77 Durie Lane |
881-6169 |
I am fascinated by the intersection of biology, mathematics and computers: bioinformatics and computational biology. My current interests include sequence alignments, modeling metabolic pathways, automated annotation, and statistical analysis of microarray data.
à Sequence alignments: local, global, multiple, scoring matrices
à Extensive statistical analysis of microarray expression data
à Resources: NCBI, RGD, MGI
à Contributor (patches, documentation) to BioPerl open-source project
à Promoter analysis
à Outstanding database design skills
à Databases: Oracle (DBA), MS Access
à Fluent Languages: PERL (CGI, DBI)
à Other Languages: HTML, VB/VBA, C/C++, and R
à Protocols: TCP/IP, ODBC
à Operating Systems: all major systems, including Windows, Linux, Unix, others
à Setup and administration of Windows networks
Personal Skills |
Laboratory Skills |
à Innovative and highly creative à Proven problem-solving skills à Outstanding presentation skills à Lucid academic writing à Enthusiastic and ambitious |
à Plating & culturing, mini-preps, gels, columns, PCR à Spectrophotometry, GC/MS, HPLC à Extensive experience with SPR technology |
Bioinformatics Researcher Dr. A.B. Okey, Department of Pharmacology University of Toronto – Toronto, Ontario |
July 2002 to Unknown 2003 |
à Design and implementation of Oracle and MS-Access databases to facilitate analysis of DNA microarray experiments à Administration of Oracle and MS-Access databases à Setup, tuning, and maintenance of local BLAST facilities à Designed and performed experiments to validate inter-species usage of cDNA microarrays à Testing of genomic sequence for promoter elements à Enhanced primer-design efficiency with new software to automate and aggregate primer-homology searches à Researched and implemented microarray normalization techniques à Extensive statistical analysis of oligonucleotide (Affymetrix, Clontech) and cDNA microarray data à Developer and Win32 tester for BioPerl open-source project |
Bioinformatics Researcher Dr. T.R. Zacharewski, Department of Biochemistry Michigan State University – East Lansing, Michigan |
04/2001 to 09/2001 |
Extension of laboratory database to perform
clone-tracking and microarray data storage and analysis. à
Basic molecular biology, including protein
purification and PCR à
Designed and performed BIAcore-based studies of
coactivator-nuclear receptor interactions to evaluate ligand-dependent
kinetics and affinities. à
Extensive bioinformatics work, including automation
of BLASTs, inter-database communications, and numerical analysis à
Leader of the bio-informatics group (3 people),
including project-planning & specification, leading meetings, and
technology evaluations à
Designed and presented a 3-day bioinformatics
training course. à
Extensively involved in the analysis of microarray
data à
Presented an extensive literature review of
transcriptional coactivators |
Biochemistry Researcher Zacharewski Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry Michigan State University – East Lansing, Michigan |
04/2000 to 09/2000 |
Design of an RDBMS to act as the repository for
functional annotation of genes of interest to the Zacharewski Laboratory à
Subcloning of the coactivator Tif2 à
General molecular biology lab work, including Western
blotting, chromatographic purifications, plating, and PCR |
Research Assistant Zenon Environmental – Burlington, Ontario. |
08/1999 to 12/1999 |
Designed and executed a study to identify candidates
for further study from a chemically diverse set of surfactants à
Aqueous analytical chemistry: colour, pH buffering,
TOC, turbidity à
Design and construction of apparatus for controlled
fouling of HF/SW membranes using PVC,
flow/pressure metering/regulation, and pumps à Development of a database for data storage and analysis |
Process Engineering Assistant Petro-Canada Lubricants – Toronto, Ontario. |
12/1998 to 04/1999 |
Performed PID tuning of ~20 varied feed-back loops. à
Plant-wide implementation of a Honeywell LIMS à
Designed and implemented a Visual C++ program to
interface from a real-time QNX system to an Oracle DB using ODBC and TCP/IP |
Programmer/Analyst Ontario Municipal Employee Retirement System – Toronto, Ontario. |
05/1998 to 09/1998 |
à Analyzed and enhanced the security of a multi-user MS-Access database à Created and optimized database reports in C and embedded SQL à Utilized INGRES tools to modify screens, reports, and scripts for Y2K |
Relational Database Programmer Alcatel Canada Wire – Markham, Ontario |
09/1997 to 12/1997 |
à Implemented and enhanced a computerized labeling system used to create approximately 500 labels daily with concomitant cost savings à Designed a quality-tracking sub-system to an existing Oracle database, including JAD sessions, performance analysis, and process analysis. à Developed 50 ad-hoc SQL queries for custom data analysis |
Development of a
Cross-Platform Microarray Search for Novel Dioxin-Responsive Genes
Boutros P.C., Franc M.A., Moffat I.M., Okey A.B.
