Gerald J. Stine Ph.D. HIV/AIDS Information Page

Gerald Stine Ph.D. is a college instructor and author of college level genetics and HIV/AIDS text books. Dr. Stine is available for presentations, peer-related training sessions, and as a consultant to school systems who wish to provide HIV/AIDS education. For more information please call (904)641-8979 or send e-mail to Gerald Stine.

"I always knew it would take a long time to educate people, but I never knew it would take this long." Ryan White

Publishers remarks... From the Back Cover "This book requires no prior knowledge of biology, and is the most comprehensive, authoritative, accurate, and up-to-date book on HIV/AIDS currently available as it is updated each and every year. It presents the entire 17-year chronology of the AIDS pandemic in a reasonable, logical, and scientific manner that interweaves biological, clinical, social, and legal discoveries in a uniquely readable presentation. Chapter topics include discovering AIDS, naming the disease; what causes AIDS: origins of the AIDS virus; biological characteristics of the AIDS virus; anti-HIV therapy; the immunology of HIV disease/AIDS; opportunistic infections and cancers associated with HIV disease/AIDS; a profile of biological indicators for HIV disease and progression to AIDS; epidemiology and transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus; preventing the transmission of HIV; prevalence of HIV infections, AIDS cases, and deaths among select groups in the united states; prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS cases among women, children, and teenagers in the united states; testing for human immunodeficiency virus; AIDS and society: knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. For individuals seeking current and detailed coverage of all the facets of the AIDS crisis."

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