Lista de Sitios On-Line sobre recursos de Ingenieria
Lo que a continuación sigue es un sumario sobre recursos de Ingeniería civil y Construcción fundamentalmente sobre EEUU y Canadá. La inclusión de nuevos lugares depende de tu ayuda mándame nuevas direcciones y las incluiremos en la lista.
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FTP sites =========
Gopher ======
- gopher://
- gopher://
- U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific & Technical Information
- USAE Waterways Experiment Station
- Civil Gopher Server - Texas A&M University
- Constructed Facilities Division
- gopher: - Wavelets
- University of California, Berkeley, Civil Engineering Department
- Johns Hopkins University, Civil Engineering
- gopher://
- Monash University, Department of Civil Engineering
- NIST Building and Fire Research Laboratory
- University of Alabama, NSF Engineering Education Coalition Program
- gopher://
- gopher://
- gopher://
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- Cambridge University, Engineering Department
- Cornell University, Engineering Library Gopher
- University of Ljubljana, Civil Engineering Dept
- Czech Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty
- IEEE Gopher
- gopher://
- gopher://
- Phone books
- gopher://
- gopher://
- gopher://
- International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies
- Engineering (Civil, Electrical)
- Georgia Tech., School of Civil Engineering
- gopher server
- gopher://
- ITI - Infrastructure Technology Institute
- gopher://
- National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) (Portugal)
- California. Department of Water Resources
- gopher://
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport & Traffic Engineering
- University of Alberta, Water Resources Engineering
- gopher: - National Science Foundation
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Tri-Services CADD/GIS Technology Center
- gopher: - Netlib
- gopher://
- gopher://
- University of Central Florida, Civil Engineering
- gopher://
- Engineering
- National Information Standards Organization Gopher
- Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM)
- Patents
- gopher://
- gopher://
- 624 - Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering
- gopher://
- Library OPACS Strong in Engineering
- University of Buffalo, Department of Civil Engineering
- Texas A&M, Civil Engineering Department
- U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division
- gopher://
- University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Water Resources Systems Research Unit
- gopher://
- NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) [79]
- Pollution and groundwater recharge mail list
Usenet ======
Si tu dispones de algún otro recurso, por favor mándamelo por Email y lo añadiré a la Lista, al igual que probables errores en la lista.

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