o Visions
in Pharmacology 2003
Toronto, Ontario; Canada
May 22, 2003
Modeling DNA
Mutation: Novel Substitution Matrices for Enhanced BLAST Searches
Boutros P.C., Karanassios, K.
o 31st
Southwestern Ontario Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference (SOUSCC)
Hamilton, Ontario; Canada
March 22, 2003
Assessment of
Rat-Mouse Sequence Homology in the NIA 15K Clone Library: Implications For Gene
Expression Studies In Toxicologically Important Species
Boutros P.C., Okey A.B.
o Society
of Toxicology of Canada 35th Annual Symposium (STC)
Montreal, Quebec; Canada
December 5-6, 2002
Development of a
relational toxicogenomics database for the prediction of chemical toxicity.
Burgoon L.D., Boutros, P.C., Dere E., Zacharewski T.R.
o The
Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Edmonton, Alberta; Canada
August 3-7, 2002
Development of a
relational toxicogenomics database for the prediction of chemical toxicity.
Boutros P.C., Burgoon L.D., Zacharewski T.R.
o 41st
Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (SOT)
Nashville, TN; U.S.A.
March 17-21, 2002
Annual Meeting, MGED
Boston, MA; U.S.A.
February 13-16, 2002
dbTEST: a database of
transcripts expressed in spermatogenesis and testis.
Halgren R.G., Fielden M.R., Fong C.J., Boutros P.C., Zacharewski T.R.
o Environmental
Health Sciences Center for Molecular and Cellular Toxicology Annual Symposium
Institute Chemical Toxicology
Detroit, MI; U.S.A.
October 16, 2000
Developing an
infrastructure to support toxicogenomic research for the study of male
endocrine disruptors.
Fielden M.R., Halgren R.G., Fong C.J., Boutros P.C., Chou K., Saama P., and
Zacharewski T.R.
o 58th
Annual EHS Center Directors' Meeting.
Functional Genomics, Proteomics and
High Through-put Technologies: Tools for the 21st Century
Detroit, Michigan; U.S.A.
October 16, 2000
o Environmental
Health Sciences Center for Molecular and Cellular Toxicology Annual Symposium
Institute Chemical Toxicology
Detroit, MI; U.S.A.
October 16, 2000
o Early
Toxicity Screening in Drug Discovery
Institute for Scientific Exchange
Baltimore, MD; U.S.A.
October 9-12, 2000
o Consortium
on Environmental and Drug Safety Workshop
Toronto, Ontario; Canada
September 29 - October 1, 2000
· Burgoon, L.D., Boutros, P.C. Dere, E., Zacharewski T. (2003) An introduction to database architecture, data-handling and storage infrastructure considerations in support of toxicogenomic studies, In preparation
· Boutros, P.C., Karanassios, K. (2003) Generation and Validation of DNA Substitution Matrices for Polymorphism Databases. In preparation
· Boutros, P.C., Okey, A.B. (2003) A scalable algorithm for enhanced cross-species cluster assignment, In preparation
à 2003: Second Prize, Biochemistry Division of Southwestern Ontario Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference (SOUSCC)
à 2002: Dean’s Honours List in Science for academic excellence
à 2001: Dow Canada Environmental Chemistry Work-Term Report Award
à 1996: University of Toronto Scholarship for Dependents
à 1995: University of Toronto Scholarship for Dependents
à 1995: Certificates of Distinction and Achievement for finishing in top 25% of Canada in Descartes Mathematics Competition
University of Waterloo (2000-2003)
Chemistry, Honours Co-operative
University of Waterloo (1995-2000)
Chemical Engineering, Honours
Transferred in 2000 to Faculty of
Completed 6/8 academic and 6/6
co-operative work terms
Webmaster University of Waterloo Badminton Club |
09/2000 to 12/2000 & 09/2001 to 04/2002 |
Design and maintenance of club web-page à
Design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of
PERL/CGI scripts for online tournament registration (~250 entries in 10 days
3 times/year) à
Participation in tournament and social event planning
and execution à
Participated in the organization of two tournaments
(~120 participants), including interacting with University staff and external
sponsors à
Coordinated regular sessions, including training and
complaints |
Sports Representative House West 1, Village 1 University of Waterloo |
Summer 1997 |
à Planning, organizing, and promoting of sports teams and events for a varied group of 50 students |
Treasurer House East 6, Village 1 University of Waterloo |
Winter 1996 |
à Responsible for collecting, storing, and handling of house funds ($1000) à
Aided in the planning and execution of social events
for ~50 students |
Organist/Pianist St. Luke’s Catholic Church Thornhill Ontario |
Summer 1995 |
à Chose and accompanied hymns and psalms twice weekly à Performed a variety of liturgical and transitional music |