77 Durie Lane
Thornhill, Ontario
L3T 5H4


(905) 881-6169

Career Objective

I am fascinated by the intersection of biology, mathematics and computers: bioinformatics and computational biology.  My current interests include sequence alignments, modeling metabolic pathways, automated annotation, and statistical analysis of microarray data.

Key Bioinformatics Skills

à        Sequence alignments: local, global, multiple, scoring matrices

à        Extensive statistical analysis of microarray expression data

à        Resources: NCBI, RGD, MGI

à        Contributor (patches, documentation) to BioPerl open-source project

à        Promoter analysis

Key Computer Skills

à        Outstanding database design skills

à        Databases: Oracle (DBA), MS Access

à        Fluent Languages: PERL (CGI, DBI)

à        Other Languages: HTML, VB/VBA, C/C++, and R

à        Protocols: TCP/IP, ODBC

à        Operating Systems: all major systems, including Windows, Linux, Unix, others

à        Setup and administration of Windows networks

Personal Skills

Laboratory Skills

à        Innovative and highly creative

à        Proven problem-solving skills

à        Outstanding presentation skills

à        Lucid academic writing

à        Enthusiastic and ambitious

à        Plating & culturing, mini-preps, gels, columns, PCR

à        Spectrophotometry, GC/MS, HPLC

à        Extensive experience with SPR technology

Work Experience

Bioinformatics Researcher

Dr. A.B. Okey, Department of Pharmacology

University of Toronto – Toronto, Ontario

July 2002 to Unknown 2003


à        Design and implementation of Oracle and MS-Access databases to facilitate analysis of DNA microarray experiments

à        Administration of Oracle and MS-Access databases

à        Setup, tuning, and maintenance of local BLAST facilities

à        Designed and performed experiments to validate inter-species usage of cDNA microarrays

à        Testing of genomic sequence for promoter elements

à        Enhanced primer-design efficiency with new software to automate and aggregate primer-homology searches

à        Researched and implemented microarray normalization techniques

à        Extensive statistical analysis of oligonucleotide (Affymetrix, Clontech) and cDNA microarray data

à        Developer and Win32 tester for BioPerl open-source project


Bioinformatics Researcher

Dr. T.R. Zacharewski, Department of Biochemistry

Michigan State University – East Lansing, Michigan




à        Extension of laboratory database to perform clone-tracking and microarray data storage and analysis.

à        Basic molecular biology, including protein purification and PCR

à        Designed and performed BIAcore-based studies of coactivator-nuclear receptor interactions to evaluate ligand-dependent kinetics and affinities.

à        Extensive bioinformatics work, including automation of BLASTs, inter-database communications, and numerical analysis

à        Leader of the bio-informatics group (3 people), including project-planning & specification, leading meetings, and technology evaluations

à        Designed and presented a 3-day bioinformatics training course.

à        Extensively involved in the analysis of microarray data

à        Presented an extensive literature review of transcriptional coactivators


Biochemistry Researcher

Zacharewski Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry

Michigan State University – East Lansing, Michigan




à        Design of an RDBMS to act as the repository for functional annotation of genes of interest to the Zacharewski Laboratory

à        Subcloning of the coactivator Tif2

à        General molecular biology lab work, including Western blotting, chromatographic purifications, plating, and PCR


Research Assistant

Zenon Environmental – Burlington, Ontario.




à        Designed and executed a study to identify candidates for further study from a chemically diverse set of surfactants

à        Aqueous analytical chemistry: colour, pH buffering, TOC, turbidity

à        Design and construction of apparatus for controlled fouling of HF/SW membranes using PVC,  flow/pressure metering/regulation, and pumps

à        Development of a database for data storage and analysis


Process Engineering Assistant

Petro-Canada Lubricants – Toronto, Ontario.




à        Performed PID tuning of ~20 varied feed-back loops.

à        Plant-wide implementation of a Honeywell LIMS

à        Designed and implemented a Visual C++ program to interface from a real-time QNX system to an Oracle DB using ODBC and TCP/IP



Ontario Municipal Employee Retirement System – Toronto, Ontario.




à        Analyzed and enhanced the security of a multi-user MS-Access database

à        Created and optimized database reports in C and embedded SQL

à        Utilized INGRES tools to modify screens, reports, and scripts for Y2K




Relational Database Programmer

Alcatel Canada Wire – Markham, Ontario




à        Implemented and enhanced a computerized labeling system used to create approximately 500 labels daily with concomitant cost savings

à        Designed a quality-tracking sub-system to an existing Oracle database, including JAD sessions, performance analysis, and process analysis.

