Astrophotography I've used negative print films since1993. These are the best films for Astrophotography. How to perform the star drift method of alignment. What type and format cameras are best for Astrophotography. The latest secrets that the best astrophotographers have discovered. Like Why you should use hypered film. How running nitrogen gas thru the camera body prior to an exposure can help your photos.

CCD Imaging I started electronic imaging in 1995. CCD is difficult and not for everyone. One reason for this is a CCD chips see objects much closer than film. Consequentially guiding tolerances are very precise. Your mount must able to track with little error. Some people use a focal reducer to adjust there CCDs pixels sampling rate. My favorite camera is the SBIG ST7 I couple this to a laptop computer and control the CCD camera. Ideally you should focus using a monitor or a Hartman mask. My software of choice for camera control is SkyPro/CCD Soft I then up load the images to my Macintosh for final processing using Adobe Photoshop 4.0.

If you are trying to image in light polluted sky's I recommend using a CCD chip. I limit my usage of film to dark sky sights.

Film Images CCD Images Planetary Misc:

Articles & Products I Use

Links to Experts On Film & CCD Imaging

All of the photographs and text on these pages are © Copyright 1997 by Ian Turner. They may not be reproduced,published,

copied or electronically transmitted on the Internet without my permission.


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