario de los fondos marinos entre Mallorca e Ibiza, y entre
Ibiza y Formentera. |
€ |
name and acronym: Batimetria
y geologia de los fondos marinos situados entre Ibiza y Mallorca. |
€ |
name and acronym: Research
Training Network on EUROpean Deep Ocean Margins (EURODOM) |
€ |
name and acronym: Estabilidad
del Talud Continental en los Margenes Pasivos de Europa (SPACOMA).
€ |
name and acronym: Los
Margenes del Mediterraneo Occidental: Interaccion entre Procesos
Someros y Profundos. Procesos y Productos Sedimentarios Recientes y
Subrecientes a lo largo de un Transecto Meridiano desde el Sur de
Baleares a Argelia (WEST-MED). Programa EUROCORES-EUROMARGINS de la ESF
WEST-MED, ref. 01-LEC-EMA22F |
€ |
Project name and acronym: Field trip to Teide and El Hierro. |
€ |
Project name and acronym: Profiles across Mediterranean Sedimentary systems. Part 1
€ |
name and acronym: European
Margin Strata Formation (EUROSTRATAFORM) |
name and acronym: Prodeltas
del Mediterráneo español: estudio integrado (PRODELTA) |
€ |
name and acronym:
TRANSecto CLIMático Interhemisférico: Compresión de los Cambios
Oceanográficos y Climáticos Rápidos en Iberia durante los Dos Últimos
Ciclos Glaciales-Interglaciales. |
€ |
name and acronym: European
coordination on Mediterranean and Black Sea prodeltas (EURODELTA) |
€ |
name and acronym: Advanced
mapping with sonar and video (AMASON) |
€ |
name and acronym: Corrientes
de hielo y sistemas sedimentarios glacio-marinos del margen pacífico de
la Península Antártica (COHIMAR) |
€ |
Project name and acronym: A Canadian Contribution to the study of Continental Slope
Stability Canada (COSTA-Canada) |
€ |
name and acronym: Continental
slope stability (COSTA) |
€ |
name and acronym: Saguenay
post-déluge |
€ |
name and acronym: Procesos
de inestabilidad sedimentaria en márgenes continentales e insulares
españoles: Los megadeslizamientos del Ebro y de Canarias (GRANDES). |
€ |
name and acronym: Obtención
de testigos de roca y sedimento en los mares septentrionales de la
Península Antártica: Contribuciones al conocimiento de la evolución
geológica regional (COREBRAP). Participación en una campaña del BAS con
el RRS 'James Clark Ross'. |
€ |
name and acronym: Evolución
geológica del margen pacífico de la Antártida Occidental: Expansión del
fondo oceánico y Tectónica de Placas |
€ |
name and acronym: Márgenes
continentales y cuencas profundas: registro sedimentario de la
variabilidad paleoambiental y paleoclimática (MAYC) |
€ |
Project name and acronym: Sediment transport on European atlantic margins (STEAM) |
€ |
name and acronym: Flujos
biogeoquímicos y evolución climático-ambiental del Mar Balear-2 |
€ |
name and acronym: Registro
sedimentario y paleoceanográfico en el Atlántico centro-oriental
€ |
Project name and acronym: EUROMARGE-Northwestern Mediterranean |
€ |
4th Intenational Symposium on Submarine
Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Austin TX (USA), 8-11
October/09. Advisory comitte (with J. Locat and J. Mienert) |
International Conference on Seafloor
Mapping for Geohazard Assessment, Ischia (Italy), 11-13 May/09. Convenor of session on ·Relationship between geomorphic features and mass wasting processes· |
33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo ( Co-convenor and chairman of session OSP-03 "Ocean margin and ocean island sediment mass movements and their consequences: Where? When? Why?" with Locat, J., Mienert, J., Solheim, A., Lykousis, V. |
3rd Intenational Symposium on Submarine
Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Santorini (Greece), 1-3
October/07. Advisory comitte (with J. Locat and J. Mienert) |
European Geosciences Union 2007, Viena ( Convenor and co-chairman of session SSP06 "Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences" with Locat, J., Mienert, J., Solheim, A., Krastel, S. |
Scientific Ocean Drilling Behind the Assessment from
Submarine Slides 2006, Barcelona (Spain), 25-27 October/06 Organizing (with Camerlenghi, A. and Ercilla, G.) and scientific (with Andreassen, K., Anselmetti, F., Brückmann,W, Camerlenghi, A., Gràcia, E., Sultan, N., Terrinha, P., Weaver, P.P.E.) comitees |
European Geosciences Union 2006, Viena ( Convenor and co-chairman of session SSP19 "Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences" with Locat, J., Mienert, J., Solheim, A., Krastel, S. |
Co-chairman of session GM-9 "Submarine Erosion" with Mitchell N.C. |
Co-chairman of session T25.02 "Seafloor Imaging" with Cormier, M. H. |
Urgeles, R.; Fantoni, L.; Camerlenghi, A. (2008): A data base on submarine landslides of the Mediterranean Sea, 33rd International Geological Congress, Abstract OSP03321P, Oslo, NORWAY
Urgeles, R.;
Locat, J.; Flemings, P.B.; Dugan, B.; Binh, N.T.T.; Sawyer, D.E.
(2008): Factors leading to slope instability in the Ursa Basin, gulf of
Mexico continental slope, 33rd International Geological Congress, Abstract OSP03416L, Oslo, NORWAY
Urgeles, R.; De Mol, B.; Camerlenghi, A. (2008): Controls on canyon formation and evolution: The Ebro margin, 33rd International Geological Congress, Abstract EUR15811P, Oslo, NORWAY
Camerlenghi, A.; Amblas , D.; Cacho, I.; Calafat , T.;
Canals , M.; Casamor , J.L.; Costa , S.; De Mol , B.; Frigola , J.;
Iglesias , O.; Lafuerza, S.; Lastras, G.; Lavoie , C.; Liquete , C.;
Lucchi , R.G.; Pedrosa, M.; Urgeles ,
R.; Grimalt , J.; Bárcena , M.Á.; Colmenero , E.; Flores, J.A.;
Sierro, F.J.; Caburlotto , A.; Grossi, M.; Michele, R.; Winsborrow, M.;
Andreassen, K.; Mienert, J. (2008): Preliminary report of the SVAIS
Cruise 2007. Marine sedimentary record of the Storfjiorden paleo ice
stream, 33rd International Geological Congress, Abstract
HPQ04805P, Oslo, NORWAY
Schneider, J.; Flemings, P.; Long, H.; Dugan, B.;
Germaine, J.; Saffer, D.; IODP Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific
Party (incl. Urgeles, R.)
Pore pressure prediction near the seafloor in the Brazos-Trinity Basin,
Gulf of Mexico, Overpressure 2008: Present and Future Challenges – A
Research Conference, Dueham, UNITED KINGDOM.
Binh, N.T.T.; Tokunaga, T.; Flemings, P .; Sawyer, D.; Urgeles, R.; IODP Expedition 308
Shipboard Scientific Party (2008). A study on the evolution of
shallow overpressure in the Ursa Basin, deepwater Gulf of Mexico by 3D
basin modelling. Overpressure 2008: Present and Future Challenges – A
Research Conference, Dueham, UNITED KINGDOM.
Dugan, B.; Felmings, P.B.; Urgeles, R.; Sawyer, D.; Iturrino, G.J.; Moore, J.C.; Schneider, J. (2007): Physical Properties of Mass Transport Complexes in the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico (IODP Expedition 308) determined from log, core and seismic data, Offshore Technology Conference 2007, Houston, TX, UNITED STATES
Long, H.; Flemings, P.B.; Germaine, J.; Dugan, B.;
Sawyer, D.; Shipboard Scientific Party, IODP Expedition 308 (incl Urgeles, R.): In Situ Pore Pressure
at IODP Site U1324, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico
Offshore Technology Conference 2007, Houston, TX, UNITED
Camerlenghi, A.; Urgeles,
R.; Ercilla, G.; Participants to the ESF Magellan Workshop
(2007). Scientific ocean drilling behind the assessment of
geo-hazards from submarine slides. Presentation of comunication,
GeoItalia 2007 - VI Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Rimini,
Urgeles, R. (2007).
