LLFLY'S FLIGHT UNLIMITED III PAGES. Flying Flt Ul III is a spiritual experience.

Flt3 Cfg. & Options setup page! 09-02-2001


      Home Page
    1. For the FU3 patch and great info. Go to the Looking Glass Site.WWW.Looking Glass.Com
    2. PC Club is updated..
    3. Welcome to a great hobby & my Flt Ul II,III site.
    4. Mr. Peter James is at www. flightsim.com He will try to ans. your Flt Ul III ? on there message board.
    5. Thank you LG for this great sim. Lets have some addons. If you like flying FU3 setup ideas on this site. This is not a game were you take it home and install and play lets go flying. If you love gaming there are other sims that will do that and I own them. The only sim I have installed at this time is FU3. This is as close to real flight as I can get. I started upgrading my PC for FS5.1 years ago. Any true flightsimmer I know (not a gamer only) knows the PC flys the sim. As we go into the year 2000 sims are going to be more detailed. Believe it or not the P-III's are now old PC'S. The P-IIIb 533 133mhz bus are now for sale. All the new sims that are comimg out will need a super PC or look at low detail. I went to the Lancaster,Pa. airport and picked up a Aeronautical map (CF-16) took it home and took off flying a VFR flight. Now that is as real as it gets FPS ave.15 Larry
    6. Maps;Here is an easy way to make "sectional charts".
    7. Start FUIII and go to the map view.
    8. In map view pick the area you want a map of adding navaids,controlled airspace, sites etc.
    9. Zoom in a little ( Make a map of the whole area from 4 separate "quadrants" for easier reading.
    10. Make a screenshot (cntl-alt-p).
    11. Modify the screenshot with your favorite image manipulating software and print. Maps for the seatac area with major VOR-TACs and airports. Thanks Ron
    12. Background is from Flt Ul III. Shot is 800x600x16 Jpg and is clear as a bell in the sim.
    13. 2-99 I made a visit to Capt. Paul SundownerBDY in Montreal,Quebec. Had a day of great flying and talked alot about Flt Ul III. A friend from the release of Flt Ul II a lot more then a sim. This is the 1st. time meeting Paul Thank you again for the great time I had.Capt. Paul SundownerBDY Flt Page
    14. Thanks to all my Flight Sim Friends for their Great Tips.
    15. Thanks to my friend Teja for His time, HTML

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