Museum Quality Meteorites (19437 bytes)
a gallery of museum quality specimens

ALBIN    332 gram complete slice

CAMEL DONGA    40 gram individual

DAR AL GANI 262    .132 gram slice of the Moon

DAR AL GANI 400    1.515 gram slice of the Moon

DAR AL GANI 476    10.7 gram slice of the planet Mars

GIBEON    226 lb individual

IBITIRA    122 grams with fusion crust and large black crystal

IMILAC    84 gram complete slice.

MARJALAHTI    86 gram complete slice of this rare pallasite

MILLBILLILLIE    75 gram oriented individual

MURCHISON    146 gram oriented individual with 100% fusion crust

PORTALES VALLEY    491 gram oriented, iron rich individual

SIKHOTE-ALIN    9.4kg oriented individual

ZAGAMI    12.9 grams of Mars with beautiful crust


Jim Strope  421 Fourth Street   Glen Dale,  WV  26038


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