Recurrence of Slope Instability Phenomena on Continental Margins.
Invited conference, Addressing Geologic Hazards Through
Ocean Drilling Workshop: An IODP International Workshop, Portland, OR,
Urgeles, R.;
Locat, J.; Dugan, B. (2007). Recursive failure of the Gulf of
Mexico continental slope: timing and causes. Presentation of
comunication, 3rd Intenational Symposium on Submarine Mass
Movements and Their Consequences, Santorini, GREECE.
Saito, H.; Takano, Y.; Suzuki, N.; IODP Expedition 308
Scientists (incl. Urgeles, R.)
(2007). Distribution of bacteriohopanetetrol and fluid
circulation in slope sediments, Gulf of Mexico, IODP Exp. 308.
Presentation of comunication, 23rd International Meeting on
Organic Geochemistry, Torquay, UNITED KINGDOM.
Urgeles, R.;
Locat, J.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.; John, C.M.; Expedition 308
Shipboard Scientific Party (2007). Mechanisms leading to
overpressure and slope instability in the Gulf of Mexico continental
slope. Presentation of comunication, 2007 European Geoscience
Union General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9,
EGU2007-A-00457, 2007 , Viena, AUSTRIA.
Amblas, D.; Gerber, T.; Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.; Lastras, G.; Calafat,
A.M. (2007). Controls on submarine erosion in the Valencia
Channel Turbiditic System, NW Mediterranean Basin. Poster, 2007
European Geoscience Union General Assembly. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 9, EGU2007-A-08138, 2007 , Viena, AUSTRIA.
Urgeles, R.;
Camerlenghi, A.; Ercilla, G. (2007). Scientific ocean drilling
behind the assessment of geo-hazards from submarine slides.
Poster, 2007 European Geoscience Union General Assembly.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, EGU2007-A-08916, 2007 , Viena,
Amblas, D.; Gerber, T.; Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.; Lastras, G.; Pratson,
L.F. (2006). Margin shape response to changes in submarine
turbiditic systems, the case of the NE Iberian margin, NW Mediterranean
Basin. Poster, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting .
Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS23A-1636, San
Francisco, California, UNITED STATES.
Volpi, V.; Amblas, D.; Canals, M.; Camerlenghi, A.;
Rebesco, M.; Urgeles, R. (2006).
Recent To Late Neogene Instabilities On The Deep Pacific Margin Of The
Antarctic Peninsula. Poster, American Geophysical Union 2006 Fall
meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS34C-07,
San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Shumnyk, A.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.; John, C.; IODP
Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2006).
High-resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of high-energy
sediments from the Ursa and Brazos-Trinity minibasins (Gulf of Mexico)
during the latest Quaternary: preliminary results from IODP Expedition
308. Presentation of comunication, American Association of
Petroleum Geologists 2006 Annual Convention, Houston, TX, UNITED STATES.
Sawyer, D.E.; Shipp, C.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.H.;
John, C.M.; IODP Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2006). Lateral
variations in log, core, and seismic attributes of a mass transport
deposit in the Mars-Ursa region, Mississippi Canyon, northern Gulf of
Mexico. Presentation of comunication, American Association of
Petroleum Geologists 2006 Annual Convention, Houston, TX, UNITED STATES.
Prather, B.E.; Pirmez, C.; O’Byrne, C.J.; Winker, C.D.;
Mallarino, G.; Droxler, A.W.; and the IODP Expedition 308 Shipboard
Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.)
(2006). Stratigraphic evolution of linked basins within the
Brazos-Trinity slope system: western Gulf of Mexico. Presentation of
comunication, American Association of Petroleum Geologists 2006
Annual Convention, Houston, TX, UNITED STATES.
Sultan, N.; Cattaneo, A.; Urgeles, R.; Trincardi, F.; Berné,
S.; Canals, M.; Lafuerza, S. (2006). A geomechanical approach for
the genesis of sediment features on the adriatic shelf. Poster,
2006 European Geoscience Union
General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8,
EGU06-A-01549, 2006, Viena, AUSTRIA.
Cattaneo, A.; Dennielou, B.; Sultan, N.; Asioli, A.;
Ridente, D.; Trincardi, F.; Vigliotti, L.; Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.; Gelfort, R.
(2006). EC-PROMESS1 project: Stratigraphic synthesis and
geotechnical characterisation of borehole PRAD2 (Lateglacial-Holocene
on the western Adriatic shelf). Poster, 2006 European Geoscience
Union General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8,
EGU06-A-07807, 2006, Viena, AUSTRIA.
Pirmez, C.; Prather, B.; O’Byrne, C.; Droxler, A.;
Behrmann, J.; Flemings, P.; John, C.; and IODP Expedition 308 Shipboard
Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.)
(2006). Stratigraphic evolution of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV,
Western Gulf of Mexico. Presentation of comunication, 17th
International Sedimentological Congress, Fukuoka, JAPAN.
Shumnyk, A.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.; John, C.M.;
Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2006). Latest
quaternary high-resolution nannofossil biostratigraphy from the Ursa
and Brazos-Trinity minibasins, Gulf of Mexico: preliminary results from
IODP Expedition 308. Presentation of comunication, 11th
International Nannoplankton Association Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska,
Canals, M.; Lastras. G.; Amblas, D.; Urgeles, R.; Acosta, J.; Casamor,
J.L. (2005). Slope Instabilities On The Northeastern Iberian And
Balearic Continental Margins: An Overview. Presentation of
comunication, Second International Symposium On Submarine Mass
Movements And Their Consequences, ISSN 82-92394-22-2; Abstracts and Proceedings of the
Geological Society of Norway, 2: 23-24, Oslo, NORWAY.
Urgeles, R.;
Leynaud, D.; Lastras, G.; Canals, M.; Mienert, J. (2005).
Back-Analysis And Failure Mechanisms Of A Large Submarine Slide On The
Ebro Slope, Nw Mediterranean. Presentation of comunication,
Second International Symposium On Submarine Mass Movements And Their
Consequences. ISSN 82-92394-22-2; Abstracts and Proceedings of the
Geological Society of Norway, 2: 88, Oslo, NORWAY.
Lafuerza, S; Canals, M; Sultan, N; Urgeles, R; Frigola,
J; Berné, S; Shipboard Scientific Party ( B. Dennielou, A. Cattaneo, E.
Colmenero-Hidalgo, J. Gravalosa, D. Ridente, G. Folch, G. Tulloch, H.J.
Wallrabe-Adams, R. Gelfort, T. Schoolmeester). (2005).
Results from CPTU profiles and core-log data within PROMESS 1:
Preliminary multiparameter correlations. Poster, European
Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2005, Vienna, AUSTRIA.
Adatte, T.; John, C.M.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.;
Expedition 308 Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles,
R.) (2005). Overview of the evolution of clay
mineralogy in the Gulf of Mexico: implications for regional climate and
drainage history of the Mississippi and Brazos-Trinity Rivers.
Presentation of comunication, American Geophysical Union 2005
Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
OS21A-1513, San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Gilhooly, W.P.; Macko, S.A.; Flemings, P.B.; IODP
Expedition 308 Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles,
R.) (2005). Application of Rhizon Porewater Samplers
to Shipboard Operations, IODP Expedition 308, Northeast Gulf of Mexico.
Presentation of comunication, American Geophysical Union 2005
Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
OS21A-1512, San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Pirmez, C.; Behrmann, J.; Flemings, P.B.; John, C.M.;
IODP Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005).
Stratigraphic Evolution of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV, Western Gulf of
Mexico: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308. Presentation of
comunication, American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos
Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS24A-07, San
Urgeles, R.;
Locat, J.; Flemings, P.; Behrmann, J.; John, C.; Expedition 308
Scientific Party (2005). Triggering Mechanisms of Slope
Instability Processes on the Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope:
Preliminary Results From IODP Expedition 308. Presentation of
comunication, American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos
Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS24A-06, San
Gutierrez-Pastor, J.; Pirmez, C.; Flemings, P.B.;
Behrmann, J.; John, C.M.; Expedition 308 Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005).
