
Total Solar Eclipse, Feb.26,1998 (David Hanon Photo)

Welcome, my name is Bob Johnson aka "StarAstronomer". I am an amateur astronomer and I hope you enjoy my astronomy page and stop back often. You will find many interesting things here with new ones added from time to time. Here is a link to get you started in astronomy with an emphasis on doing it inexpensively! And here is another link where you can find some good used equipment. Also please Visit StarAstronomers' AstroPhoto Page! "Wishing you ALL Clear Skies & Happy Observing!" Check the weather below and see if it will be a good night for stargazing!


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"Live" HA Solar Image!/NSO, Scramento Peak

Members of CV-Helios Network, Norway/Solar Astronomers
Kjell Inge Malde/Founder
Howard Barnes, New Zealand
Jim Carlson, USA
Franky Dubois, Belgium
Bob Evans, New Zealand
Martin Gotz, Germany
Manfred Holl, Germany
Robert Johnson, USA
Fred Martin Kaaby, Norway
German Morales, Bolivia
Joao Porto, Portugal
Antonio Sanchez, Mexico
Wolfgang Strickling, Germany
Vic Winter, USA

Solar Flare eruption(Big Bear Solar Observatory)

Big BearSolar Observatory
Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network
Mees Solar Observatory
National Solar Observatory
San Fernando Observatory
Sea of Galilee Astrophysical Observatory
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory

The Anglo-Australian Observatory
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
European Southern Observatory
W.M. Keck Observatory
Lowell Observatory
Mauna Kea Observatories
Mount Wilson Observatory
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
Mount Palomar Observatory
Royal Greenwich Observatory
U.S. Naval Observatory
Lick Observatory
McDonald Observatory
Yerkes Observatory
MORE Observatories

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This Web Document designed by (c)Robert Johnson, on 16 Aug 1998

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