à        Developed 50 ad-hoc SQL queries for custom data analysis

Abstracts and Posters Presented

·                    Development of a Cross-Platform Microarray Search for Novel Dioxin-Responsive Genes
Boutros P.C., Franc M.A., Moffat I.M., Okey A.B.

o       Visions in Pharmacology 2003
Toronto, Ontario; Canada
May 22, 2003

·                    Modeling DNA Mutation: Novel Substitution Matrices for Enhanced BLAST Searches
Boutros P.C., Karanassios, K.

o       31st Southwestern Ontario Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference (SOUSCC)
Hamilton, Ontario; Canada
March 22, 2003

·                    Assessment of Rat-Mouse Sequence Homology in the NIA 15K Clone Library: Implications For Gene Expression Studies In Toxicologically Important Species
Boutros P.C., Okey A.B.

o       Society of Toxicology of Canada 35th Annual Symposium (STC)
Montreal, Quebec; Canada
December 5-6, 2002

·                    Development of a relational toxicogenomics database for the prediction of chemical toxicity.
Burgoon L.D., Boutros, P.C., Dere E., Zacharewski T.R.

o       The Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB).
Edmonton, Alberta; Canada
August 3-7, 2002

·                    Development of a relational toxicogenomics database for the prediction of chemical toxicity.
Boutros P.C., Burgoon L.D., Zacharewski T.R.

o       41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (SOT)
Nashville, TN; U.S.A.
March 17-21, 2002

o       MGED4 Annual Meeting, MGED
Boston, MA; U.S.A.
February 13-16, 2002

·                    dbTEST: a database of transcripts expressed in spermatogenesis and testis.
Halgren R.G., Fielden M.R., Fong C.J., Boutros P.C., Zacharewski T.R.

o       Environmental Health Sciences Center for Molecular and Cellular Toxicology Annual Symposium
Institute Chemical Toxicology
 Detroit, MI; U.S.A.
October 16, 2000

·                    Developing an infrastructure to support toxicogenomic research for the study of male endocrine disruptors.
Fielden M.R., Halgren R.G., Fong C.J., Boutros P.C., Chou K., Saama P., and Zacharewski T.R.

o       58th Annual EHS Center Directors' Meeting.
 Functional Genomics, Proteomics and High Through-put Technologies: Tools for the 21st Century
Detroit, Michigan; U.S.A.
October 16, 2000

o       Environmental Health Sciences Center for Molecular and Cellular Toxicology Annual Symposium
Institute Chemical Toxicology
Detroit, MI; U.S.A.
October 16, 2000

o       Early Toxicity Screening in Drug Discovery
Institute for Scientific Exchange
Baltimore, MD; U.S.A.
October 9-12, 2000

o       Consortium on Environmental and Drug Safety Workshop
Toronto, Ontario; Canada
September 29 - October 1, 2000


Peer-Reviewed Publications

·        Burgoon, L.D., Boutros, P.C. Dere, E., Zacharewski T. (2003) An introduction to database architecture, data-handling and storage infrastructure considerations in support of toxicogenomic studies, In preparation

·        Boutros, P.C., Karanassios, K. (2003) Generation and Validation of DNA Substitution Matrices for Polymorphism Databases. In preparation

·        Boutros, P.C., Okey, A.B. (2003) A scalable algorithm for enhanced cross-species cluster assignment, In preparation








à        2003: Second Prize, Biochemistry Division of Southwestern Ontario Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference (SOUSCC)

à        2002: Dean’s Honours List in Science for academic excellence

à        2001: Dow Canada Environmental Chemistry Work-Term Report Award

à        1996: University of Toronto Scholarship for Dependents

à        1995: University of Toronto Scholarship for Dependents

à        1995: Certificates of Distinction and Achievement for finishing in top 25% of Canada in Descartes Mathematics Competition


à        University of Waterloo (2000-2003)
       Chemistry, Honours Co-operative

à        University of Waterloo (1995-2000)
       Chemical Engineering, Honours Co-operative
       Transferred in 2000 to Faculty of Science
       Completed 6/8 academic and 6/6 co-operative work terms

Volunteer Work


University of Waterloo Badminton Club

09/2000 to 12/2000 & 09/2001 to 04/2002

à        Design and maintenance of club web-page

à        Design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of PERL/CGI scripts for online tournament registration (~250 entries in 10 days 3 times/year)

à        Participation in tournament and social event planning and execution

à        Participated in the organization of two tournaments (~120 participants), including interacting with University staff and external sponsors

à        Coordinated regular sessions, including training and complaints

Sports Representative

House West 1, Village 1

University of Waterloo

Summer 1997

à        Planning, organizing, and promoting of sports teams and events for a varied group of 50 students


House East 6, Village 1

University of Waterloo

Winter 1996

à        Responsible for collecting, storing, and handling of house funds ($1000)

à        Aided in the planning and execution of social events for ~50 students


St. Luke’s Catholic Church

Thornhill Ontario

Summer 1995

à        Chose and accompanied hymns and psalms twice weekly

à        Performed a variety of liturgical and transitional music