Sedimentologic and Geometric Characterization of Turbidites of
Brazos-Trinity Basin IV in the Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Results of
IODP Expedition 308. Poster, American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall
meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
OS21A-1517, San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Iturrino, G.J.; Pirmez, C.; Moore, J.C.; Reichow, M.K.;
Dugan, B.E.; Sawyer, D.E.; Flemings, P.B.; Shipboard Scientific Party
(incl. Urgeles, R.)
(2005). Deformation Analyses and Lithologic Characterization in
Overpressured Basins Based on Logging While Drilling and Wireline
Results from the Gulf of Mexico. Poster, American Geophysical
Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl.,
Abstract OS21A-1509, San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Schneider, J.; Moerz, T.; Bartetzko, A.; Iturrino, G.J.;
Edeskar, T.M.; Flemings, P.B.; John, C.M.; Behrmann, J.; Expedition 308
Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles,
R.) (2005). Examples of Mass Wasting and Hemipelagic
Sedimentation of Brazos-Trinity Basin #4 and Ursa Basin, Northern Gulf
of Mexico. Poster, American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting.
Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS21A-1516, San
Franke, C.; Heslop, D.; Fu, Y.; Flemings, P.B.; John,
C.M.; Behrmann, J.; Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005).
Towards a Precise Age Model of IODP Holes U1319B and U1320B (Leg 308,
Brazos-Trinity Basin IV, Gulf of Mexico) with Paleo- and Rock Magnetic
Methods. Poster, American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting.
Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS21A-1515, San
Jiang, S.; Gilhooly, W.; Takano, Y.; Flemings, P.B.;
Behrmann, J.; John, C.M.; Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party
(incl. Urgeles, R.)
(2005). Pore Water Chemistry as Sensitive Indicators for Fluid
Flow in Brazos-Trinity Basin #4 and Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of
Mexico (IODP Expedition 308). Poster, American Geophysical Union
2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
OS21A-1511, San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Domack, E.; Canals, M.; Camerlenghi, A.; Gilbert,R.;
Amblàs, D.; Calafat, A.M.; Urgeles, R.;
De Batist, M.; Casamor J.L.; Rebesco, M. (2004). Complete swath
map coverage of the Gerlache-Boyd Strait paleo ice stream: an example
of collaborative seafloor mapping in the Antarctic Peninsula.
Poster, XXVIII Scientific Comitee on Antarctic research (SCAR)
Open Science Conference. Abstract: S11/P08 , Bremen, GERMANY.
Sultan, N.; Berné, S.; Canals, M.; Cattaneo, A.; Frigola,
J.; Lafuerza, S.; Trincardi, F.; Urgeles,
R. (2005). Experimental study on deformation and strength
behaviour of marine sediments from the Adriatic shelf: first results
from the PROMESS1 drilling project. Poster, 2005 European
Geoscience Union General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.
7, EGU05-A-05192, 2005 , Viena, AUSTRIA.
Amblas, D.; Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Lastras, G.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2005).
Morphogenetic meso-scale analysis of the northeastern Iberian
continental margin. Poster, 2005 European Geoscience Union
General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7,
EGU05-A-06413, 2005 , Viena, AUSTRIA.
Urgeles, R.; Amblàs, D.; Lastras, D; Canals, M.; Loubrieu, B.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2005). Submarine erosion: Insights from the Eastern Iberian margin. Presentation of comunication, 2005 European Geoscience Union General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, EGU05-A-01540, 2005, Viena, AUSTRIA.
Lastras, G.; De Blasio, F.V.; Canals, M.; Elverhøi, A.; Urgeles, R. (2005).
Conceptual and numerical modeling of the BIG’95 debris flow, Western
Mediterranean Sea. Poster, 2nd International Conference on
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Norsk Geologisk
Forening Abstracts and Proceedings, 2: 52-53, Oslo, NORWAY.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Masson, D.G.; Carracedo, J.C. (2005). Evolution of
the western Canary Islands and adjacent basin from major flank
collapses. Poster, 2nd International Conference on Submarine Mass
Movements and Their Consequences. Norsk Geologisk Forening Abstracts
and Proceedings, 2: 89, Oslo, NORWAY.
Urgeles, R.; De
Mol, B.; Liquete, C.; De Batist, M.; Canals, M.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E.
(2005). Sediment undulations off Barcelona’s new port: Signs of
early slope instability or bottom current sediment waves?.
Poster, 2nd International Conference on Submarine Mass Movements
and Their Consequences. Norsk Geologisk Forening Abstracts and
Proceedings, 2: 90, Oslo, NORWAY.
Volpi, V.; Rebesco, M.; Amblas, D.; Accettella, D.;
Calafat, A.; Camerlenghi, A.; Canals, M.; Diviacco, P.; Farran, M.;
Geletti, R.; Lucchi, R.G.; Neagu, C.; Tinivella, U.; Urgeles, R. (2005). Recent to
Late Neogene seafloor instabilities on the deep Pacific margin of the
Antarctic Peninsula. Poster, 2nd International Conference on
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Norsk Geologisk
Forening Abstracts and Proceedings, 2: 94-95, Oslo, NORWAY.
Sultan, N.; Gaudin, M.; Berné, S.; Baztan, J.; Canals,
M.; Urgeles, R.; Lafuerza, S.
(2005). Slope failures in submarine canyon heads: example from
the Gulf of Lions. Presentation of comunication, 2nd
International Conference on Submarine Mass Movements and Their
Consequences. Norsk Geologisk Forening Abstracts and Proceedings, 2:
85, Oslo, NORWAY.
Amblas, D.; Canals, M.; Urgeles,
R.; Lastras, G.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2005). Morphogenetic
Mesoscale Analysis of the Northeastern Iberian Margin, NW
Mediterranean. Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, 5-9 December 2005, San
Francisco, California, EUA. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl.,
Abstract H51C-0392 , San Francisco, UNITED STATES.
Dugan, B.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.; John, C.M.;
Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005).
Hydrogeology of the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico, IODP
Expedition 308 Sites U1322 and U1324. Invited talk, American
Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet.
Suppl., Abstract OS24A-05, San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Moore, C.; Dugan, B.; Flemings, P.B.; Iturrino, G.;
Sawyer, D.; John, C.M.; Behrmann, J.; Expedition 308 Shipboard
Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.)
(2005). Geological Consequences of Unequal Loading of Sedimentary
Units, at Passive, Transform, and Convergent Margins. Invited
talk, American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans.
AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS24A-01, San Francisco, CA,
Sawyer, D.E.; Shipp, C.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.;
John, C.M.; Expedition 308 Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005).
Slope Failure Geometry and Physical Properties at IODP Sites U1322,
U1323, and U1324, Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico. Poster,
American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52),
Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS21A-1510, San Francisco, CA, UNITED
Yamamoto, Y.; Sawyer, D.E.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.;
John, C.M.; Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005).
Fabric contribution to sediment physical properties in Gulf of Mexico:
Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308. Poster, American
Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet.
Suppl., Abstract OS21A-1514, San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Capus, C.; Coiras, E.; Lane, D.; Lebart, K.; Petillot,
Y.; Tena Ruiz, I.; Banks, A.; Smith, C.; Grehan, A.; Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.; Cardew, M.; Jaffray,
M.; Wallace, J.; Allais, A.-G.; Rigaud, V. (2004).
Automatic evaluation of trawling impacts, sediment stability and coral
carbonate mounds using UUVs (AMASON). Presentation of
comunication, European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean
Technology. European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology,
abstract book, 137-138., Galway, IRELAND.
Urgeles, R.;
Lastras, G.; Canals, M.; Leynaud, D.; Sultan, N. (2004).
Triggering mechanisms of a major debris flow off the Ebro Margin, NW
Mediterranean: the BIG’95. Presentation of comunication, 37th
Comission Internationale pour l'Exploration de la Mer Méditerranée
(CIESM) Congress 7-11 June 2004. . 3th CIESM Congress Proceedings, 71,
Barcelona, SPAIN.
Amblas, D.; Canals, M.; Urgeles,
R.; Lastras, G.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2004).
Sediment drainage pattern in the Catalan Margin, Western Mediterranean
Sea: A view from multibeam and high-resolution seismic reflection data.
