
This program is designed to help users find those missing words in your crossword puzzle solution. Instead of spending hours with a dictionary simply type in the letters you have and the program will return a list of possible matches. The dictionary contains over 200000 entries and includes phrases as well as words.
You can also find anagrams and words with repeating letter patterns.
The program is released as Freeware, you are free to give it to others but no charge is to be made for its distribution.
I have rewritten the program in Delphi so that even users of 486 machines are able to use the program (though a bit slow!). This also means that no additional files will be required as was the case with Visual Basic.



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Download  XWord2 as a Zip file

Sorry, you will have to copy this by hand. This is my attempt at making things more difficult for people trying to harvest email addresses.


Download  Power Archiver (used to unzip files)
( ~2.1Mb)

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Last updated: May 23, 2007