Presentation of comunication, 37th Comission Internationale pour
l'Exploration de la Mer Méditerranée (CIESM) Congress. 3th CIESM
Congress Proceedings, 4, Barcelona, SPAIN.
Liquete, C.; Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2004). Morphologic features of
the Maresme continental shelf (NE Barcelona) and their causal
sedimentary processes. Presentation of comunication, 37th
Comission Internationale pour l'Exploration de la Mer Méditerranée
(CIESM) Congress. 3th CIESM Congress Proceedings, 45, Barcelona, SPAIN.
Yamamoto, Y.; Sawyer, D.E.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.;
John, C.M.; Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005).
Fabric contribution to sediment physical properties in Gulf of Mexico:
Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308. Poster, American
Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet.
Suppl., Abstract OS21A-1514, San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Sawyer, D.E.; Shipp, C.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.;
John, C.M.; Expedition 308 Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005).
Slope Failure Geometry and Physical Properties at IODP Sites U1322,
U1323, and U1324, Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico. Poster,
American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52),
Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS21A-1510, San Francisco, CA, UNITED
Moore, C.; Dugan, B.; Flemings, P.B.; Iturrino, G.;
Sawyer, D.; John, C.M.; Behrmann, J.; Expedition 308 Shipboard
Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.)
(2005). Geological Consequences of Unequal Loading of Sedimentary
Units, at Passive, Transform, and Convergent Margins. Invited
talk, American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans.
AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS24A-01, San Francisco, CA,
Dugan, B.; Flemings, P.B.; Behrmann, J.; John, C.M.;
Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005).
Hydrogeology of the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico, IODP
Expedition 308 Sites U1322 and U1324. Invited talk, American
Geophysical Union 2005 Fall meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet.
Suppl., Abstract OS24A-05, San Francisco, CA, UNITED STATES.
Amblas, D.; Canals, M.; Urgeles,
R.; Lastras, G.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2005). Morphogenetic
Mesoscale Analysis of the Northeastern Iberian Margin, NW
Mediterranean. Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, 5-9 December 2005, San
Francisco, California, EUA. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl.,
Abstract H51C-0392 , San Francisco, UNITED STATES.
Sultan, N.; Gaudin, M.; Berné, S.; Baztan, J.; Canals,
M.; Urgeles, R.; Lafuerza, S.
(2005). Slope failures in submarine canyon heads: example from
the Gulf of Lions. Presentation of comunication, 2nd
International Conference on Submarine Mass Movements and Their
Consequences. Norsk Geologisk Forening Abstracts and Proceedings, 2:
85, Oslo, NORWAY.
Volpi, V.; Rebesco, M.; Amblas, D.; Accettella, D.;
Calafat, A.; Camerlenghi, A.; Canals, M.; Diviacco, P.; Farran, M.;
Geletti, R.; Lucchi, R.G.; Neagu, C.; Tinivella, U.; Urgeles, R. (2005). Recent to
Late Neogene seafloor instabilities on the deep Pacific margin of the
Antarctic Peninsula. Poster, 2nd International Conference on
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Norsk Geologisk
Forening Abstracts and Proceedings, 2: 94-95, Oslo, NORWAY.
Urgeles, R.; De
Mol, B.; Liquete, C.; De Batist, M.; Canals, M.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E.
(2005). Sediment undulations off Barcelona’s new port: Signs of
early slope instability or bottom current sediment waves?.
Poster, 2nd International Conference on Submarine Mass Movements
and Their Consequences. Norsk Geologisk Forening Abstracts and
Proceedings, 2: 90, Oslo, NORWAY.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Masson, D.G.; Carracedo, J.C. (2005). Evolution of
the western Canary Islands and adjacent basin from major flank
collapses. Poster, 2nd International Conference on Submarine Mass
Movements and Their Consequences. Norsk Geologisk Forening Abstracts
and Proceedings, 2: 89, Oslo, NORWAY.
Lastras, G.; De Blasio, F.V.; Canals, M.; Elverhøi, A.; Urgeles, R. (2005).
Conceptual and numerical modeling of the BIG’95 debris flow, Western
Mediterranean Sea. Poster, 2nd International Conference on
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Norsk Geologisk
Forening Abstracts and Proceedings, 2: 52-53, Oslo, NORWAY.
Urgeles, R.;
Amblàs, D.; Lastras, D; Canals, M.; Loubrieu, B.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E.
(2005). Submarine erosion: Insights from the Eastern Iberian
margin. Presentation of comunication, 2005 European Geoscience
Union General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7,
EGU05-A-01540, 2005, Viena, AUSTRIA.
Amblas, D.; Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Lastras, G.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2005).
Morphogenetic meso-scale analysis of the northeastern Iberian
continental margin. Poster, 2005 European Geoscience Union
General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7,
EGU05-A-06413, 2005 , Viena, AUSTRIA.
Sultan, N.; Berné, S.; Canals, M.; Cattaneo, A.; Frigola,
J.; Lafuerza, S.; Trincardi, F.; Urgeles,
R. (2005). Experimental study on deformation and strength
behaviour of marine sediments from the Adriatic shelf: first results
from the PROMESS1 drilling project. Poster, 2005 European
Geoscience Union General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.
7, EGU05-A-05192, 2005 , Viena, AUSTRIA.
Domack, E.; Canals, M.; Camerlenghi, A.; Gilbert,R.;
Amblàs, D.; Calafat, A.M.; Urgeles, R.;
De Batist, M.; Casamor J.L.; Rebesco, M. (2004). Complete swath
map coverage of the Gerlache-Boyd Strait paleo ice stream: an example
of collaborative seafloor mapping in the Antarctic Peninsula.
Poster, XXVIII Scientific Comitee on Antarctic research (SCAR)
Open Science Conference. Abstract: S11/P08 , Bremen, GERMANY.
Capus, C.; Coiras, E.; Lane, D.; Lebart, K.; Petillot,
Y.; Tena Ruiz, I.; Banks, A.; Smith, C.; Grehan, A.; Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.; Cardew, M.; Jaffray,
M.; Wallace, J.; Allais, A.-G.; Rigaud, V. (2004).
Automatic evaluation of trawling impacts, sediment stability and coral
carbonate mounds using UUVs (AMASON). Presentation of
comunication, European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean
Technology. European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology,
abstract book, 137-138., Galway, IRELAND.
Urgeles, R.;
Lastras, G.; Canals, M.; Leynaud, D.; Sultan, N. (2004).
Triggering mechanisms of a major debris flow off the Ebro Margin, NW
Mediterranean: the BIG’95. Presentation of comunication, 37th
Comission Internationale pour l'Exploration de la Mer Méditerranée
(CIESM) Congress 7-11 June 2004. . 3th CIESM Congress Proceedings, 71,
Barcelona, SPAIN.
Amblas, D.; Canals, M.; Urgeles,
R.; Lastras, G.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2004).
Sediment drainage pattern in the Catalan Margin, Western Mediterranean
Sea: A view from multibeam and high-resolution seismic reflection data.
Presentation of comunication, 37th Comission Internationale pour
l'Exploration de la Mer Méditerranée (CIESM) Congress. 3th CIESM
Congress Proceedings, 4, Barcelona, SPAIN.
Liquete, C.; Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2004). Morphologic features of
the Maresme continental shelf (NE Barcelona) and their causal
sedimentary processes. Presentation of comunication, 37th
Comission Internationale pour l'Exploration de la Mer Méditerranée
(CIESM) Congress. 3th CIESM Congress Proceedings, 45, Barcelona, SPAIN.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Locat, J.; Lastras, G.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E.; Amblàs, D.
(2004). Multibeam surveys for sedimentary, environmental and
hazard assessment. Presentation of comunication, 32nd
International Geological Congress. , Florencia, ITALY.
Liquete, C.; Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Clarke, J.-H. (2003). High-resolution seafloor
morphology and upper sediment cover of the Maresme continental shelf,
north of Barcelona. Presentation of comunication, Open Conference
on Comparing Mediterranean and Black Sea prodeltas (COMDELTA) ,
Aix-en-Provence, FRANCE.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Sultan, N.; Berne, S.; Lastras, G.; Leynaud, D.; Mienert,
J. (2003). Shaping of the Ebro Margin by mass wasting.
Poster, Ocean Margin Research Conference, 15-17 September.
Abstract volume, p. 160, Paris, FRANCE.
Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.;
et al. (2003). The European Deep Ocean Margin Research Training
Network (EURODOM). Presentation of comunication, Ocean Margin
Research Conference , Paris, FRANCE.
Domack, E.; Canals, M.; Camerlenghi, A.; Gilbert,R.;
Amblàs, D.; Calafat, A.M.; Urgeles, R.;
De Batist, M.; Casamor J.L.; Rebesco, M. (2003). Complete swath
map coverage of the Gerlache-Boyd Strait paleo ice stream: an example
of collaborative seafloor mapping in the Antarctic Peninsula.
Poster, IX International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences,
Potsdam, GERMANY.
Geletti, R.; Camerlenghi, A.; Rebesco, M.; Canals, M.;
Calafat, A.M.; De Batist, M.; Urgeles,
R. (2003). The development of the continental margin of
the northern Antarctic Peninsula from high resolution multichannel
seismic reflection profiles. Poster, IX International Symposium
on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam, GERMANY.
Lastras. G.; Canals, M.; Urgeles,
R. (2003). Lessons from sea-floor and subsea-floor
imagery of the BIG'95 debris flow scar and deposit. Poster, First
Internacional Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their
Consequences; EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, V: 5, Nice, FRANCE.
Locat, J.; Martin, F.; Levesque, C.; Locat, P.; Leroueil,
S.; Konrad, J.M.; Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Duchesne, M.J. (2003). Submarine mass movements in
the Upper Saguenay Fjord, (Québec, Canada), triggered by the 1663
earthquake. Presentation of comunication, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint
Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, V: 5, Nice, FRANCE.
Urgeles, R.;
Lastras, G.; Canals, M.; Willmott, V.; Moreno, A.; Casas, D.; Baraza,
J.; Berné, S. (2003). The BIG'95 debris flow and adjacent
unfailed sediments in the NW Mediterranean Sea:
geotechnical-sedimentological properties and dating. Presentation of
comunication, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, V: 5, Nice, FRANCE.
Amblas, D.; Canals, M.; Urgeles,
R. (2003). Establishing the links between
continental shelf glacial troughs and continental rise development west
of the north Antarctic Peninsula. Presentation of comunication,
COHIMAR Post-cruise meeting. V: Abstr., Trieste, ITALY.
Amblàs, D.; Canals, M.; Calafat, A.M.; Urgeles, R.; Camerlenghi, A.; De
Batist, M.; Domack, E.; Casamor, J.L.; Rebesco, M. (2003).
Establishing the links between continental shelf glacial troughs and
continental rise development west of the north Antarctic Peninsula.
Presentation of comunication, 9th International Symposium on
Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam, GERMANY.
Canals, M.; De Mol, B.; Urgeles,
R.; Centella, V.; EURODOM partners (2003). EURODOM: A
research training network on european ocean margins relevant to the
study of deep. Presentation of comunication, 2nd International
Symposium on Deep Sea Corals. V: Abstr., Erlangen, GERMANY.
Urgeles, R.;
Locat, J. (2003). Results from Multibeam, Sedimentological and
Geotechnical Data of the 'Saguenay Project'. Presentation of
comunication, 2nd International Symposium on Contaminated
Sediments : Characterization, Evaluation, Mitigation/Restoration,
Management Strategy Performance . Transactions of the 2nd International
Symposium on Contaminated Sediments, 83-89., Quebec, CANADA.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M. (2002). AMASON: Specific requirements for slope
stability analysis. Presentation of comunication, AMASON kick off
meeting, Edimburgo , SCOTLAND.
Urgeles, R.;
Casas, D.; Lastras, G.; Willmott, V.; Moreno, A.; Canals, M.; Baraza,
J.; Berné, S. (2002). The BIG’95 sediment landslide in the
NW Mediterranean Sea: First geotechnical and sedimentological data.
Presentation of comunication, 3rd COSTA Workshop, 18-20 March
2002. . abstr. vol. p. 15, Barcelona, SPAIN.
Lastras, G.; Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M. (2002). Imaging the BIG-95 debris flow, Ebro
continental margin, from different geophysical methods and scales.
Presentation of comunication, 3rd COSTA Workshop. V: Abstr., pp:
14-14, Barcelona, SPAIN.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M. (2002). AMASON: Activities carried so far and work
plan. Presentation of comunication, 1st AMASON meeting, París,
Lastras, G.; Canals, M.; Urgeles,
R.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2001). Morfología y dinámica del
debris flow submarino BIG’95. Presentation of comunication, XIV
Congreso Nacional de Sedimentología. Geotemas, Vol. 3 Nº 1, Pag.
191-194, Jaén, SPAIN.
Canals, M.; Clark, C.D.; Casamor, J.L.; Urgeles, R.; Willmott, V.
(2001). Multiple implications for an ice stream flowing off the
Gerlache Strait, Northern AntarcticPeninsula. Presentation of
comunication, Workshop Antarctic Peninsula Climate Variability: A
Historical and Paleoenvironmental Perspective / Hamilton College,
Canals, M.; Casamor, J.L.; Urgeles, R.; Farran, M.
(2001). Numerous bundle structures off the northern Antarctic
Peninsula. Presentation of comunication, Glacier-influenced
sedimentation on high latitude continental margins: modern and ancient.
V: Abstr., Bristol, ENGLAND.
Canals, M.; Lastras. G.; Casamor, J.L.; Urgeles, R. (2001). Slope
failure dynamics and impacts: geophysical determinations. The BIG'95
case study. Presentation of comunication, First Continental Slope
Stability Workshop, 13-14 January. V: Abstr., pp: 2-2, Oslo, NORWAY.
Masson D.G.; Watts, A.B.; Gee, M.J.R.; Urgeles, R.; Mitchell, N. C.; Le
Bas, T.L.; Canals, M. (2001). Slope Failures on the Flanks of the
Western Canary Islands. Presentation of comunication, European
Union of Geosciences XI Meeting . Journal of Conference Abstracts, V:
6, N: 1, pp: 735-735, Strasbourg, FRANCE.
Mitchell, N.C.; Masson, D.G.; Watts, A.B.; Gee, M.J.;
Urgeles, R (2001). Contrasting Submarine Slopes of the Canary and
Hawaiian Hotspot Islands. Presentation of comunication, European
Union of Geosciences XI Meeting . Journal of Conference Abstracts, V:
6, N: 1, pp: 802-802, Strasbourg, FRANCE.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Masson, D.G.; Watts, A.B.; Gee, M.J.R. (2001).
Giant landslides in the flanks of volcanic ocean islands and overall
significance in their evolution, the Canary Islands. Presentation of
comunication, European Union of Geosciences XI Meeting . Journal
of Conference Abstracts, pp: 803-803, Estrasburgo, FRANCE.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Roberts, J.; Schultheiss, P. (2001). Estimates
of fluid flow from in situ pore pressure measurements in the
continental rise west of the Canary Islands. Poster, European
Union of Geosciences XI Meeting . Journal of Conference Abstracts, pp:
243-243, Estrasburgo, FRANCE.
Urgeles, R.;
Locat, J.; Lee, H.; Martin, F.; Konrad, J.-M. (2001). The
Saguenay Fjord: Integrating marine geophysical and geotechnical data
for spatial slope stability analysis. Presentation of
comunication, European Union of Geosciences XI Meeting. Journal
of Conference Abstracts, V: 6, N: 1, pp: 739-739, Strasbourg, FRANCE.
Urgeles, R.;
Locat, J.; Lee, H. J.; Martin, F.; Konrad J.-M. (2001). The
Saguenay Fjord: Integrating marine geotechnical and geophysical data
for spatial slope stability hazard analysis. Poster, 54th
Canadian Geotechnical Conference . Proceedings of the 54th Canadian
Geotechnical Conference, pp: 768-775, Calgary, CANADA.
Martin, F.; Konrad, J.-M.; Locat, J.; Locat, P.; Urgeles
R.; Lee, H. J. (2001). Caracteristiques geotechniques et analyse
du potentiel de liquefaction des sediments recents et post-glaciaires
du fjord du Saguenay, Québec (Canada). Presentation of
comunication, 54th Canadian Geotechnical Conference. Proceedings
of the 54th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, pp: 776-783, Calgary,
Locat, P.; Locat, J.; Leroueil, S.; Urgeles, R.; Hart, B. (2001).
Caractérisation préliminaire du glissement sous-marin de la
Pointe-du-Fort,Fjord du Saguenay, Québec, Canada. Presentation of
comunication, 54th Canadian Geotechnical Conference. Proceedings
of the 54th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, pp: 752-759, Calgary,
Duchesne, M. J.; Urgeles,
R.; Long, B. F.; Locat, J. (2001). Geomorphology and slope
instability features in the Outardes delta area, Quebec, Canada.
Poster, 54th Canadian Geotechnical Conference. Proceedings of the
54th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, pp: 371-378, Calgary, CANADA.
Tremblay, H.; Locat, J.; Urgeles,
R. (2001). Géodynamique littorale de la couche diluvienne
de 1996, Baie des Ha! Ha!, fjord du Saguenay, Québec, Canada.
Presentation of comunication, 2001 Canadian Coastal Conference,
Québec, CANADA.
Lastras, G.; Canals, M.; Urgeles,
R. (2000). BIG'95 - A recent debris flow in the Ebro
continental slope, Northwestern Mediterranean. Poster, Geology
and Petroleum Geology of the Mediterranean and Circum-Mediterranean
Basins . V: Ext. Abstr., N: P34, pp: 4 p., St. Julians, MALTA.
Canals, M.; Casamor, J.L.; Urgeles, R.; Lastras, G.; Calafat,
A.M.; Masson, D.; Berné, S.; Alonso, B.; De Batist, M. (2000).
The Ebro continental margin, Western Mediterranean Sea: Interplay
between canyon-channel systems and mass wasting processes. Presentation
of comunication, GCS SEPM, Deep Water Reservoirs of the World
Conf.. V: Abstracts, pp: 11, Houston, UNITED STATES.
Schmitt, T.; Locat, J.; Kammerer, E.; Hill, P.; Long, B.;
Clarke J.H.; Urgeles, R. (2000).
Analysis of the evolution of the reflectivity of sediments settled
during the 1996 flood in the Saguenay Fjord, using the SIMRAD EM1000
multibeam sonar. Presentation of comunication, Canadian
Hydrographic Conference 2000 . Canadian Hydrographic Conference 2000
Proceedings CD, 8pp, Montreal, CANADA.
Wright, W.; Domack, E.; Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.; Leventer, A.; Marchand,
C. (2000). Glacial marine drifts: Archives for ultra high
resolution paleoenvironmental records in the Gerlache Strait,
Antarctica. Presentation of comunication, AGU 2000 Ocean Sciences
Meeting . Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, V: 80, N: 49,
pp: OS50-OS50, San Antonio, UNITED STATES.
Locat, J.; Urgeles, R.;
Schmitt, T.; Houareau, L.; Martin, F.; Hill, P.; Long, B.; Simpkin, P.;
Kammerer, E.; Sanfaçon, R. (2000). The morphological signature of
natural disasters in the Upper Saguenay Fjord area, Québec, Canada.
Presentation of comunication, 53rd Canadian Geotechnical
Conference . 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference Proceedings, V: 1,
pp: 109-116, Montreal, CANADA.
Gee, M.; Watts, A.B.; Masson, D.G.; Urgeles, R. (1999).
Large-scale slope failures on the flanks of El Hierro, Canary Islands.
Presentation of comunication, XXIV General Assembly of the
European Geophysical Society . Geophysical Research Abstracts, V: 1, La
Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.
(1999). Contributions to the Tenerife Drilling Project:
Submarine landslides. Presentation of comunication, Tenerife
Drilling Project Workshop, Sitges, SPAIN.
Canals, M.; Lastras, G.; Casamor, J.L.; Urgeles, R. (1999).
Instability events in the Mediterranean Sea: A review. Presentation of
comunication, Joint Europe - USA STRATAFORM Meeting, 2-7
November, Paris, France, Paris, FRANCE.
Canals, M.; Casamor, J.L.; Urgeles, R.; Alibés, B.; Alonso, B.
(1999). Small size canyon-channel systems and landslides on the
Ebro continental slope, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Presentation of
comunication, Challenges for academia and oil industry in
deepwater margin studies, Tromso, NORWAY.
Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.;
Calafat, A. (1999). A subglacial, streamlined depositional body
offshore the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Presentation of
comunication, Challenges for academia and oil industry in
deepwater margin studies, Tromso, NORWAY.
Urgeles, R.;
Masson, D.G.; Canals, M.; Watts, A.B. (1999). Giant landslide
controls on channelised submarine sediment pathways; a case study off
the Canary Islands. Poster, Challenges for academia and oil
industry in deepwater margin studies, Tromso, NORWAY.
Font, L.; Gimeno, D.; Canals, M.; Urgeles, R. (1999).
Calc-alkaline, transitional and alkaline volcanism in the Central
Bransfield Basin seamounts, Western Antarctica. Presentation of
comunication, 8th Int. Symposium on Antartic Earth Sciencies.
Programme and Abstracts of the 8th Int. Symposium on Antartic Earth
Sciencies, pp: 114-114, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND.
Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.;
Calafat, A.M. (1999). Evidence of a Last Glacial Maximum giant
paleo-ice stream on the Western Bransfield Basin, north Antarctic
Peninsula. Presentation of comunication, 8th Int. Symposium on
Antartic Earth Sciencies. Programme and Abstracts of the 8th Int.
Symposium on Antartic Earth Sciencies, pp: 61-61, Wellington, NEW
Mitchell, N.C.; Masson, D.G.; Watts, A.B.; Gee, M.J.; Urgeles, R. (1999). Slopes of
Giant Debris Avalanches and Constructional Sectors of the Canary
Islands. Presentation of comunication, 1999 AGU Fall Meeting .
Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, V: 80, N: 46, pp:
OS21A-13-OS21A-13, San Francisco, UNITED STATES.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Alonso, B. (1998). Enormous single-event
volcanoclastic deposits at the foot of the island of El Hierro.
Presentation of comunication, XV Symposium of the International
Association of Sedimentologists. Abstractsof the XV Symposium of the
International Association of Sedimentologists, pp: 779, Alicante, SPAIN.
Ercilla, G.; Alonso, B.; Baraza, J.; Casas, D.; Chiocci,
F. L.; Estrada, F.; Farrán, M.; Gonthier, E.; Pérez-Belzuz, F.; Pirmez,
C.; Reeder, M. S.; Torres, J.; Urgeles,
R. (1998). New high-resolution acoustic data from the
'braided system' of the Orinoco Deep Sea Fan. Presentation of
comunication, XV Symposium of the International Association of
Sedimentologists. Abstractsof the XV Symposium of the International
Association of Sedimentologists, pp: 317-317, Alicante, SPAIN.
Masson, D.G.; Watts, A.B.; Urgeles, R. et al. (1998).
New Sonar Evidence for Large-Scale Slope Failures on the Flanks of the
Canary Islands. Poster, 1998 AGU Spring Meeting . Eos,
Transactions, American Geophysical Union, V: 79, N: 17, pp: S339-S339,
Canals, M.; Alibés, B.; Urgelés, R.; Alonso, B.
(1997). Landsliding on the Canary Islands: The missing submarine
sediment record. Presentation of comunication, Int. Workshop
Volcanism & Volcanic Hazards in Inmature Intraplate Oceanic
Islands. Abstracts of the Int. Workshop Volcanism & Volcanic
Hazards in Inmature Intraplate Oceanic Islands, pp: 106-109, La Palma
(Canarias), SPAIN.
Canals, M.; Urgeles, R.;
Estrada, F.; GEBRAP 96/97 Team (1997). Internal structure and
seismic facies of the deep sediment drifts off the Northern Trinity
Peninsula: results from a very high resolution survey. Presentation of
comunication, Int. Symposium on Antarctica and Global Change:
Interactions and impacts, Hobart, AUSTRALIA.
Canals, M.; Estrada, F.; Urgeles,
R.; GEBRAP 96/97 Team (1997). Very high resolution seismic
definition of glacial and postglacial sediment bodies in the
continental shelves of the Northern Trinity Peninsula region.
Presentation of comunication, Int. Symposium on Antarctica and
Global Change: Interactions and Impacts, Hobart, AUSTRALIA.
Alonso, B.; Ercilla, G.; Baraza, J.; Casas, D.; Chiocci,
F. L.; Estrada, F.; Farrán, M.; Gonthier, E.; Pérez-Belzuz, F.; Pirmez,
C.; Reeder, M. S.; Torres, J.; Urgeles,
R. (1997). Morphology and high-resolution seismic
features of the Magdalena turbidite system: preliminary results of the
Magdalena'97 Hespérides cruise. Presentation of comunication,
18th International Association of Sedimentologists Regional European
Meeting . GAEA Heidelbergensis, V: 3, pp: 43-43, Heidelberg, GERMANY.
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Baraza, J.; Alonso, B. (1996). El Golfo debris
avalanche in the island of Hierro: the youngest event in the longtime
lasting history of mass-wasting in the Canaries. Poster, XXV
General Assembly of the European Seismological Comission, Reykjvik,
Urgeles, R.;
Canals, M.; Baraza, J.; Alonso, B. (1996). The submarine El Golfo
debris avalanche and the Canary debris flow, West Hierro Island: The
last major slides in the Canary archipelago. Presentation of
comunication, IV Congreso Nac. Geología. Geogaceta, 20, 2,
390-393, Alcalà de Henares, SPAIN.
Pérez, F.; Alonso, B.; Ercilla, G.; Grupo CRESCENT
(1995). Estratigrafía sísmica del márgen continental distal de
Agadir y llanura abisal de Agadir: Retrogradación de un sistema
turbidítico activo. Presentation of comunication, XIII Congreso
Español de Sedimentología. Comunicaciones. Volumen: Com. ; 97-98,
Teruel, SPAIN.
Alonso, B.; Canals, M.; Casamor, J.; Ercilla, G.; Farran,
M.; Sorribas, J.;Alibes, B.; Evans, J.; Masson, D.; Pérez, F.; Urgeles, R. (1995). Controls
of the Agadir Basin and lower canyon sedimentary environments (NW
Africa). Presentation of comunication, European Geophysical
Society. XX General Assembly . Annales Geophysicae, V: 13, N: Suppl. 1,
pp: C123-C123, Hamburg, GERMANY.
Gràcia, E.; Lagabrielle, Y.; Ondréas, H.; Auzende, J.M.;
Canals, M.; Ruellán, E.; Urgeles, R. (1995).
Faulting and magmatism in back-arc basins: Mutual control at various
spreading centers. Poster, 4th RIDGE Theoretical Institute .
Course Notes, N: C, pp: 27-27, Lago Tahoe (California), UNITED STATES.
B.; Canals, M.; Casamor, J.L.; Ercilla, G.; Urgeles, R. et al. (1995).
Sedimentary Environments of the Agadir Canyon, NW African Margin.
Presentation of comunication, 2nd EU Workshop. Exchange Processes
at the Continent /Ocean Margins in the North Atlantic. Programme and
Abstracts, V: 1, pp: 50-50, Knookke, BELGIUM.
Seminar: “L'Antàrtida, molt més que gel”. Organized by
Mataró’s museum and the Culture Department of the city of
Analyzing the stability of a submarine slope with an
example of the NW Mediterranean Sea: the BIG’95, Barcelona (Spain), 01
Seminar: EURODOM Submarine Slope Stability Intensive Course, organized
by the Marine Geosciences Group of the University of Barcelona and held
at the “Palau de les Heures” in Barcelona.
“Els esllavissaments. Quina importància tenen com a factor de control en
l'evolució de les illes oceàniques?”,
Seminar: Seminaris de l'Institut de Ciències de la Terra -
"Jaume Almera", and organized by and held at the Institute
of Earth Sciences (C.S.I.C.) in
-Energy Resources, Faculty of Geology, University of
1998-1999; 33h
2001-2002; 26h
-Marine geology, Faculty of Geology, University of
1997-1998; 11h
1998-1999; 12h
2001-2002; 12h
2002-2003; 10h
2003-2004; 17h
2004-2005; 17h
2005-2006; 12h
-Geological mapping, Faculty of Geology, University of
1997-1998; 16 h
1998-1999; 17h
2001-2002; 96h
2002-2003; 20h
2004-2005; 17h
2005-2006; 50h
2006-2007; 92h
2007-2008; 52h
-Stratigraphy, Faculty of Geology, University of Barcelona
1998-1999; 16h
1999-2000; 17h
2000-2001; 54h
2006-2007; 14h
-Multidisciplinary field course, Faculty of Geology,
-Energy Resources, Faculty of Geology,
-Geological mapping, Faculty of Geology,
2001-2001; 16h
2005-2006; 29h
-Marine Sedimentary Dynamics, Faculty of
2006-2007; 15h
2007-2008; 15h
-The natural environment, Faculty of Biology,
1997-1998; 16h
2004-2005; 22h
2005-2006; 22h
2006-2007; 55h
2007-2008; 44h
-Marine Geohazards and Geotechnics, Faculty of Geology,
University of Barcelona
-Geophysical techniques,
Faculty of Geology,
-Geometry and architecture of deep depositional systems,
Faculty of Geology, University of Barcelona
2000-2001; 10h
2002-2003; 10h
2003-2004; 20h
2004-2005; 10h
2005-2006; 20h
2006-2007; 20h
-Instrumentation and methods in Marine Geology, Faculty
of Geology,
-Advanced issues in littoral sedimentary processes,
Faculty of Geology,
-Geometry and architecture of deep depositional systems,
Faculty of Geology,
2004-2005; 10h
2005-2006; 20h
2006-2007; 20h
-Applied Marine Geology, Faculty of Geology,
Bottom Parametric Source SIMRAD TOPAS (ultra
high-resolution seismic profiler). Advanced experience in data acquisition and processing.
Acquisition and processing of multibeam bathymetry with
the systems: SIMRAD EM-12S, EM-1002 and EM-3000 dual
Reflection Seismics. Some experience on data acquisition with a DELPH-2, from
Proficient with triaxial and oedometer testing,
including Constant Rate of Strain and Constant Rate of
Stress Tests
User of the following software tools:
The “Swathed Tools” from the Ocean Mapping Group of the
(CARtographie Appliquée à l'Imagerie et la BathymétriE des Sonars et
sondeurs multifaisceaux) from IFREMER (Multibeam processing)
“Earth Vision” from Dynamic Graphics (3-D Modelling)
ERDAS’ Imagine 8.3 (Image analysis)
Generic Mapping Tools (GMT-3) (Mapping)
“Gigaviz” from “Schlumberger” (Seismic data
urGLE 2.8. Developed Fortran
program for analyzing slope stability problems using limit equilibrium
equations for both force and moment equilibrium.
C-shell scripting and Fortran
Unix system administration (Linux, SunOS, Irix)
Advanced Windows user
RV Joides Resolution Arraix |
NOCI Le Suroit |
CCGS Frederick G. Creed |
CCGS Denis Riverin |
James C. Ross |
RRS Charles Darwin |
palmas |
L’Europe |
BIO Hespérides |
RRS Discovery |
RV Prof. Logachev |
1-18 August, 2007.
Cruise: SVAIS
Chief scientist: Dr. A. Camerlenghi, ICREA and University of
Barcelona (E)
Vessel: B.I.O. Hespérides (E)
Topic: Geological and geophysical investigations of the
margin (
Used methods: Simrad EM12S and EM1002 swath bathymetry,
single-channel seismic reflection, TOPAS parametric source, gravimetry,
magnetometry, coring.
4-12 April, 2006.
Cruise: CD178
Chief scientist: Dr. C. Berndt, National Oceanography Centre Southampton (UK);
Vessel: R.R.S. Charles Darwin (UK)
Topic: Geological and geophysical investigations
of the Alboran and Balearic marins, NW Mediterranean.
Used methods: 3D high-resolution single channel seismic
reflection profiling, multibeam bathymetry, chirp profiling, deep-towed
30 May - 12 July, 2005.
Cruise: IODP Leg 308, Gulf of Mexico Overpressures
Chief scientist: Dr. Peter Flemmings, Pennsylvania State
University (USA); Jan Behrmann, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (D)
Vessel: Joides Resolution (USA)
Topic: Overpressure
and fluid flow processes in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: slope
stability, seeps, and shallow-water flow
Used methods: continuous
APC and XCB coring, wireline logging, pore pressure and temperature in
situ measurements, logging while drilling (LWD) and
measurement-while-drilling (MWD)
February-August 2004 (various weeks).
Chief scientist: Dr. R. Urgeles, University of Barcelona (E)
Vessel: Arraix (E)
Topic: Multibeam mapping of the Catalan Continental shelf.
Used methods: Simrad EM3000 dual multibeam bathymetry
19 September –
Chief scientist: Dr. N. Sultan, IFREMER (F); Dr. M. Voisset,
Vessel: N.O.C.I. Le Suroit (F)
Topic: Geological geotechnical and geophysical investigations of
Used methods: Simrad EM300 swath bathymetry, chirp sonar seismic
reflection, in situ CPT, P-wave velocity and gamma densitometry
measurements, bottom video and photography with SCAMPI, Kullenberg and
Ronanberg interface coring.
3-31 August, 2002.
Cruise: He83 (MARINADA)
Chief scientist: Dr. M. Canals, University of Barcelona (E)
Vessel: B.I.O. Hespérides (E)
Topic: Geological and geophysical investigations of the Catalan
margin (
Used methods: Simrad EM12S and EM1002 swath bathymetry,
single-channel seismic reflection, TOPAS parametric source, gravimetry,
Cruise: He78
scientist: Dr. A.
Calafat, University of Barcelona (E)
Vessel: B.I.O.
Hespérides (E)
Topic: Geological
and geophysical investigations of the Pacific Antarctic Peninsula
Used methods: Simrad EM12
swath bathymetry, single-channel and multi-channel seismic reflection,
TOPAS parametric source, gravimetry, magnetometry.
16-20 August, 2001.
Cruise: TTR-11 Leg2b BIGIMAGE
Chief scientist: Dr. R. Urgeles, University of Barcelona (E);
Dr. N. Keyon, Southampton Oceanography Centre (UK); M. Ivanov, Moscow
State University (RU)
Vessel: R.V. Professor Logachev (RU)
Topic: Geological and geophysical investigations of the Ebro
slope and base-of-slope.
Used methods: MAK-1M deep towed side-scan
sonar, deep towed camera system, gravity corer.
31 August –
Chief scientist: Dr. R. Urgeles, Laval University (CAN) –
University of Barcelona (E)
Vessel: C.C.G.S. F.G. Creed (CAN)
Topic: Multibeam mapping cruise of the Saguenay Fjord and the
deltas of the Outardes and
Used methods: Simrad EM1000
31 July –
Chief scientist: T. Schmitt, Laval University (CAN)
Vessel: C.C.G.S Dennis Riverain (CAN)
Topic: Geophysiscal studies of the Saguenay Fjord (
Used methods: Sidescan sonar Simrad MS992, mud penentrator
X-Star (EG&G).
5-12 September, 1999.
Cruise: He57 (MATTER II, Leg 1)
Chief scientist: Dr. A.M. Calafat, University of Barcelona (E)
Vessel: B.I.O. Hespérides (E)
Topic: Geological and geophysical investigations of the
Used methods: Simrad EM12 and Em1002 swath
bathymetry, single-channel seismic reflection, TOPAS parametric source,
4 February –
Cruise: JR29
Chief scientist: Dr. R. V. Dingle, British Antarctic Survey (UK)
Vessel: R.R.S. James Clarck Ross (UK)
Topic: Geological and geophysical investigations in the
Used methods: Rock-drill and
vibrocorer, sparker, sidescan sonar and magnetometry.
15 September –
Cruise: CD108
Chief scientist: Dr. D. G. Masson, Institute of Oceanographic
Sciences (UK); Dr. A. B. Watts, Oxford University (UK)
Vessel: R.R.S. Charles Darwin (UK)
Topic: Geological and geophysical investigations off
Used methods: Simrad EM12 swath bathymetry, deep-towed side-scan
sonar (TOBI), 3.5 kHz mud penetrator, and dredging.
April, 1997.
Cruise: MAYC-97
Chief scientist: Dr. G. Ercilla, Institut de Ciències
Vessel: B.I.O. Hespérides (E)
Topic: Bathymetric mapping and geophysical investigations of
Used methods: Multibeam
bathymetry SIMRAD EM-12, airgun, TOPAS parametric source, magnetometry,
gravimetry and coring.
Cruise: GEBRAP
scientist: Dr. M.
Canals, University of Barcelona (E)
Vessel: B.I.O.
Hespérides (E)
Topic: Geophysical
investigations of the
Used methods: Multibeam
bathymetry SIMRAD EM-12, airgun, TOPAS parametric source, magnetometry, gravimetry,
coring and dredging.
23 May –
Cruise: PUPPI
Chief scientist: Dr. M. Canals, University of Barcelona (E)
Vessel: S.N.V. Las Palmas (E)
Topic: Pore pressure measurements using PUPPI west of the
Used methods: PUPPI (Pop Up Pore Pressure
Instrument) from GEOTEK.
23-28 November, 1995.
Cruise: BASAR2
Chief scientist: Dr. S. Berné, IFREMER (F)
Vessel: N.O.C.I. L’Europe (F)
Topic: Geophysical investigations in the platform zone of the
Used methods: Multibeam
bathymetry SIMRAD EM-950, side-scan sonar, 2.5 kHz mud penetrator and
3-16 October, 1995.
Cruise: MAYC-95
Chief scientist: Dr. B. Alonso, Institut de Ciències
Vessel: B.I.O. Hespérides (E)
Topic: Geophysical investigations of the
Used methods: Multibeam
bathymetry SIMRAD EM-12, airgun, TOPAS parametric source, magnetometry
and gravimetry.
30 September –
Cruise: CRESCENT-94 (II)
Chief scientist: Dr. B. Alonso, Institut de Ciències
Vessel: B.I.O. Hespérides (E)
Topic: Bathymetric mapping and geophysical investigations west
of the Canaries.
Used methods: Multibeam
bathymetry SIMRAD EM-12, airgun, TOPAS parametric source, magnetometry
and gravimetry.
4-11 December, 1994.
Cruise: CRESCENT-94 (I)
Chief scientist: Dr. B. Alonso, Institut de Ciències
Vessel: B.I.O. Hespérides (E)
Topic: Bathymetric mapping and geophysical investigations of the
Used methods: Multibeam bathymetry SIMRAD EM-12, airgun, TOPAS
parametric source ,
magnetometry and gravimetry.
10 November –
Cruise: Dis-205
Chief scientist: Dr. D. G. Masson, Institute of Oceanographic
Sciences (UK)
Vessel: R.R.S. Discovery (
Topic: Geological and geophysical investigations West of the
Used methods: piston corer,
deep-towed side-scan sonar (TOBI) and 3.5 kHz mud penetrator.
30 August –
Cruise: Logachev-09
Chief scientist: Dr. H. J. Wallrabe-Adams, GEOMAR (D)
Vessel: R. V. Professor Logachev (RU).
Topic: Geological and geophysical investigations in the
Reykjanes Ridge (
Used methods: Box corer, gravity
corer and Kasten corer, mud penetrator SEL-90.
-Manuscript reviewing for the journals:
Basin Research
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Geo-Marine Letters
Geophysical Research Letters
Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface
Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Marine Geology
Natural Hazards
Norwegian Journal of Geology
Ocean Engineering
Special Publications of the Geological Society of London.
-Project reviewing for:
Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory
U.S. National Science Foundation
-Survival at Sea course, module of the maritime safety
course homologated by the Spanish “Dirección General de la Marina
-First Aid course, module of the maritime safety course
homologated by the Spanish “Dirección General de la Marina Mercante”.
Enjoying life with Agnès, Oleguer and Ita!!
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